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Re: Lewellyns

Post by frozenlight »

For me, if I notice a book is by Llewllyn I will check for twice as many reviews as I would for other books. I know people are getting upset by Silver Ravenwolf being spoken ill of but everyone is entitled to their opinion; good or bad. For me I lost all respect for Llewllyn when they published her books. But that is just me, and who am i to tell you what and what not to do? Just because it doesn't work for me, that doesn't mean it won't work for you. Our Craft works on the law of attraction so i think its very difficult for writers to go too far-fetched. SR does not go too far-fetched, but she has made up information before (on spells labeled as older and about historical events) so you have to read between the lines with her.

Does anyone know where I can score some chronic mugwort?
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valerian moon
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Re: Lewellyns

Post by valerian moon »

firebirdflys wrote:Some must be taken with a grain of salt
Almost all of Scott Cunningham's books are Llewellyn, and I personally think he knows his stuff. It's up to you.
i think all books on wicca should be taken that way because of the differing traditions and opinions. not necessarily lies, but it may be absolutely true for them.
it's like how some people read the bible. they pick and choose what parts to follow and what parts to ignore, and although for christianity that's not the point, for wicca that's a good way to not get confused.
You may call me Valerian Moon, or simply Val.
loona wynd
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Re: Lewellyns

Post by loona wynd »

Most of the books on my shelf are probably of Llwellyn. They are the largest Neo-Paganism, witchcraft, Wicca, Occult, Magic, and folklore publisher out there. Read the books you find interesting and are drawn to. Don't worry about the publishing house so much. Worry more about the content of the actual book. Book should be evaluated by content on an individual basis rather than by publishing company and author only.
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