Ringing in the ears~~~ I need a bit of help

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Ringing in the ears~~~ I need a bit of help


Apologies, don't know where to put this...

Someone told me it was tenitis?(sp)

But I have an almost constant ringing in my ears, and I don't want to go to the damn dr AGAIN and take more pills or drops again...
I'm so tired of western meds...

Is there anything I can do to get rid of this?

I lalready hear whispers of deceased loved ones, (and see them) ... This keeps me up at night. I have to turn on tv as background white noise to make it not so unbearable.
Sometimes it gets REALLY loud too.

I'd be grateful!

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Re: Ringing in the ears~~~ I need a bit of help

Post by Firebird »

Oh bummer Mama...boy can I relate, I have had a very high pitch for as long as I can remember. For the most part I don't think about it ...until it is quiet in the house, ...then it is deafening. Recently I developed a lower tone on the right side of my head, ...wha..? I had no idea you could have two different tones. I turn on the radio at night and listen to classical music which only helps minimally because if it too loud then the other people in the house can hear it... but is a different sound to focus on. I have heard of lipo-flavonoids but have yet to try it,...the new tone is soo weird I went and had a hearing test...nothing there to speak of,... even had the gas company out to check, thought it sounded like gas or water leaking, the gas man thought I was a fruit loop. Kinda felt like one after he left.
I have also noticed lack of good sleep will make it worse, as well as not feeling well or emotionally stressed and drained... or taking too much aspirin will make it real bad.
I think I will check out the lipo's
I'll let you know what happens with them, or let me know if you try them, how it works for you
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Ringing in the ears~~~ I need a bit of help


On a forum I'd rather not even talk about, they mentioned that maybe I could hear the hum of electricity ....but it's a real high pitch.
And I do hear electricity, it has a real low hum.
I had gone to hearing doc, and all checked out, so that's why I came here. I did some basic tests, they ruled out tenitis.
At some specific times I hear whispers of the passed. I'm wondering if these two are connected. But I'm not sure.
Guess I should get my pendulum out, it may help answer some of my questions.
I just sometimes like to go through "normal avenues" of answers before I look to the metaphysical ones.
I will let you know.
Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one.

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Re: Ringing in the ears~~~ I need a bit of help

Post by Firebird »

Interesting...I have had a couple of bouts of a ring that was much higher than the everyday one....it was like a scream, and through the scream I could here the people in the house next door talking...it wasn't really clear, more like mumbling.
I am very disheartened about the lower pitch, I thought it was location specific and then when I was in AZ, I noticed I could hear it there too:(
I had a friend suggest "star seed" was an explanation.
Tell me how the pendulum works out...
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Ringing in the ears~~~ I need a bit of help

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Sometimes I get ringing when I scry for a long time with my yellow calcite crystal ball which is the ball which has the more yetziritic/ethereal vibe to it. (I have 6). It is the most soothing beautiful ball though and I would highly recommend it as a beginner ball as its easy to see light and colour in it.

Regarding the ringing - You have recently had a cold? - google viral labyrinthitis. Lasts a few weeks, no treatment, gets better on its own.

As for the whisperings - tell them to shut up, go away and leave you alone while you recover :). Or give them a task to do - ? ? rain creation ?

Mama may I ask what crystal your pendulum is ?

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Re: Ringing in the ears~~~ I need a bit of help


No allergy or head colds, this has been going on for years, but getting worse since Dec.. I got an 1/2 ish answer that sometimes its souls passed trying to talk and I just can't hear the pitch.

Another time it said it was a hum from a different demention (my friends suggestion to ask).. But I think it's a combo of all those and electricity.. And Gaia's Energy.. Working... I have becoming more connected with Earth since Persephone was guided out of Hades by Hecate to see her mother, and came back for mom, and Spring has Erupted here in the south, with the Warmth of Helios making the plants Awaken...

Blessings, and thank you all so very much. For being here for me, for helping. For thinking of ways I can look at this objectively.

Your friendships here, are helpful and cherished. Thank you all, may the Gods and Goddesses bless you all
Thank you.
May the endless light of our Creators reach you far and wide.

This has come to me also through much meditation too.
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Re: Ringing in the ears~~~ I need a bit of help

Post by SnowCat »

Too much aspirin can cause tinnitus. Labarynthitis is an inner ear disorder that can become chronic. Sometimes it can be helped by various head tilting exercises to rearrange the particles floating in the inner ear. I've heard various noises for years. Sometimes it's music playing, sometimes it's people talking. Some years ago, I heard a newscast that Tony Blair had been shot. He was Prime Minister of England at the time, and what I heard didn't happen in this dimensiin. More recently, U've heard odd humming noises, squeals, unidentifiable bird calls. I think some of us are able to hear things from beyond our own dimension.

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Ringing in the ears~~~ I need a bit of help

Post by MistressOfTheMoon »

This is an interesting post, as just a few weeks ago I was researching about clairaudience. I was afraid of becoming clairaudient but feel that I am inclined to it because there were some instances in my life where I would hear a voice when no one was around :shocked:

Anyway, what I found out that constant ringing in the ears is a sign that you are developing clairaudience, which makes a lot of sense since you say you are hearing people that departed this world.

What I would suggest is getting a second and third opinion from a medical professional first before considering the possibility that you are indeed becoming clairaudient :)
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