needed insight on a reading i did for myself

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needed insight on a reading i did for myself

Post by misswhit88 »

Hello my name is Whitney and im new to doing my own tarot reading but I pulled cards for the next four weeks regarding my love life . I pulled two cards for each week. Here is the layout.
1st week : page of pentacles and knight of cups both upright
2nd week. Ace of wands and king of cups
3rd week: knight of pentacles and 7of pentacles both reversed
4th week: queen of wands and king of wands both upright

Its hard for me to interpret myself I can't seem to let my intuition guide me, and insight would be greatly appreciated
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Re: needed insight on a reading i did for myself

Post by Holdasown »

Week one: The Page of Pentacles is about taking a dream or goal and making it happen. Not achieving it but starting it. Pages are young so it's about beginnings. Pentacles are about earth and will. It's about the act of getting started. King of Cups could mean a few things. Since it was drawn with the page I would say you considering or about to start a new hobby or venture.
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