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Post by asthesunlovesthemoon »


By Electra

I am not a daughter.
I am a burden.
To my mother,
I am a burden.

I am not the daughter she wanted.
I am the daughter she regretted to have.
I am not the sweet,
girl she wanted.

I am the daughter that ruined her life.
I am the daughter who her husband
gave her hell for.

I am not the daughter for my father.
I should not have been a daughter.
I should have been a son.
I was not the noble son,
I was not the humble daughter.
I was a burden.

I am pain.
I am regret.
I am insane.

I am not a daughter.
I am a parasite,
a parasite in which my mother was unfortunate enough to become the host of.
I am the parasite that she pushed out of her body.
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