What if I Don't Have an Ingredient or Tool that I Need?

Frequently asked questions about witchcraft, Wicca, magick, paganism, and the occult. Subjects include love spells, Ouija boards, curses, Law of Attraction, and what to do if you don't have the needed tools, ingredients, altar, etc.

How do you feel about Correspondences?

Magical properties belong to the item itself - naturally.
All that matters is the spellcaster’s intent - No ingredients/items necessary
Just props- Aids focusing your intent
Not needed but preferred
Necessary to use Correspondences
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What if I Don't Have an Ingredient or Tool that I Need?

Post by Alura Noel »

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I'm not sure how to ask my question in a short and sweet manner, so be prepared.

From my understanding, most people that are wiccan/some other pagan views belief that each plant or object (crystals etc) has a magical correspondence. Each thing has an energy which affects people in certain ways. Like Allspice is used to attract love and money. Or say combining certain herbs to cause a desired effect, all based on its magical properties.

So, say I have a creative essay to write but I don't feel motivated and have writers block. So for a solution to that, I could infuse oil with Snapdragon- (will force, creative expression, clairaudience) and say put the oil on a cloth and keep it with me or possibly put it in a oil burner or whatever. But by doing so, it would help me with writing my paper.

Is that possible? Is that how witchcraft works?

I have lists and lists of correspondences and a lot of research and theories, but is that how it works? I have gathered a lot of info about that sort but don't really know how to put it into practice.

I'm looking for everyone's thoughts on it and what you guys belief about Plants and objects magical properties. Or anything thats kinda has to do with this.

Alura :evilwitch:

Thought I would add a poll onto this thread for people who are shy about posting, so please vote! :fairy:
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Re: Magical Correspondences

Post by Xiao Rong »

It kind of depends on how you understand magic to work. Some believe that the magical properties belong to the item itself (for example, basil naturally contains magic for prosperity), or that by using certain ingredients you are pleasing a certain deity such that they are inclined to grant your request. But there are plenty of us (myself included) who believe that it's the intent of the spellcaster that matters, not the nature of the ingredient itself. The ingredients themselves are just tools to help you channel your intent; having the "correct" color candle, flower, herb, crystal, etc., can put you in the correct mood for the spell or help you imagine the result of the spell, but in a pinch, they are not strictly necessary. For example, if your intent is strong enough, you don't need rose petals for a love spell (although the imagery associated with roses is very helpful in terms of getting you in the mood for romance); hypothetically, you can use any flower.
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Re: Magical Correspondences

Post by DPhoenix »

Alura wrote:Is that possible? Is that how witchcraft works?

Alura :evilwitch:
Witchcraft (as I understand it) is powered by energy from the caster, nature and/or deities. How you mix & match them will depend on the type of spells/rituals you create.

If you rely simply on your own energy, you'll want to focus a lot on meditation, visualization (of the outcome you want) & energy manipulation. I highly recommend Qigong as it incorporates meditation & energy manipulation.

If you rely on nature you'll want to attune yourself to the energy/vibrations of the materials you use. By tuning into these vibrations you will begin to change your 'magnetic' vibe to attract the desired result.

If you rely on deities you'll want to build a good relationship with them through prayer, service and offerings.
Alura wrote:So, say I have a creative essay to write but I don't feel motivated and have writers block. So for a solution to that, I could infuse oil with Snapdragon- (will force, creative expression, clairaudience) and say put the oil on a cloth and keep it with me or possibly put it in a oil burner or whatever. But by doing so, it would help me with writing my paper.
You could try it! No one can promise that a spell will work, that depends on you. Some people find that simple spells work best for them, others find that more in depth spells suit them. You need to find what works for you which means trying different things until you figure out what resonates with you.

As far as correspondences go, you could create your oil on the waxing or full moon which supports artistic creation. You could make a simple oil to rub on your temples when you feel writer's block. When you have writer's block you could write down everything you're stressed out about & burn it. You could meditate and clear your mind, visualize yourself writing & completing your book, you could pray to your deity for inspiration. Next time you have a burst of creativity you could use a quartz crystal & program it with creativity so when you get writer's block you can retrieve some of that energy.

Do what feels right and resonates with you.
I hope that helps! Good luck & Goddess Bless! <3
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Re: Magical Correspondences

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

They're all pretty much props in the same sense that ritual is psychodrama.
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Re: Magical Correspondences

Post by Alura Noel »

Thank you guys for your opinions. That's really helpful. So I guess then, why even bother with correspondences? I understand you say that it is a prop. But why bother with the props if you can just do it all without those?

There are books upon books that are pretty much dedicated to correspondences... They make it seem like they matter but does it truly then?
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Re: Magical Correspondences

Post by DPhoenix »

Alura wrote:Thank you guys for your opinions. That's really helpful. So I guess then, why even bother with correspondences? I understand you say that it is a prop. But why bother with the props if you can just do it all without those?
You can, people who practice the Law of Attraction do it all the time; however, I believe that when you use 'props' you're tapping into the vibration of the tools you use which adds power to what it is you're trying to attract into your life.

Another way of thinking about it is that it helps to get your subconscious on board. When you get your conscious and subconscious self on the same frequency you're able to draw things to you faster and more efficiently.
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Re: Magical Correspondences

Post by North Star »

I love magickal correspondences, even though I believe the magick is in you, not the tools. For me they help focus the intention. My strongest spells and rituals have been with no tools. Many witches do not use tools, some just enjoy working with them.

But no, IMO using herbs or other tools are not the magick. Props, tools, it is a way to focus your intent. Even crystals, they surely hold energy but they do not do the job themselves. You have to believe in it and want it. There is no magick potion or oil or herb, in my opinion, that will make magick happen for you. I love using tools for things like dream pillows, attraction or confidence philters (I call them philters I think they are called charms now or something else...but you get the point). Holding a crystal when anxiety hits, that crystal wont relax you, but the energy you believe comes from it helps.

They can be very useful in many ways though besides just 'spells'... natural home remedies, aromatherapy, tea, beauty and cleansing rituals, cooking... it really depends on how you use stuff and the intention. You can put magick in all of that. If you beleive in it and set your mind to it, sure it helps. Candle colors, days of the week and moon phases as well, they can help with an intention but you dont need to wait until Friday of waxing moon to do a love spell. I think it is very useful to know this stuff, so don't think it is a waste at all. You might just need to focus on your mind power before expecting those things to do anything for you though.
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Re: Magical Correspondences

Post by Firebird »

The groove you ingrain in the brain responds well to the symbiotic relationship of "likes".

Try magic with correspondences ...
try magic without correspondences...
Which produces the better, quicker, more desirable outcome? Which felt special, energized, and powerful? It all really boils down to how it makes you feel. If you are getting what you need out of it, then that's all you need.
Keeping in mind the saying, "you get out of it what you put into it."
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Re: Magical Correspondences

Post by Starwitch »

I had to sticky this topic too. It has so much great information in it. A lot of witches need to know exactly what you guys are talking about here. I frequently get questions from people who don't have all the tools or ingredients to perform a spell they found on the site. I'd love to someday rewrite all the spells with better explanations but there are hundreds of them and it's a big job. So I'll just send them here to read this and the Law of Attraction thread so they can get a better idea of how magick works and why you don't necessarily have to have all the items that a particular spell calls for. Many of us combine New Age beliefs with our Wiccan/pagan beliefs. That may not appeal to people from a more indigenous/traditional background, but it works for the majority of Western witches.
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by Starwitch »

I changed the title of this thread. It's not entirely appropriate for the question that was asked, but I wanted to attract the attention of people who have questions about ingredients or tools that are called for in particular spells.

Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by AutumnGirl »

IMO, the correspondences are just another tool to focus your intention. If the correspondences don't deep down mean anything to you (a specific correspondence, I mean), they won't hit you in the emotions center and therefore won't add to the spell.

Correspondences are partially cultural, and partially personal. For example, pink means love to many people in modern western culture. So when you see pink, you think of love. It helps your focus and your intention. But suppose you come from a culture where pink means something else? Or what if you have a deep memory of pink flowers on your grandmother's grave, so you automatically associate pink with death? In such cases, "pink" won't help you focus on love as an intention.

In some cultures, white is associated with death. That's the opposite of what you'd normally use as a correspondence when using white, in western culture. Or, to us, white may bring to mind marriage and weddings. But in some cultures, white is the color of death.

So IOW...I don't personally believe all correspondences are universal and that they will automatically "work" to tap into a specific energy. If a correspondence works for you, if it DOES make you think of your intention, then use it. If not, leave it out.

To me, 99% of magic is in the focus and the intention.

I hope at least some of this made sense, it's late and I'm tired. :lol:
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by Alura Noel »

Thank you guys for your opinions. It is definitely helpful with helping me develop some of my own opinions. :)

So a bit more on the correspondences thing, I have been looking into this a little bit more and came across this. It looks interesting a bit. This is what it said...

What do you guys think about this? Do any of you do this or something similar?


Correspondences: Figuring it Out For Yourself

Many years ago, people had no microscopes or laboratories to tell them what to use a certain plant for. They relied on shamanic practitioners and their own daring to discover the properties and uses of the plant life that grew around them.

Here is an exercise to help you see what it must have been like for early humans learning about our world.

* Choose one culinary herb, your choice, fresh if possible but dried is fine. It will be best if you choose a herb you do not know much about, just head on over the grocery or fresh greens shop and choose a bundle of fresh (or dried) herbs that strikes your fancy.

* You will want your notebook handy. Take a moment to clear your mind and relax. Gently touching the herb, feel free to say any prayer, blessing or charm in gratitude for this gift from the earth. Now take some of the herb in your hands and close your eyes.

*Breathe slowly and deeply until you are relaxed. Try to turn as much of your focus and attention on the herb.

* With respect, ask the herb to share with you its nature, it’s energies, its purpose. Be still and calm and just let any feeling impressions and such drift across your consciousness for a while. Remember to keep your attention focused on the herb. Write down any thoughts, feelings and impressions you have about the herb.

* Put some of the herb in your hand and just look at it for a few minutes. Go ahead and write single words, anything that goes through your mind about the herb. Feel free to draw if your are an artist.

* Spend sometime considering what the lifecycle of this plant must be, where it might like to grow, what sort of soil it would prefer?

* Rub a few leaves against your cheek and through your fingertips. Write down any thoughts, feelings and impressions you have about the herb.

* Now smell the herb a few times, taking slow deep breaths. Pinch some and rub it between your fingertips as you smell. How would you describe the smell? Any feelings associated with the smell, or when breathing in the herb’s scent?

* Put some of the bruised herb on your tongue, and move it around your mouth. Focus on how it tastes. (You can rinse your mouth and spit it out if you want) How would you describe the taste? Any feelings associated with having the herb in your mouth?

* Crush some of the herb and mix it with a small amount or warm water. Mix into a paste. Now rub that paste on the inside of an elbow. Leave there for as long as you like (at least a few minutes), and concentrate on that area with the herbs on it. Then wipe off. Feel your skin there, your energies there. Write down any thoughts, feelings and impressions you have.

* Boil a small amount of water and then add your chosen culinary herb to the water, making a tea. You can use a tea ball or some such thing, or just let a small amount of the herb float in the cup. Once the tea is steeped, drink it. Going through the same observations, as before, how does it taste, would it be better with honey or sugar? Would you ever drink it again? Write anything down.

* Thank the herb for sharing its lore with you as its last act. With the remnants, you may eat them, compost them, give the back to the land in some way, make incense etc…

* Now go and research this herb! Compare what you felt in the exercise with what you discover as you research. Can you find it growing or planted anywhere? From your backyard, to the woodland outside the city, to a planter in a garden store …

Need some ideas of what sort of info to look for? Below is a list of suggestions, you can go as in depth as you’d like. A good place to start is just by putting the chosen food and the info you want such as “Peach parts used” or “Rice Cultivation” into a search engine.

Info Outline

Common Name:
Botanical or Scientific Name:
Other Names:
Genus and Species:
Type (tree, flower, herb etc):
Climate and Habitat:
Soil Preference:
Places Commonly Found:
Places I have Found In Wild:
Parts Used:
Poisonous Parts:
Safety and Warnings:
Bouquet (aroma):
Magickal Gender:
Celestial Bodies/Zodiac:
Special Date or Holidays:
Medicinal Uses:
Medicinal Actions:
Magickal/Ritual Properties:
Aromatherapy and Essential Oil:
Culinary Uses:
Mythology and Folklore:
Other Uses:
Other Notes:
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by Magus caster »

They are preferred but you have to either have the real deal or a closely related substitute. So instead of using a bat's wing, maybe you could use a butterfly's wing or a bird's wing. As long as you have a substitute. It also depends on the type of spell that you are casting or the ritual that you are doing. If you're doing black magic or voodoo you need to have the real ingredients and the exact amount that's needed. That type of magic is very delicate and specific. When you are doing binding spells or some types of weather spells you can replace the ingredients with others. It also depends on your intent. Like when you're doing magic that involves the gods and goddesses you need to have a good enough offering/sacrifice to get the exact strong magical results that you might be looking for.
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by DPhoenix »

Alura wrote:Thank you guys for your opinions. It is definitely helpful with helping me develop some of my own opinions. :)

So a bit more on the correspondences thing, I have been looking into this a little bit more and came across this. It looks interesting a bit. This is what it said...

What do you guys think about this? Do any of you do this or something similar?

If you try this please make sure they're edible!

It's sounds like a good exercise to get to know the herbal correspondences and to subtly work on your psychic abilities. If it's something you want to do go for it! :)
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by Xiao Rong »

Alura wrote: So a bit more on the correspondences thing, I have been looking into this a little bit more and came across this.
I think this is a really great guide! I would also like to add that you are welcome to add your own, much more personal magical correspondences. For example, maybe your favorite flower evokes a special memory or sensation in you (for example, dandelions represent hope and resilience for me, so I would use it in personal rituals for strength and renewing hope).

Actually, one of the most interesting things I've read is about making up your own elemental / directional correspondences to orient yourself geographically to where you live. A personal example: in most guides, the element water is traditionally associated with the cardinal direction, West. However, I have always lived on the East Coast, and we've mostly got land to our west, but the Atlantic Ocean is to our east. So in my book (of Shadows), water corresponds to the East, because it just makes the most sense to my home, regardless of the "official" correspondence.

I think creating your own magical correspondences can be a really powerful tool for exploring your own psyche as well as your home, your love life, etc.
~ Xiao Rong ~ 小蓉 ~ Little Lotus ~
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