Herb of the Month - Thyme

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Herb of the Month - Thyme

Post by hedge* »

Thyme ( Thymus vulgaris )

Click the link below to see a picture of Thyme

http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/albums ... /thyme.jpg

And when you've stopped laughing click the link below to see a real picture of Thyme :D


" Will ye go lassie go, and we'll all go together, to pluck wild mountain Thyme, all around the blooming . Will ye go lassie go"

This is what springs to my mind when I think of this Herb. I really haven't had much experience with this Plant, even though I have some growing in my garden. So I am learning as much about it as anyone. Please add anything you can think of that I've missed out, as I'm sure I have.

Medicinal Properties

• Antiseptic
• Tonic
• Expectorant
• Antispasmodic

The volatile oil of Thyme is strongly antiseptic and can be used as an internal and external disinfectant. It is ideal to use for treating fungal infections and an infusion can be taken for minor throat and chest infections. For coughs make an infusion using 25g of fresh or dried Herb to 1 pint of boiling water, let simmer in a lidded container for 10 mins and drink up to 5 cups a day. You can also make a wonderful cough syrup by taking equal amounts of the infusion and mixing it with Honey. Infuse the Thyme for 15 mins, strain through a muslin cloth squeezing out as much liquid as possible. Pour into a pan and add the Honey ( I used 500ml of infusion with 500g of Honey ). Gently heat, stirring continuously, until all the Honey has dissolved, remove from heat and leave to cool. Pour into sterilized bottles using a cork stopper to seal and store in a cool, dark place. Can be stored for up to 6 months. Take 20ml 3 times a day.
For sore throats you can chew the fresh Leaves ( COOL!)
For fungal infections such as athletes foot;mix 5 drops of the essential oil with 1 teaspoon of Marigold ointment and apply 1-2 times a day. As a general remedy for all fungal infections such as thrush and ringworm mix 2 parts Echinacea tincture to 1 part Thyme tincture and take 1 teaspoon twice a day with water. Please research this method prior to using as I can’t be held accountable.

You can apply the freshly squeezed juice from the Leaves to alleviate itching from insect bites. And to ease an aching back, make an infusion using 25g of Herb to 750ml boiling water, strain and add to your bath. Soak for 20 mins. This will also act as a stimulant.


Do not take the essential oil internally and do not use the essential oil during pregnancy!

Magical Properties:

Emotional balance, to help align balance between give and take, promotes health,purification, protection, inner strength and emotional courage
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Post by Orion »

Ah, this one looks neat and potent :P

Nifty way to help with sore throats, a replacement for those little candies.
THis is defiently a very medical herb :)

Thanks for the great info as usual =)
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Thanks Hedge! I am growing some of this on the deck and it is coming up gorgeous. Very Thymeley post! grn1


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Post by Vicki* »

Thankyou so much for sharing your knowledge :D
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Post by hedge* »

being-singular-plural wrote:Very Thymeley post! grn1



It actually occurred to me whilst deciding what Herb to do this month, that Thyme is something I've allways had in my garden yet never used medicinally!!!
Go figure! :?
So I am dedicating myself to this mysterious Plant for the next few months.
A Thymely post for both of us bsp :wink:

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Post by AnuChild »

I've used the essential oil (I love essential oils) and it's amazing. It also helps with bug bites - it takes out the itch and makes the swelling go down. The same goes if you prick yourself on thistle (which I do).
Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill:
For there the mystical brotherhood
Of sun and moon and hollow and wood
And river and stream work out their will.

W. B. Yeats, Into the Twilight

Post by Heaven_and_Earth »

WE used Thyme in our soup for our cooking competition, I adored it:D got an 8k scholarship for that meal we prepared that night:D
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