Afraid to fly:/

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Afraid to fly:/

Post by Firebird »

Ok this may sound pretty silly...I think I'm afraid to fly :oops: I used to fly with my Dad ALL the time, in his little plane (Cessna 182) and that did NOT bother me one bit. But big jets are another story. I think I have only flown in a jet maybe twice in the past 15 years, and both times where pretty white knuckler.
Now my Mom has asked me to fly with her to Arizona to visit her Sister in a couple weeks. I panicked and told her I don't know if I can fly :shock: We could maybe drive, but I don't know if either of us has the time to do that.
Even before my Dad died he used to say flying is safer than driving....I dunno...I'm feeling like a real wimp. I had a pretty serious panic attack when driving down the coast from Monterey Ca. to Big Sur. (if anyone knows that road maybe you know what I'm talking about..part of the road has slid down the mountain into the ocean, and it is one lane with a traffic signal, alternating north bound and south bound traffic to flow)
I feel like I am letting my Mother down, sheeze...I been to Hawaii 3 times and was thrilled, but that seems like a different lifetime ago.
I'm really sad, my Aunt and Uncle aren't young and this may be a last opportunity to see my Uncle as his health is failing. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about the reasons why I don't know if I can fly.
Any advise?, thoughts?, encouragement?
I have to make a decision in a couple of days.....
Firebirddoesn't fly???? :cry:
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Re: Afraid to fly:/

Post by Eric1283 »

Just look at it like this if it is your time to go it will happen no mater where you are but statistically speaking it is much safer to fly than to drive. I have flown several times and trust me I have had a lot more close calls driving. I love to fly I feel completely safe flying and it really is safe. Planes go through a lot of inspections to make sure they are safe. I find it very relaxing being able to look out at the tops of the clouds it is really beautiful. Just another prospective on the beauty of this wonderful world.
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Re: Afraid to fly:/

Post by Firebird »

Thank you for that Eric, I believe I have made a decision to go...maybe...shizer!! looks like I am still on the fence...There is a layover in Vegas :shock: I think if I go it will have to be a strait shot, perhaps a stiff drink before hand will help, I don't know why this is so hard...I guess 911 kinda blew my mind. I was always in the front seat of Dads plane and could take the controls whenever, there was a point when I thought I would be a pilot .....>sigh< A jet is totally different than a prop plane. anyway thanks for listening blue_flee
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Re: Afraid to fly:/

Post by Eric1283 »

No problem, and a drink may help lol. Or a nice sleeping pill then sleep through the whole thing lol anyway good luck in whatever decision you make.
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Afraid to fly:/

Post by Violet »

You have my sympathy! I used to have a great fear of flying. It grew worse with each flight. The site helped me enormously before a flight to Alaska, and I have no more fear of it.

One thing that helps me a lot is to plan all the stuff I'm going to do on the flight. Reading, writing, cross stitch. I make a point to treasure the quiet time before the trip.

There's a particular ascended master who's more accessible in the air. I have been longing to try to speak to him, especially given my new interest in life forms on other planets.

Is there something spiritual you can do in the air that you can't do on the ground? That might be something special to look forward to.
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Re: Afraid to fly:/

Post by Firebird »

Thanks again you two, I really appreciate the input. Well, I did it! we booked a flight, I'm outta here on Easter Sun! Whew...I did it. I'm actually going, there is no backing out, because there is no refunds :twisted: We got a pretty good deal, my boss gave me a $100.00 dollar gift card...(he gets them all the time from Southwest, as he was in a plane crash with Southwest so they give him vouchers for life).
Violet, I will think about that being in the air, as a different angle to approaching a spiritual quest...very interesting perspective, thanks.
Hope I get a window, I just love the view from above, and trying to figure out landmarks and such, like google earth! ...only live!
We leave very early in the AM, so if I have a drink, I will get the hairy eyeball from Mom...we'll see blue_dozey
Blessings!, Firebird
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Re: Afraid to fly:/ well I'm outta here!

Post by Firebird »

Am leaving in the early AM to catch this plane to AZ. I really really appreciate everyone who chimed in here, I know it will just have to be an In-the-moment kind of thing, and I will be fine.
I see there is a BUNCH of new people here and I don't have time to say hi to everyone just here is a great big hello and hi how are ya! to Everyone!!! I will try to catch up with ya'll when I return. Thanks again and (boy howdy) aloha!
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Re: Afraid to fly:/

Post by SnowCat »

Here's a big purry furry hug to take with you. I'll make a point of watching for you in the astral tonight and in the morning. I have lots of friends there. They'll help.

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Re: Afraid to fly:/

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Have a wonderful trip!!!!!!

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Re: Afraid to fly:/

Post by raynelae »

Hve fun!!! You can do it!
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