Lost and Found Objects

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Lost and Found Objects

Post by dreadedpsychopomp »

So my sports bra, which is my only bra that fits and is high quality, ended up getting lost about a month ago. Where I live right now, I have one drawer in the living room for my clothes, and I make sure to always put my bra away at night. So I have been wearing a painfully too small bra for this time, while hoping to find the good one. So just when I was giving up on ever seeing it, let alone wearing it, again, my dad lost something. While searching for his lost object, I found my bra! I have no clue how it got where it was, so I theorize that it was a paranormal event.

Here is why. 1 It ended up missing just around Samhain and this is one way I know spirits like to get attention. 2 The way it went missing. Sure, one of the cats might have opened the drawer and taken it, but they can't open another drawer and put it in there. 3 I have been doing more spiritual Work, especially today, to honor the elements as well as devotional prayers to Hekate and my own personal God that isn't known to others. 4 Just the way it was found. I swear I looked there a few times and never saw it so hey!

My dad says it isn't spirits or ghosts doing their things but I notice that an awful lot of belongings have been disappearing and turning up later around here, like a little game lol.

Does this happen to you? What do you do when it does?
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Jade Rose
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Re: Lost and Found Objects

Post by Jade Rose »

Ohh, things like that happen to me! I just don't do anything about it, I wait for the stuff to show up and I usually just assume a family member didn't return my stuff back to where they belong.

But my mom has it worse than I do, she always loses stuff! haha

She's not a pagan or anything but she keeps saying that mischievous fairies do that. I used to think she'd say that when we were kids only but she still believes some fairies play pranks. I'm not sure if she means fairies or imps though.
Shadow Riverlark

Re: Lost and Found Objects

Post by Shadow Riverlark »

That's what my Priestess would call the trickery of the faeries. =) They're always taking things they like and hiding them, only to bring them back later (most of the time).
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Re: Lost and Found Objects

Post by dreadedpsychopomp »

Aria Riverlark wrote:That's what my Priestess would call the trickery of the faeries. =) They're always taking things they like and hiding them, only to bring them back later (most of the time).
I told my family the same, that usually fae go for shiny things but maybe they felt ignored, hehe. I've been capturing pictures of energy and entities quite a bit lately so denial is futile, lol.
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Re: Lost and Found Objects

Post by Lillady »

My first thought while reading this was exactly that, looks like the Fae have come over to play tricks with you. You are correct that they mostly do go for shiny things, but I have witnessed them doing mischeivious things such as clothing too. Spirits would be a little more reckless and not just play hide and seek with your items. Offer them something and try to make friends. Fae are wonderful and when you communicate with them they can in turn help you relentlessly :) Good Luck!
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