How to consecrate/charge a wand?

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How to consecrate/charge a wand?

Post by julietaw »

I just made a wand, I have no clue what type of wood it's made from(it's from a tree in my backyard) and I would like to start to use it, but I can't figure out how to concecrate it and charge it.
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Re: How to concecrate/charge a wand?

Post by Seraphin »

There's a lot of ways how to consecrate or charge a tool. What I am going to share to you is what I am using. You may of course modify, adjust or tweak this ritual. After all, it's all about learning how to make something work for you.


Things needed:
- white candle
- bowl of salt or sand
- cup of purified water
- sage incense

Stand before your altar and cast a circle. Light the candle and the sage incense with the phrase:

From Thee comes all Powers.

Take the the wand in your hands, and face north. Pinch some salt, rubbed it thoroughly on all sides of the tool and say:

Powers of the North,
Guardians of the Earth,
I consecrate this wand
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night/day, and make this tool sacred.

Next, turn to the east and, holding the tool in the smoke of the incense and say:

Powers of the East,
Guardians of the Air,
I consecrate this wand
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night/day, and make this tool sacred.

Then, face the south. Pass the tool swiftly through the flame of the candle -- so swiftly that they cannot be burned and say:

Powers of the South,
Guardians of Fire,
I consecrate this wand
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night/day, and make this tool sacred.

And finally, turn to the west. Dip your right hand into the water and sprinkle a few drops on the tool and say:

Powers of the West,
Guardians of Water,
I consecrate this wand
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night/day, and make this tool sacred.

Face your altar again, hold the wand and raise it to the sky, and say:

I charge this wand in the name of my Deities, the Ancients
the Sun and the Moon and the Stars.
By the powers of the Earth, of Air, of Fire and of Water
May this tool be cleansed and strengthen

Now blow on the wand and say:

The Divine breath now transforms this tool
I consecrate this wand,
and it is mine.

(Alternatively, use another phrase that claims ownership to your tool.)

Then raise your wand again and say:

I dedicate this tool to spiritual work and my magick.

Consecration can be done energetically and spiritually. It doesn't make any difference even if you charge and consecrate it without materials. They will be ready for you to use (if you want) next time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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