Beliefs and sports?

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Beliefs and sports?

Post by JonnyRoXXX »

Hey gang,

I was wondering, do you know of any practicing Pagans who intertwine their beliefs into their per game preparations? Like ho. some people will say a prayer before the game and things like that.

As a bowler (yeah, you guys can laugh) its difficult to have a little bit of peace before a session to center myself before with all the people milling about, talking, and what not. But what I do is just sit down, try to meditate and get myself into my happy place before I step up.

Then right before I throw my first shot for score, I grab my pentacle necklace (which I charged) and kiss it, saying a short, silent prayer just asking to not get hurt and to guide me to a good performance.

Just wondering if there are any sporty types here who do something like that.

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Re: Beliefs and sports?

Post by AnaisStar »

Im sure people do. I know a lot of athletes have superstitions too so that is similar.

Its funny you said that about bowling, because I went bowling a few weeks ago and literally did the same thing. It was really noisy and we had kids in the lanes on both sides of us that kept getting in the way, dancing around, crying, screaming. Very distracting.

Each time I stepped up to throw the ball, I'd ground myself, inhale deeply, and let it out. I was able to block out all the noise, and have tunnel vision focusing on the pins and where I wanted to send the ball. Id take another inhale and on the exhale send the ball down. Ive never bowled as well as I did that day.

I became very grounded, centered, and focused this way. It was awesome.
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Re: Beliefs and sports?

Post by JonnyRoXXX »

Competing at the level I do takes the same amount of concentration, but not really at the level. Sometimes you have someone next to you who suddenly gets hot and you are at risk of being bumped from the cut. Its just a matter of zoning out and doing YOUR thing, not because you wanna win, but its because you love doing it. I'm thankful that the Higher Powers gave me the gift to do what I do well, because I can't even think of what I would be doing if I wasnt

I suggested that to my friend who plays poker, because its kind of the same thing. He put my strategy into play, and won a satellite event for the World Series of Poker in Vegas.

I don't know if there is anyone else who completed in sports at an extremely competitive level here... but maybe getting their opinion would be cool.
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Re: Beliefs and sports?

Post by Jonjonsalinas_ »

Yes! I know that before a football game, I always try to meditate and I always kiss my elephant amulet for good luck. Sometimes on the field I would trace a pentagram on the football before and during the game and ask the Goddess for good luck :p

With wrestling, meditation isn't always great since I always want to be pumped up before a match! So usually when I get on the mat, I try to send a little prayer to the Goddess, something like "Earth, I ask that you give me strength and a sting base. Air, I ask that you clear my mind. Fire, I ask that you fuel me with energy. Water, I ask that you wash away all outside voices."

With swimming, I ALWAYS send a prayer out before diving in the pool. I'll stand at the edge of the pool and connect with the water. When climbing on the block, I imagine my body becoming loose and fluid. When actually swimming, I ask the Goddess to propel me toward victory.

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Re: Beliefs and sports?

Post by Lillady »

Im not laughing about bowling, it is a glorious and fun sport. When I lived in MIchigan I was on bowling leagues. I have also been known to silently pray or touch my pendant for good luck/protection as I prepare for the game. It is a common practice, just some are not open about it.
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