trying to figure out what my path should be

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trying to figure out what my path should be

Post by jewels_and_roses13 »

right now i am doing research about wicca and i am writing down what i learn and and one of the things that i am trying to learn about is different types of wicca i am trying to learn about as many different types of wicca as i can and i am trying to learn as much as i can about them i am trying to figure out what type of wicca i should practice i love the moon or as my boyfriend calls her mother i really like calling her mother too i like the sound of it i don't hate the sun or anything i really like thinking that i respect the sun because if it is nice and warm i can be outside and i love being outside but i just don't really like the sun because it is really bright sometimes and i am the type of person who loves being pale i really like pale skin and i really like the phases of the moon and i really like the way the moon can have like a glow to it or something yet it isn't really too bright that it hurts your eyes i think that the moon and the night sky are really beautiful so i strongly prefer the moon or in other words mother or goddess so i am looking for some type of wicca that is more focused or centered on the goddess if anyone could help me i would be really happy and i would really appreciate it
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Re: trying to figure out what my path should be

Post by Xiao Rong »

Have you considered looking into Dianic Wicca? It is pretty highly centered on the Goddess and women's rites (plus, Diana is the Roman goddess of the moon). The only downside is that Dianic Wiccan covens are sometimes exclusively women, which may not work if you are trying to practice with your boyfriend.

Of course, you don't necessarily have to follow any particular tradition at all, but study the Goddess and the Moon's mysteries by yourself if you felt inclined to do so.
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Re: trying to figure out what my path should be

Post by scaravich »

One great thing about Wicca is you don't have to follow someone else's path. You can create your own path. If you're not looking to join a coven or other group, honestly I feel finding a specific path is a bit irrelevant. The solo path is all about finding your own way and your own inner balance. Of cousre, that doesn't mean you should ignore traditions and groups; you can learn a lot from them. It sounds like you can definitely learn a lot from Dianic by studying it. But I think it's also best to worry less about which named path you're following and to just do what feels right to you and create your own path with your own experiences.

My personal belief is that Wicca is about balance... I think it's good to learn to love, embrace, and work with all aspects of life, and not ignore some for others. But of course you will have a natural affinity or preference for some things, and it's good to also focus on what you're good at or comfortable with. I guess what I'm saying is things like Dianic Wicca don't sit too well with me because they feel imbalanced. It's one thing to prefer Goddess, but it's another to do so exclusively. It's also part of why through technicality, many people do not consider Dianic Wicca to be an actual form of Wicca, becasue under most definitions, it is not. But it's personal interpretation of what "Wicca" means, and how much you adhere to definitions.

Of cousre, that's just my personal feelings and doesn't mean you should feel the same way :)
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Re: trying to figure out what my path should be

Post by loona wynd »

jewels_and_roses13 wrote:right now i am doing research about wicca and i am writing down what i learn and and one of the things that i am trying to learn about is different types of wicca i am trying to learn about as many different types of wicca as i can and i am trying to learn as much as i can about them i am trying to figure out what type of wicca i should practice i love the moon or as my boyfriend calls her mother i really like calling her mother too i like the sound of it i don't hate the sun or anything i really like thinking that i respect the sun because if it is nice and warm i can be outside and i love being outside but i just don't really like the sun because it is really bright sometimes and i am the type of person who loves being pale i really like pale skin and i really like the phases of the moon and i really like the way the moon can have like a glow to it or something yet it isn't really too bright that it hurts your eyes i think that the moon and the night sky are really beautiful so i strongly prefer the moon or in other words mother or goddess so i am looking for some type of wicca that is more focused or centered on the goddess if anyone could help me i would be really happy and i would really appreciate it
I have a series of questions that I think would be useful here.

1: Am I interested in Traditional Wicca with strict initiation procedures and rituals (BTW most commonly) or am I looking more for a loosely based tradition (some of the more modern traditions still have initiation rites but are less hierarchical and can be open to solitary practitioners)?

2: Is there a specific cultural tradition I am looking more into (Norse traditions for Norse Gods, Egyptian for Egyptian, Celtic for Celtic, ect) or am I going to be more eclectic in practice?

3: Do I want to be solitary or do I want to be a member of a coven?

4: Do I want a more ceremonial practice or a more free form practice?

5: Do I want something more traditional (pre Gardner) or more modern (BTW and modern eclectic traditions).

These are some questions you should think about. There are pros and cons to each of these questions and practices and there are traditions set up for basically all of these practices. Some traditions are for covens and for solitaries. By answering questions like this you can come up with a better idea of exactly what to look for.

If you share the answers to these questions I may even be able to suggest a few for you to look at.

Good luck seeking.
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