How's the weather, would you change it if you could?

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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

I have rain here and we don't need it.... Should I try sending it :)
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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?


Last year, we had the worst drought in recorded history in our area. I just watched the news, and we went from 0% to 8% to date. So, I'm not going to push Mother Nature this year.. (I just got through watching our local report)
I want to respect for Gaia's plans... And she's heard my whispers a bit.. It's rained 3 times (however slightly) these past 2 weeks.
After watching that video I posted, I'm truly hoping that we as the human race, and the Gods will work together and save our planet for the better...
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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?

Post by MsMollimizz »

I've been watching the weather channel at night
(especially since tv peeps took 10-15channels away!)
Mother, you should have been in some more rain lately,
I just pray the tornados stay away from you !
Them tornados are causing all kinds of destruction,
any body else get the feeling Mother Earth is trying to get "us"
off her; tornados, hurricanes, heavy winds, wildfires...etc ?
Gentle Light
P.S. It was a nice p/cloudy day, not too hot; took G., his bro & wife
out to this wildlife sanctuary near me
for a couple hours, then went to dinner at our favorite buffet...
It's been hot these last couple days...Summer is trying to come in
but the lows each night says different !
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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?

Post by Firebird »

Ya Ms, the nation has had plenty of rain... in many places, too much!
We do bake out here though, eh? could use a wee sprinkling here in Cali.
the weather has been amazing lately though, really nice...warmish days, and cool nights.
Alas Summer is upon us in days, and for those in the arid zones, I wish you a great and shady tree for Siesta!!!
Ms, thanks for the link! here is one for our local wild animal rescue (they always need money)
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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?


I know it's been quite a while since I posted here.... The last yr has been so hectic, it's been difficult to get my 2 rituals a month in, plus lighting candle spells for loved ones, apart of me feels guilty for neglecting to do this. Earlier this yr (I count Nov as the start of the new year wheel) we had decent rain.. But it's March again and I'm noticing hotter days more drastic than last month. (a few weeks ago, even)

I'm going to do the chant/ritual that Firebird posted once a week ...starting now.
I have come to the conclusion that mother nature can always use a bit of help, when it comes to the war industrialization has commenced on her.
If she is resound on it not happening, then so mote it be... As for now, I'm getting started early this year.
And Firebird, thank you so much for the spell. It got me motivated last yr, and I'm more in tuned with my surroundings now that I can openly perform my rituals. (new semi private location...but how I miss my willow!!)

Wish me luck guys, and if anyone feels the desire to do it yourself, South Texas can always use a bit more of that blessed H2O!!

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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?

Post by SnowCat »

In between the last two posts to this thread we had the September floods here. Now our snowpack is over 100% of normal and the floids changed the ciurse of some of the waterways. Nobody really knows what to expect.

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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

This year we had double the record amount of snow. If I recall correctly, the governor of Michigan issued a warning that our sewer systems may not handle the water very well once all of the snow starts melting. I'll be ok as long as we don't have another 4 day power outage in the middle of winter. :x
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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?

Post by Isis3Anubis »

I believe that the group mind can change weather subconsciously. All these children watching the movie Frozen for instance, subconsciously conjuring up more snow.
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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?


I haven't watched too much news, national wise. I rarely watch local tv. It's either Internet, for local weather on how to dress that day.. Or to find out if my arthritis will be flaring. (I need to be more proactive, however, my living conditions, plus schedule has me exhausted most days)

Last year, Sept, my fiancé and I moved out of his parents home. We hop between 2 places to reside at the moment. His parents won't allow a pagan to live in their home. My fiancé says its in my nature to stand out...(plus I got this new bad ass tat of my Goddess's name on my neck!!) (for free ..woot) anywho.. .. I have a slightly hidden area where I go to meditate and it's so close to trees, a creek, cats just prowling around, ..I want that creek bed to become lively once more, to feed all the wildlife that walks around day and night..
It once was feet deep, now, a slight trickle.

I'm not asking you all to get out your dancing boots for your area.. But for mine.. (South of San Antonio) I'd be grateful.once.. Every so often..?

And if you all need some rain.. Just place the area that you wish for, and I will add it to my weekly ritual.
Thank you all for even reading this.
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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?

Post by Vesca »

It snowed here 2 days ago. Today marks the official beginning of spring, last year it snowed until May. But hey, I like snow. I just wish it was warm enough to get my car fixed without being super uncomfortable and weird.

On the weather-changing mentality; while I do believe that the weather can be affected a bit by certain people, I don't think it's wise. Not only is it out of place for humans to try and manipulate a global system that is interconnected to every other corner of the world, doing so could mean catastrophic consequences in other places from something as simple as "wishing it would rain more." There's also the possibility that someone who may somehow figure out how to make it rain, may not have the ability to control the "how much" or "for how long" aspects of that impulse. Plus, there is the reality that the perspectives of one person will often not represent the perspectives of the rest of that community.

It's just not wise, in my opinion, to be messing with nature like that. I just tend to watch and enjoy the variety of weather patterns and colors that I get to see on a daily basis.
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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?


While I respect your opinion, having thought the same way for most of my life, I think that the way man's impact on this earth has done so many wrongs, we need to counteract what pollution and Goddess knows what, that will get her right again, or as close to right as we can.

I see life dying off because man's over population, over industrialization,..pollution just sitting in the air, hovering over cities.. and it plain just does not sit right with me at all. It changes the course of weather. Eople are making it happen.
We haven't been respecting the ground we walk on for quite some time. People .. More people.. Need to step up and make mundane choices to fix it, and until I see that, I'm going to do my best, magickally, and mundanely, to counter react what devastation we have caused.
I'm not trying to make any enemies here.. I'm just trying to do right by the Elements, Gaia, and my children's future here, on this panet.
Earth, Air, Water..Fire.Spirit?. They deserve our respect, our help, right? They give us life. I take that as a great responsibility.

Blessings to all of you who have taken time to put effort into this thread.
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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?

Post by Isis3Anubis »

Unless you are a meteorology expert, you could inadvertently cause negative impact. So ask the gods or elements to do what is right for the greatest good. I once chanted for rain to a certain deity, not going to name which one because it is dangerous, and my whole town flooded. It can have negative consequences if you don't realize the power of certain deities. Always do your homework and ask for no negative repercussions.
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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?


I've lived on this earth for a while. Have a special interest in weather to begin with. And I do my home work before casting, ALWAYS..
I'm trying to improve this enviroment.I have done some drastic research as of late. I do know weather here effects weather there, and there, and over there. I have safeguards I use..
If it wasn't for my constant "worrying about mistakes" I wouldn't even care about what was going on . I don't cast for weather as a go to.
It's more like.. A dominoe effect.. I have petitioned ..(and still do) many companies to stop and change their disposal of harmful chemicals,
I got our neighborhood an established recycling day, where a city truck comes through to pick up the recyclables weekly.
I actually get out there and pick up trash in my neighborhood, and along the side of frequently used roads and parks. All of this, and teaching my children to be proactive in doing the same..
I've been doing THAT, FOR YEARS...
It's time to add a bit of magickal help IMHO. And I'm on it.

I hope that helps you understand I'm not just whimsically waving my "wand" and throwing my "glitter" to the Gods.

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Re: How's the weather, would you change it if you could?

Post by Isis3Anubis »

MOTHERofDRAGONS wrote:I've lived on this earth for a while. Have a special interest in weather to begin with. And I do my home work before casting, ALWAYS..

I hope that helps you understand I'm not just whimsically waving my "wand" and throwing my "glitter" to the Gods.

I am not trying to be condescending MOTHERofDRAGONS (I love your name by the way)
I just suffer from great guilt over flooding an entire town and I never want anyone to feel this shame. I know most true witches look at there geography and weather patterns before casting and always safeguarding. I was young dumb and inexperienced when I did my weather spells more than once. Agony, guilt, and confusion come into play so I get defensive.
As for throwing glitter to the gods I like that visual of fluffy bunny witches in tutus throwing purple glitter to the wind thanx :)
She's just pieces of me you've never seen ~ Tori Amos
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