Aura Healing

Discussion of healing and energy work. (We have a new forum for Prayer Requests. It's down in the Member's Nook.)
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Aura Healing

Post by mutualhelp »

Can anyone kindly give me some tips on aura healing like the best book to read?

Or what is your favorite ways for healing others and ourselves?


Thanks everyone!

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Re: Aura Healing

Post by EmberWolf »

Merry meet! I don't usually do this, but I know a "spell" for aura healing. You put your hand over the wound and swipe back and forth, visioning negative energy being thrown off of it. I think you're supposed to say something every third swipe, but I don't remember. Afterwards, envision a red pentagram over the negative energy on the ground, so it cannot return. I hope this helps. Blessed be!
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It sinks, and I am ready to depart.

Re: Aura Healing

Post by mutualhelp »

Hi EmberWolf,
Thank you so much!

Re: Aura Healing

Post by abdul »

Which types of infections can this spell heal?
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Re: Aura Healing

Post by raynelae »

I would do some chakra healing. This will heal your aura. The book Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith is a wonderful book if you decide to work with your chakras. Besides that, regular grounding and meditation will heal your aura.
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Re: Aura Healing

Post by Lillady »

I defintely agree with Raynelae! When we experience strong emotions or trauma, we alter our energy body. Trauma, frustration, anger, jealousy and even intense love can cause a form of "energetic congestion" to be stored in your chakras and body. When this congestion gets stored in your chakras, it can manifest as physical pain or ailments, and even block you from creating a satisfying life. When you have congested energy in your physical body, it can manifest as tension, headaches, and general aches and pains. Our Aura as a result can be damaged I highly recommend a Aura cleansing bath. I have posted below the steps to doing so. Blessed Be!

The aura cleansing bath is a simple yet effective method to help clean your aura. These techniques in combination with the other meditations and techniques make an extremely effective method of balancing and strengthening your personal energies. Together, they provide a solid foundation. Things you’ll need:


•Sea salt
•20-60 minutes

•Bath Oil
•Soothing Meditation Music
Preparation: You may wish to review one of the aura cleansing meditations on the site. Take a quick shower to clean off some of the ‘psychic dirt’ you have picked up during the day. Make sure you have a safe place for your incense and candles. Decide whether you want to have the incense burning during your bath or for a few minutes before your bath. You don’t want the incense to be overpowering, but the aroma of the incense should fill the room. If you choose to use candles, start off with either white or blue. Prepare the bathtub by rinsing it with water. Then sprinkle a bit of sea salt and rinse it out again. Keep in mind that while this is an aura cleansing bath, its also a bath, and should be relaxing and enjoyable.

The Aura Cleansing Bath:

Step 1: Preparing the water

After your plug is securely in place, sprinkle some sea salt where the water lands. For the first minute or two, fill the tub with hot water to dissolve the sea salt. Be careful not to burn yourself. Once the sea salt has dispersed, adjust the water to a comfortable temperature. Make sure that the water is the right temperature (not too hot). When the tub is sufficiently filled, sprinkle a small amount of sea salt across the surface of the water and wait a few moments before hopping in.

Step 2: Relax, enjoy

An important part of the aura cleansing bath is to relax. The candles and incense should create an atmosphere that is very relaxing and soothing. Take the time to really enjoy your time alone.

Step 3: Cleaning your energies

When you are ready, begin the meditation to clean and balance your aura. Take several minutes to really do a good job. Then start draining the water from the tub. As the water starts to drain, lie down and feel the flow of the water. As you feel the water draining away, visualize a black cloud of energy being drawn away from you; feel it swirling away from you, down the drain. Wait until all the water has drained from the tub, and a few minutes longer.

Step 4: Finishing up

Carefully hop out of the tub and dry off. Then take at least a minute or two to complete a quick cleaning of your aura once again with the aura cleansing meditation. Now you can blow out your candles, put out the incense, and slip into some nice clean clothes. You have cleansed your aura.

Notes on incense: These types of incense tend to work better than others for the cleansing bath:

•Dragon’s Blood
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