Constantly feeling someone touch me

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Constantly feeling someone touch me

Post by Klia »

Hello all,

So I believe in ghosts and spirits and the fact that they may be all around me. But lately, I've felt something touch me. I've had these encounters before and it doesn't scare me. But sometimes something will poke me or just kind of grab me. In the shower the other day, something pushed me - not hard just a nudge that kind of made me lean back. I think it's fun and like I said it doesn't get to me. Some people really get freaked out when they hear about it or have the same thing happen to them.

Anyways, my question is, how can I contact this spirit or these spirits and communicate with them more? I'd like to know who it is, why they are here, etc. Just to let them know I'm fine with their company. I've tried a Ouija board a couple times and that doesn't work.

I don't think ghosts and spirits are drawn to me, but lately I'm sensing them more. I don't know why. And they mostly poke me! It's so funny. Do you think it's a child? Why the poking?

Oh and I think my cat is seeing things too because she likes to jump into the bathtub (which she hates) and stare at the wall up close.

Blessed be!
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Re: Constantly feeling someone touch me

Post by Heartsong »

I had a friend who had a similar experience. She has spina bifeda, a hole in her spine that she was born with and has left her paralyzed from her thighs down. She has no feeling below her knees, yet for several months, she would wake up to actually feeling cold hands touching her calves. She was frightened and confused because that type of sensation has always bern impossible for her to experience. She called me and another mutual friend to come help figure it out. She confided in us that she had been experiencing a number of strange incidents in her apartment, different than being touched. Through some experiments and a little probing of our friend, we determined that while she was indeed a sensitive, it turned out that what was touching her was herself! She had been going through some significant changes in her life and had managed to actually projecting her negative emotions, creating a temporary entity that was trying to contact her and help her work through those emotions.

Perhaps you could do some meditating, divining or asking the god and goddess to determine just what precisely is poking you. Either way, if this being, you or something/one else, is trying to communicate, it will likely continue to do so. You could take the opportunity to simply ask it what it wants and why it is there. I've found that straightforward has been the beat approach for me to determine what's around me. Just make sure you have some protection around you since you're currently dealing with an unknown. :)
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Re: Constantly feeling someone touch me

Post by Klia »

Ugghhhh!!!!! I just had a whole paragraph ready to go and I lost it!!! I hate technology... sort of.

I find this experience of your friend's baffling. Do you know what this behavior is called? I have never heard of it ever and it sounds pretty spooky. How did you guys come to find out that her being negative created this entity? And does it only come from negativity? It almost sounds like an out of body experience, but... I don't know. This is really weird ha. But in a good way! Just very curious.

Thanks for responding!
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Re: Constantly feeling someone touch me

Post by Heartsong »

I really believe that my friend has a very powerful telepathic gift, not only because of this incident, but also others. I think that's more than likely what caused her to project her negativity.

The most concrete evidence we had was probably the fact that all three of us were sitting on her couch one night and all three of us saw a closet door open down the hall and her figure walked out of it, even though she was sittibg right next to me and has always been in a wheelchair and thus unable to walk at all!! Total confession, I very nearly wet myself when that happened. We also combed that apartment with our senses and couldn't find one trace of energy that wasn't hers. Once she admitted to us that she had been going through a really difficult adjustment period after a nasty breakup with her fiancee, we really felt that we'd isolated the activity to her. We advised her to seek counseling and to find a constructive way to channel her emotions and attain an outlet. Within two weeks of working with a therapist and joining a martial arts club, the activity ceased and she hasn't experienced being touched since.

I believe that what my friend experienced was only rooted in negativity. II hesitate to label it poltergeist activity, but I think the idea is similar. I like to call these entities dust bunnies, becuase the same principle can be applied. If you don't perform regular cleaning of your home or your aura, dust bunnies form. Put it off long enough or go through enough trauma, especially if your psychic abilities are well advanced, and the bunny gets noticable. In this case, it was relatively harmless. In another involving the same friend, it wasn't. I'm no expert, so I can't say that all if these kinds of experiences are rooted in negativity.

And to have your emotions manifest on the physical plane does seem kinda like annout of body experience. I hadn't thought of it that way, heh. :)
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Re: Constantly feeling someone touch me

Post by TheGirlOfSecrets »

There are some spells and rituals for spirits on EUTM, here is the link: ... ghosts.htm

There are the following: Dream of Deceased Loved One, Spell to Rid Oneself of a Bothersome Spirit, Honor Your Household Spirits, To Free a House from a Haunting, To Banish an Unwelcome Entity, Spell to Trap an Evil Spirit (in a Jar), A Spell to See Spirits, Spell to Contact Your Spirit Guide, Spell to Conjure Spirits, and last but not least, Mirror Gazing to Contact the Deceased.

I don't know if this helps, but I hope it does! x
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Re: Constantly feeling someone touch me

Post by River SilverWolf »

Do you have a digital recorder? If not you might consider picking up a cheap one. ( you can usually find one for about $30) or if you have a phone that can record that works too!
Try using your recorder or whatever device that can record audio and start asking some questions. This is called conducting an EVP session. You most likely won't hear a response with your ears but when you go back and listen you might have a voice recorded. (Best done wearing headphones when you go back and listen).
If there is a spirit trying to tell you something this is a great way to communicate.
I have gone on several paranormal investigations and we get some amazing evp's on our recorders (and even on my digital camcorder!).

if you do give this method a shot please let us know the outcome! :)
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Re: Constantly feeling someone touch me

Post by Klia »

Heartsong, that is still the craziest thing I've ever heard. It worries me cause it just sounds so creepy! I'm going to have to research that and see. I do not have a digital recorder, but that is an awesome idea. Just have to figure out how to put the sounds onto my computer.

I went to a fair in a near by town the other day and the psychic said that it was my grandfather doing it. She said he was watching over me and has been poking me for the past few years. But I don't believe her. I think she was the type of person to just tell you what you want to hear. I didn't get the impression that she meant what she was telling me. She was short and quick with it, and if he were really there talking to her, she could have been more into it. To say the least I was kind of upset. I especially don't believe it's my grandfather, maybe someone else I know. Unfortunately I do not remember much about him but why would he come around recently when he died almost 10 years ago?

Anyways, I will try to talk to the spirit if I feel any other pokings. I appreciate your help guys by the way.
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