Herb of the Month-Marjoram

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Herb of the Month-Marjoram

Post by hedge* »

Marjoram( Origanum vulgare)

Click the link below to see a picture of Marjoram:

http://bellquel.scuole.bo.it/scuole/ser ... re%201.jpg

Just to confuse you, most jars and packets of dried Oregano are actually Marjoram. They are as close in species as to allow this but their healing and magical properties are the same. There are only 50 species of true Marjoram so if you know the botanical name; research that. Origanum vulgare is commonly known as wild Marjoram and is used more widely in Herbal medicine than sweet Marjoram (Origanum marjorana ).

Medicinal Properties:

• Anti-spasmodic
• Anti-septic
• Digestive

To alleviate aching muscles and backache, rub on diluted Marjoram oil, 1 part essential oil to 2 parts carrier oil. It will also help ease abdominal pain and cramps.
To clear excess mucus and open lung airways add 4-5 drops of essential oil into a basin of boiled water and rest your head over the basin with a towel draped over your head and the bowl. Inhale the steam for 10 minutes.
Marjoram is brilliant at easing mental stress as it soothes and calms the mind and de-sensitises the area of the brain that handles emotions, this can help lift depression. Massage the oil (1 part essential oil to 2 parts carrier oil) to the temples, this can also ease headaches.
You can sprinkle the dried Leaves onto coldsores.
Make an infusion of Marjoram (1 heaped teaspoonful of Herb to 1 pint of boiling water) and sip a glassful after a meal to elleviate indigestion and trapped wind.
Marjoram increases white blood corpsucles and improves circulation.
Make an infusion of the Herb (same amounts as above) and as hot as you can bear, hold the tea in your mouth to ease toothache.

Magical Properties:

Sacred to Venus, use to increase compassion, open the heart chakra, overcome irrational fear and paranoia, to help gain perspective, used for grounding and protection.

Do not use if pregnant!!!!
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