Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

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Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by Zili »

Anyone have an idea of what I could put in a charm bag or pillow to keep in my pillow case to combat insomnia? I'm not really looking for things I can sniff and fall asleep too because right now i'm battling allergies and sinus issues. I've been struggling with insomnia off and on over the last six years but even more so starting this past march. I logged off of here at 5 minutes after midnight last night to get some sleep for work but I didn't sleep at all. My brain wouldn't switch off. I tried meditating relaxing my body and counting my breaths nothing worked. :(
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Re: Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by Firebird »

Ack Zili, that sucks.
Have you heard that our electronic gismos are causing insomnia in some folks? Something about the light in the tv, computer, phone, i-pad, even digital clocks, mess with the circadian rhythms, and screw up the melatonin release.
One thing that may help is a bath before hand, and maybe an amethyst crystal in your pillow. Keep trying the meditation with some soft music maybe. I hope you find some sleep soon. Blessings, Fire
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Re: Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by Zili »

i haven't heard that. my family and my boyfriend have noticed that I do fall sleep when a tv is running. almost as soon as the tv is turned off I wake up.

I did put an amethyst next to my bed to try and aid me in reconnecting with my spirit guide and other totems the other night so far nothing but with one night having no rest and last night being knocked out from being sick (i think its indoor allergies since i can go outside and start breathing again.)

the insomnia fluxuates sometimes I can get 3 hours of sleep sometimes none other times I have a full night sleep.
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Re: Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by Firebird »

I used to sleep with the tv on, ...and, yep, as soon as someone turns it off >bing< right awake. This was maddening because I would have a terrible time trying to sleep when we went somewhere where there was no tv, (like camping). So about ten or so years ago I weened myself off. I started with putting the timer on the tv, and lessening the time by half an hour over the course of about 6 months. I also had a tree house to sleep in in the summer, and that is what really broke that pattern. So relived, it was like being addicted.
Not only is the tv a problem but the newer, tablets and phone etc...emit light that suppresses melatonin. Here is an article I found. ... 47889.html
Zili, see if you can find other reports about the light affecting sleep, we were meant to sleep in the dark, and we are having a influx of folks walking around like zombies because of the lack of restful sleep. I feel for you dear, there is nothing worse waking up and saying, "sheeze...I'm exhausted." Loving you, Firebird
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Re: Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by Amphitrite »

I have this problem. I use a small sachet of lavender under the pillow, rose quartz on the bedside table, and before I go to sleep I will spend ten/twenty minutes just laying there with my salt lamp lit and listen to some low background music, usually one of my meditation CDs. (my fave is a Rainforest one :) ) I don't try and sleep, I don't try and meditate, I don't think of anything in particular. If I'm thinking of outside stuff too much, I will focus on the salt lamp or my lightshade and give myself an extra few minutes. The lamp goes off, the music stays on, and usually I'm asleep before the end of the CD :)
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Re: Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by Zili »

I'm not sure i could sleep without a light though... I've been afraid of the dark since I was 5 long story short my first sleep over the parents allowed us to watch Polterghist when i was only 5 years old... had nightmares till 8th grade about that movie alone. Now I have a light on near by since I was brutally attacked in the dark 6 years ago. :(

I have been thinking about making myself a sleep mask for the eyes but I haven't had a chance to yet getting bogged down with work and all. I'll see about buying one soon though if I can't find the time to make one.
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Re: Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by lilmizsunshine727 »

Electronics can really mess with you, I agree. sleep masks can be a huge help, I used to have to take meds to sleep otherwise i'd just stay awake for days. Not fun. Anyways, music works for me, or meditating laying down :)
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Re: Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by Amphitrite »

Sorry to hear about your bad experiences in the dark :(

If you can find a salt lamp, you could use this instead of a regular lamp as it negates the negative energy from the electrical activity. They aren't that expensive, I swear by mine! And they can be left on for a long time without overheating, I;ve left mine on (inadvertently) for over 18 hours before with no problems.
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Re: Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by Zili »

I do want a salt lamp I haven't been able to afford one yet I just went back to work "full time" hours last week. A friend suggested getting one to help me with my depression.
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Re: Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by Firebird »

Hi again Zili my friend, I can understand your apprehension in the dark I'm so sorry you were hurt. The eye mask sounds like an excellent idea. Even with that it make take a little time for the circadian rhythm to get back to normal.

I have access to some whole-sale goods and they have salt lamps for tea lights and I pretty sure they have the plug in ones too, I may be able to have one shipped to your house? (pm me if you are interested) Also I found one at a store called "Home Goods" for $12.00 dollars and a slightly larger one for $16.00. Hope you can find one soon.

Wishing restful sleep for M-lady Zili. Blessings,Firebird
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Re: Insomnia Charm Bags or Pillows?

Post by lilmizsunshine727 »

I might have to get one too (maybe an early Yule gift) they sound handy :)
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. -William Shakespeare
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