I Only Feel Drawn to Wicca Around Samhain

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I Only Feel Drawn to Wicca Around Samhain

Post by AmethystWaters »

I've researched wicca on and off for many years now but have never fully committed to the path due to a niggling feeling of scepticism about some things - basically when I try to do rituals, I feel like a goose, like a kid playing pretend, and I don't want to do anything disrespectful so I've just let things be.

I'm from the southern hemisphere and we have Samhain coming up. Every year for about the past 5 years, I feel drawn back to wicca at this same time of the year. Does it mean something?
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Re: I Only Feel Drawn to Wicca Around Samhain

Post by Seraphin »

Yes, it's good to employ a healthy amount of skepticism about what you've reading or studying. I can't pretend to know more than you or anybody else how best to interpret what you're feeling about certain pagan practices or choose what beliefs you have to believe. But since opinions are sought, here's what I can say about this, which I don't expect everybody to agree with.

I'm not really sure what's the meaning of it but for me, if you feel drawn to celebrate Samhain, then go and celebrate it. You don't need to be a Wiccan in order to celebrate the festival. I'm not a Wiccan myself but I do celebrate it. Also, if you don't feel doing rituals, then don't do it. I believe no one here is in the right place to tell you "what do you need to do" and "what you don't need to do" regarding your spiritual beliefs and practices other than yourself. Though, I do think it's enormously valuable when folks share their own experiences, beliefs and practices with one another; people have shared things about their own paths that have helped illuminate ours, and it's that kind of sharing that helped us learn to discern the difference between something that resonates because it's true for us and something that resonates because it's true for the person who's sharing it.

The bottomline is: Whatever beliefs or practices you choose to follow, it's all up to you. Just be open to other belief systems that may, at first glance, be different from or contrary to your own. I don't think it's wrong to belong to a specific religion (like Wicca) provided you don't become fanatical or dogmatic about it. After all, to have a spiritual path is not to embrace a RELIGION. "Religion" is humans trying to work their way to Deities and Higher Worlds through a indoctrinated and programmed forms of worship or rites. Spirituality on the other hand, is Divine and Higher Worlds coming to us and offering us a relationship with Them. And what makes it so wonderful and sure is that spirituality encourage us to have our own synthesis of beliefs. It doesn't matter if it's a mixed bag as long as we're comfortable with it and it agrees with us.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: I Only Feel Drawn to Wicca Around Samhain

Post by TwilightDancer »

AmethystWaters wrote:I've researched wicca on and off for many years now but have never fully committed to the path due to a niggling feeling of scepticism about some things - basically when I try to do rituals, I feel like a goose, like a kid playing pretend
Maybe jumping head first into rituals isn't for you. You can be spiritual still without performing a ritual. Try meditation, you'll be amazed at how peaceful you will become. Or try a morning prayer, ask for clarity. A first step is still a first step, no matter how small.

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Re: I Only Feel Drawn to Wicca Around Samhain

Post by JonnyRoXXX »

There's nothing wrong with feeling drawn to work on a certain day/sabbat, especially Samhain, since that is the time when the fabric between realms is thinnest. Meditating on it would be the first thing I would recommend.
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