Help Interpreting a Reading

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Victoria Mnemosyne
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Help Interpreting a Reading

Post by Victoria Mnemosyne »

I did this reading for myself, and perhaps this is why it came out so hazy. I had a 6 card spread to inform me of what the future holds in store for myself and someone I have had a turbulent past with. If anyone has any insight I'd be interested in hearing it.

The first card, representing the past, was Justice.
This card shows a judge in a robe with a dead monster beneath his feet. He holds a fish in one hand, and a sword in each of the other two, held high. The fish I take to represent the emotional/intuitive (water) side and the swords to represent force or a painful change triumphing.

The second card, representing myself, was Judgment.
The card shows a trumpeting angel coming from the clouds over three people in a boat. One clutches a baby to her chest, another prays and a third cowers. I take the card to symbolize coming to terms with the past, but not through ignoring it.

The third card, representing the other person, was Temperance reversed.
The card shows an angelic figure, one foot in the water and one on land, with wings, in front of a sunset, pouring water from a gourd to a shell. I took this to symbolize a lack of smooth mixture, or internal emotional conflict (water).

(All are Major Arcana cards, interestingly enough. The rest are all pentacles.)

The fourth card, representing challenges or negative forces at work, was the 9 of Pentacles. This depicts a wealthy woman walking along a city street while 9 coins glow in the sky around her. Her small winged pet is chained to her side.

The fifth card, representing advantages or positive forces at work, was the King of Pentacles. This card shows a King holding a pentacle. Straightforward :P

The sixth card, for overall outcome, was the 5 of Pentacles. This card shows a woman walking the streets naked, and she finds a church. The church window has 5 glowing pentacles in the yellow stained glass window, forming a cross. The church has an eye underneath that stares at the woman.

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