Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

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Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by mangosandy82 »

Since I been reading Scott Cunningham books I been practicing wicca. I doubt myself everyday. I want to believe in everything there is about the faith. I want to believe in the gods and goddesses, and deities. I just need some help and encouragement.

So far to help me believe in the gods and goddess I think that they are everywhere in nature and all around me. What I don't believe? That this faith is real. I want it to be real I really do. I want to experience what you guys have. Do you think I should read more? Did you guys have some doubt? How did you discover that this is the right path for you?
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Re: Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by Xiao Rong »

Hi Mangosandy, you might be interested in a post I wrote recently about Paganism: When There Are No Gods. Like you, I've just never been able to truly feel like I'd be able to believe that gods and goddesses are *real* the way that Christians believe their Christian God to be real. But that doesn't mean that we don't experience the sacred and the divine in other ways and that's completely okay.
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Re: Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by Heartsong »

Hi mangosandy,

I agree with Xiao, please don't feel pressured to believe or have faith in something! There are many pagans and witches out there who don't work with any deities at all (or believe in them, for that matter). And that certainly doesn't mean that they're wrong, or that lacking 'faith' is wrong. Rather, I think it means that they're exploring one more spiritual path. And belief, or faith, doesn't necessarily preclude an experience. In my experience, it's very difficult to induce an experience either with deities or spirits, since they seem to operate on their own time. If they want to make contact, they will, and not everyone is going to interpret an encounter the same way.

There are some people who believe that we are fated to have certain deities in our lives, and that our interactions with them are based on divine will. "A god deigns to speak with an individual and thus it shall be." Other people feel differently, that if you do all the right things at the right times, the door will open, and the gods will speak.

Doubt is very healthy, because it can help keep you objective, I think, and it also helps you not to take experiences, or people, at face value. Doubt is, in fact, what led me to witchcraft in the first place. I had doubts about the path I was on, and it was only through reflection and a bit of trial and error that I ended up where I am today. And I still struggle with doubt, particularly about myself. So, I study, and I practice, and I question, but in the end, I have to admit to myself that, for the first time in a very long time, I'm happy, and feel spiritually fulfilled. That, to me, is what's most important. Everything else will come in its time. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by mangosandy82 »

I can connect better with animism. Thank you all for the help. I guess doubt is natural. I won't let it affect me much.
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Re: Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by Klia »

It is all what you believe personally. There are so many different beliefs in this path, just like other religions. Whatever speaks to you is what will help you best. Many of us have asked ourselves "what the heck am I doing? Is this path for real - do people really believe this? Is it for me? Why nature-based? Why this, why that?"

For me, I can't read enough. And I don't enjoy reading, but when it comes to books about Paganism, I read like crazy. It is best to fill yourself with much knowledge, and personally Scott Cunningham doesn't do it for me. There are so many authors out there that get pushed under the rug and are unknown. Don't limit yourself. Study, study, study. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about this path or read about it. It might sound like a chore, but if you're serious about it, nothing will be too much - you'll always want to know more.

Spend time outside. Look at the moon and just say "This is the Goddess's representation for us humans, to remind us she is with us" or something like that. It was awkward at first, but the more I believed and learned, the more I didn't doubt. This is a conversion. You will always second guess yourself and ask yourself why, but it's up to you to still have that part in your heart that is eager.

I spend time with my cat and realize there's a soul in there, a personality, something the Universe/Gods created to love us.
I bought a plant to bring life into my apartment.
Meditation is a good thing, along with learning about the Earth - crystals, the elements, weather, trees and plants, anything! It'll make you feel like a nature based religion makes more sense than others, cause we are here on this beautiful planet for a reason.

Hope this helps =)
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Re: Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by loona wynd »

mangosandy82 wrote:I can connect better with animism. Thank you all for the help. I guess doubt is natural. I won't let it affect me much.
Go with animism then. Say a prayer to meet the spirits of the land you live on. If you have any plants in your home talk to them and let their spirit guide you. You don't need to worship deities to have a connection with divine energy or sacred powers. This is a post I wrote for my blog to help seekers find their paths on the various ways of connecting to and working with the divine.
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Re: Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by Klia »

^^ Thanks for this page! I love it and it's so nice that we can all have our own beliefs and not get hassled about it ha. Will be putting it into my BOS.

EDIT: I just realized this was your blog!!!!!! Wow!!! It's amazing! So glad you made one. Can't wait to explore it more!!!! :surprisedwitch: :P smiley_dance smiley_dance smiley_dance
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Re: Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I usually advocate reading and study to help people discover their path, but I get the feeling that you case is a bit different.
mangosandy82 wrote:I think that they are everywhere in nature and all around me.
I think that your search should begin outdoors. No matter what your connection to the divine is, be it through gods or not, this seems to be where you'll find your connection. Connect to nature, pray and meditate outdoors. Experience is often a better teacher than what you'll read in books. Outdoors, nature will connect directly to you, no third party author needed. :wink:
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Re: Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by loona wynd »

Klia wrote:^^ Thanks for this page! I love it and it's so nice that we can all have our own beliefs and not get hassled about it ha. Will be putting it into my BOS.

EDIT: I just realized this was your blog!!!!!! Wow!!! It's amazing! So glad you made one. Can't wait to explore it more!!!! :surprisedwitch: :P smiley_dance smiley_dance smiley_dance
There is a lot of stuff on that blog. It's going to be updated a bit more frequently now that I have my writing grove back. That blog is designed specifically to help seekers find their paths. My goal is to provide insight and information on a variety of basic spiritual topics that connect to many different paths out there. While there has been a lot of witchcraft related content (I write what I know) I am trying to get back to the focus of being there for basically anyone who is looking for spiritual answers and who might not know where to begin.
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Re: Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by mangosandy82 »

I wish I could get outside. Sadly it's been snowing way too much here lately. That prevents me to get outside.
I'm usually more active in the spring and summer when it gets nice and warm. I could use the winter time to study I guess.
But if I get a chance to get outside and to a park I will! I'd like to get outside but there is a lot of snow here on the ground.
How do you get outside when it's too cold and tons of snow about? I can't wait to get my feet wet.
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Re: Can you guys help encourage me in my path?

Post by Klia »

I personally love the snow so it doesn't bother me ha. But yes, studying curled up in a blanket with tea would be the perfect day!

Loona, you've done a very good job. Keep it up!
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