Animal signs

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Animal signs

Post by GreenArcher »

Does anyone know the correspondence for a rooster or hen? I read a book with a few of them an I found for the correspondence for a butterfly which was very helpful, and a few others. Lately Iv been hearing a rooster but it's only happened twice during meaningful times. Once at a park when I was finishing a ritual and today as I was coming to do some college work.
I wonder if it has some significants?
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Re: Animal signs

Post by DPhoenix »

GreenArcher wrote:Does anyone know the correspondence for a rooster or hen? I read a book with a few of them an I found for the correspondence for a butterfly which was very helpful, and a few others. Lately Iv been hearing a rooster but it's only happened twice during meaningful times. Once at a park when I was finishing a ritual and today as I was coming to do some college work.
I wonder if it has some significants?
They're usually a sign that you need to 'wake up' to something that you're not paying attention to. Could also be that you've been procrastinating on something that you need to start working on & actually finish. Could also mean that you need more confidence or need to self promote yourself more.

There are also other correspondences such as the chinese zodiac, the denial of Jesus & Voodoo.
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Re: Animal signs

Post by Lugus »

The rooster may be only a coincidence. However, it could also be what Jung called synchronicity, which is a “meaningful coincidence.”

For a Jungian, a meaningful coincidence occurs when two events are symbolically related but one event does not cause the other. To modify slightly an example given by Jung – let’s suppose that I go to the dry cleaners to pick up my blue suit. However, instead of giving me my blue suit, the dry cleaners mistakenly give me a black suit. When I finally get home, I check my email and learn that a grandparent had died. In this example, the black suit is symbolically associated with death and a funeral; however, there is no causal relationship between my getting the wrong suit and the death of a relative. This is synchronicity.

For the crowing or other rooster sounds to be meaningful (in a Jungian sense), the rooster or his crowing would in some way be related to the ritual and the college work. To understand this coincidence, we need to look at the significance of the rooster. That is, we will look at its symbolic meaning. As we see (below) the rooster is seen in several myths and religions.

(Obviously, if you live in a rural community or if you live near a farm, then these experiences are probably not meaningful coincidences.)

Now for the rooster –
1. The rooster is, of course, male. This could be important.
2. In Gnosticism, there is Abraxas. “In his depiction he has a Roosters head, a man’s torso and two snakes for legs.” Although there seems to be some disagreement within the ranks of Gnosticism about his importance and what he did, I believe that he is a positive entity.
3. In Norse mythology, there is Gullinkambi. He is a rooster who lives in Valhalla. “Gullinkambi is one of the three roosters whose crowing is foretold to signify the beginning of the events of Ragnarök. The other two roosters are Fjalar in the wood Gálgviðr, and an unnamed soot-red rooster in Hel.” Additionally, some believe that he is the bird at the top of the world tree Yggdrasil.
4. The rooster is also important in Hinduism. For example, he is the mount of the Hindu Goddess Bahuchara Mata.
5. There is also the rooster Seval in Hinduism. He symbolizes “spiritual enfoldment and wisdom.” ... mbols.aspx

There are almost certainly other references to the rooster in various myths and religions.

As a little aside –
• Some people may take exception to their having any encounters with religious and mythological symbols. After all, how can a person encounter such symbols that are counter to his or her conscious beliefs? A Jungian would probably say that we are being manipulated by our psyches. Many members of EUTM might say that these types of encounters are controls by the spirits. Whatever the cause, people do have such meetings.
• Such encounters are often chakra related. Unfortunately I could not find any references to the rooster as representing a chakra.
Back to the post –
Although there is apparently no rooster symbolism for chakras, the Gnostic and Norse roosters give us a hint at its possible chakra relationship. This is because Abraxas has a rooster head and the bird at the top of Yggdrasil may be a rooster. Thus, the rooster might symbolize the seventh or, less likely, the sixth chakra.

Hope this helps and is not too confusing,
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