Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

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Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by summer12 »

Hi guys.

I'm wondering if there are any teas or herbs I can use to help destress myself. I know meditation is the best answer but there are...certain factors (people) that are causing my stress level to rise and don't make it so I can have the time to sit and make a attempt. I am worried about the health issues that are starting to arise from my stress level being so high with no outlet and I was just looking for a little boost to help me get rid of it. Does anyone know of anything?

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Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by Firebird »

Hi summer,...first I wonder if there is a way to remove yourself from the stress? this would be the best choice, but chamomile and valerian work pretty well. The "celestial seasonings" brand has one with both in it. (kinda knocks me out).. feel free to PM me if you need to talk:) ok? Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by MsMollimizz »

I would find a way to remove yourself from the house, if for even a little while.
get the dog and go to the park to de-stress, playing with the dog alone will help
remove some of the stress ! No dog ? Fine, go to the park or some place like
it...sit on the grass, under a tree, or even play in the neighbor's sprinklers
(if you are also experiencing warm weather like in California?)
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Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by Althara »

Lavender's good. Oil or the fresh/dried herb.

Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by Indigo_Pheonix »

#1 GET OUT OF HOUSE! Go to nature, even down the street, look up at trees, hear the wind and the birds, be one with nature. Try to let yourself feel it, and not think about anything, if bad thoughts(the stressors in your life) come, let them go.
#2 Chamomile tea, Celestial Seasons "Sleepy time" tea, helps me.

Comming from experience, I have a husband and 5 yr old, and a load of stress, so I HAVE to get away at least once a week. I go to the park, or just take my dog for a short walk helps.
If you dont have a pet to play with, maybe one of your friends,or family do, animals are great at relieveing stress, and you could visit that friend and pet. Besides, you may end up talking it out with friend and end up feeling better. Never underestimate the power of good friends!

Just my advice. Hope I could help.
Peace and love be with you!

Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by summer12 »

Thanks for the help everyone! I've been working on it but I just can't seem to do anything that will allow me the chance to get out of the house and have some time to myself. But, I will keep trying.
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Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by Firebird »

hey honey, I know It's very difficult, but you need to take care of the "care giver", before you can give more care. Do whatever you can, (hot bath, tea, soothing music, good book, a candle, incense) (when or wherever you can)... OH, can you do some indoor exercises? that might really relieve some tension, Good luck, Love from Firebird
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Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by raynelae »

Hi...I know I'm late but here goes :)
Carrying moontone will help relax you. Blue candles are very soothing, for blue is the color for the element water. Meditating will carry bad emotions away-a good mantra is "Om Mani Padme Hum". Affirmations work well.
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Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by summer12 »

Thanks! I will see if I have any blue candles around, if not I'll have to go find some. :)
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Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by raynelae »

You're welcome :) ritual baths really help you relax too
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Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by EmeraldMist »

What works for me is a nice long hot bath with my favourite oils, lotions, candles, etc. My baths last from an hour to two hours. I play soft soothing music. Sometimes I take my laptop in (I set it on the opposite side of my bathroom of course!) and watch a movie which is usually romance or Eat Pray Love or Practical Magic :)

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Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?


MsMollimizz wrote:
I would find a way to remove yourself from the house, if for even a little while.
get the dog and go to the park to de-stress, playing with the dog alone will help
remove some of the stress ! No dog ? Fine, go to the park or some place like
it...sit on the grass, under a tree, or even play in the neighbor's sprinklers
(if you are also experiencing warm weather like in California?)
Gentle Light

I would like to re iterate the GET OUT OF THE HOUSE example..

2 days ago, I was a ball of stress. My loving fiancé noticed this. I told him it was the Dark Moon and I needed to do ritual, he however, slightly urged me towards a night OUT. I need to thank him. By 2:00am, I was lovingly thanking him on the way home. We just drove, went to the lake. Watched a storm in a distance. Danced under the Dark Moon, Skyclad, .. Walked in some blooming Willow trees, and smelled Gaia in full bloom.. Talked about non important things. Watched lightning bugs. Drove to a convince store, got some snacks, drove back out to the lake, I had some lavender essential oils, and had him rub it on my aching arthritic bones.. We did a bit of making out, (kept it PG) layed down and listened to the water, fish and water life splash, giggle, listen to each other talk about old times...

Getting out of the 4 walls that remind you of obligations, stress, work, life's chores, mounting laundry and dishes, bills, ect. GETTING OUT OG THE HOUSE works wonders... Try it...
It might SUPRISE you!
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Re: Is there anything I can use to help with relaxation?

Post by SnowCat »

Please tell me you weren't skyclad at the convenience store. My poor wittle kitty brain takes stuff like that and runs amok!

Daughter of Sekhmet
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