The Wiccan Nature Meditational Garden

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The Wiccan Nature Meditational Garden

Post by raynelae »

Hello all! I feel a calling to dedicate a part of my backyard to my Wiccan practices. I want to make a meditation garden where I can do meditation and ritual. I thought this would be a good thing to do for Ostara (next year obviously) because it's the start of something new. I would like to plant a willow tree (I have an affinity for them) and various herbs, and would love to decorate with statues of the Goddess and God. Yeah...I know it's not going to happen in one day but I do think it's something that would be nice to do. I think my parents will long as it's my money I'm using haha! So any ideas on just what to put in this garden...any ideas are useful to me!
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Re: The Wiccan Nature Meditational Garden

Post by Firebird »

Yeah Ray! this is the perfect time to do some planning and digging and prep. Plant a little earlier if you can, and if you want to do some bulbs...better get 'em in the ground now. I spent several months planning my garden that I planted in the round. It was 9ft diameter with the herbs growing all around it, next year I added an outer path and it just kept growing and growing. In retrospect, had I known I would be hosting many coven meetings there, I would have made it bigger, but for one it was perfect. I can hardly wait to hear what you want to plant. Blessings, Firebird
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Re: The Wiccan Nature Meditational Garden

Post by raynelae »

Okay :) I'm really excited about this. I was waiting until Ostara because the frost will kill the plants where I live if you plant before then...should I still plant earlier? I'm new to gardening...all I've planted has been potted herbs lol.
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Re: The Wiccan Nature Meditational Garden

Post by Firebird »

Ooops, I forget about folks that have actual seasons, sorry Ray.
Start reading about the plants you want to put in. I had a damp shady area and an area that was real dry. So when I was researching the plants I had to figure out which ones would work best in those areas. The sun will hit different parts of the yard in the summer and winter. Remember your shade will grow next to a north facing wall in the winter. Also, some plants don't do well when planted next to each other, and some plants thrive when planted in close proximity to one another. When you go reading about the plants you want to put in, they should tell you when is a good time to plant and if they are frost tolerant. When planting with the moon cycle, a rule of thumb is plant on the waxing side of the moon and do you weeding and clean up at the waning time. There is a ton more tings I could say on the matter but you will find out after you start this project. Lemme tell you this though, gardening was the biggest lesson in patience I ever got. Get ready to wait.
Blessings! Firebird
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Re: The Wiccan Nature Meditational Garden

Post by raynelae »

Oh I know about the patience lol! Thank you for your help :)
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Re: The Wiccan Nature Meditational Garden

Post by Firebird »

sheez, I sure didn't. every day I would go and look, and think....hummmm. they haven't gotten any bigger. But before I knew it, I was trimming like a mad woman. I really had a-lot of herbs to harvest, it was great fun. I took photo documentation of the progress, which I was really glad I did. There you could really see the fruits of your labor, and how it changed and grew over the years. I miss that garden, the yard I have now is about 3 times smaller and full of trees and shade. I asked one nurseryman, what can you plant under a pine, he looked at me with a strait face and said...a rock. I'm so excited for you, do check back with your progress. BB, Fire
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
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