Maybe you know this book?

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Maybe you know this book?

Post by Artemis »

This isn't a book review. It's more like a question to find out more about it.

Back during my elementary school years, I happened by chance to find a specific book within our schools library. It wasn't your ordinary book. I don't even know why it was even in a school for kids K-6. A physical description of the book is as follows, hard cover, an aged very pale yellow-greenish color. No title, just a simple small image at the very top, centered in red and blue. At least the colors I remember the most. Looked kinda like a solid form of smoke, if you can even understand what I mean by that. Like something fusing together in a grotesque way.

Curious I pulled it out and checked the back in case there was a book summary or anything. Nothing. I flipped through the pages and found out that in my hands I held a book on witchraft. Now I'm not sure what type of witchcraft it was focused on, but judging by the fact that in it held a pretty detailed way to see demons, complete with an image of the circle you were to draw and everything, I'm sure it wasn't the good kind. Of course I didn't notice that then. I was more in awe that there was a book like this in the library. I ended up checking it out. I had planned on reading the whole thing, but instead I ended up just looking through bits of it. I'm not sure why in the end I didn't read it, but when I tried looking for it again I never did find it.
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Re: Maybe you know this book?

Post by Firebird »

Wish I did, sounds intriguing...
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
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― RWEmerson

Re: Maybe you know this book?

Post by Lightbringer »

How mysterious! At first I thought maybe someone had left it there for someone else to pick up by chance, but since you checked it out, it must have been part of the library's inventory...

I'm pretty good at searching for things so I'll see if I can find it on Amazon. I wish you could search for books by their covers!

Just a thought...maybe it was a book of goetic magic? Perhaps you could look up "goetia" and see if that rings a bell.
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Re: Maybe you know this book?

Post by Lillady »

It is possible it was a sign for you at that time. It being a darker type book from what you describe it could have been trying to caution you of danger or situation similar to danger. Things work in mysterious ways in communicating things to us. Just a hunch I have. It would be nice to be able to do a search for old books like that though!
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Re: Maybe you know this book?

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Maybe you could look at retail websites that sell occult books, see if they have pictures of their inventory and if they do, look through the pictures for a familiar one.
If your old elementary school is still operating and you are able to go there, maybe you could convince the librarian to let you look through the books to find the one you borrowed. You may have to come up with some silly pretense as to why you want to look through the books though. Looking for a book you read as a child and want to share with future generations sounds a bit more "normal" than looking for an old spell book. :P
Let us know if you have any luck finding it. :)
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