Blogging The Shadows

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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Monster Spray Music
I'm always listening to music while I'm on here and while I'm typing stuff on the computer before posting it in this blog or in my grimoire. I thought it was hilarious that these two songs played as I was imputing the codes into my Monster Spray post.
Shout "Now GO AWAY!" at those monsters.
I wouldn't want Marilyn Manson under my bed. :x
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 41

With correspondence book in hand, I completed my goal this week. :woot:
Monday, I bought a pair of votive candles and holders for them. The Yoni like holder only has a pair of rings to hold the candles, so buying the little glass holders was necessary. The store I was at had a limited selection of votives, but I did find a pair made by Yankee Candle that smell like vanilla cupcakes. Yummy! I paid about $6.26 for all four items. Not bad. :mrgreen:
I moved a few of my notebooks into my super big binder. I figured that it would be easier to move them around like that since they reside in the black hole known as my closet. I wouldn't mind the super big binder being under my altar with some of the rest of my stuff, but I don't think it will fit. :| I think that I'll eventually move it to the bookshelf.
It took me a while to figure out what to do with my puffy yarn. It's kind of a pain in the cauldron to work with. Friday night I finger knitted the whole skein. It looks like a pink snake. :lol: I plan to coil it into a spiral, sew it together and use it as an altar cloth. :)
I've spent most of my Goddess time this week starting up a new blog on Tumblr. I made it mostly for blogging the non magickal side of my life, but I reblog a lot of witchy stuff. ;)
My goal for this week is to make an avatar for Litha. Way early, I know. I got the idea for it last night right before bed. I was looking at a mushroom picture that I had saved from Tumblr and thought it would make a perfect avatar. I like mushrooms and I like the color blue. It'll be perfect. :D
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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Tomorrow I'll be ordering some used books through Amazon. They'll be my present to myself for my year of not smoking. I'm excited because I'll get to read more of Cunningham's work. I owned "Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" for a while and I absolutely loved it. If I remember correctly, it was the second book on Wicca that I've owned. "TeenWitch!: Wicca for a New Generation" by Silver Ravenwolf was the first Wiccan book I owned. I read the entire book, but I ended up returning it shortly after I bought it because it was just too overwhelming.
I do own PDF copies of "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" and "Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner."

Here's what I'll be getting:
"The Dark Side of the Light Chasers" by Deborah Ford
"Wicca For One: The Path Of Solitary Witchcraft" by Raymond Buckland
"A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook" by Stewart Farrar
"The Magical Household: Spells & Rituals for the Home" by David Harrington
"Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences: A Comprehensive & Cross-Referenced Resource for Pagans & Wiccans" by Sandra Kynes
"Cunningham's Magical Sampler: Collected Writings and Spells from the Renowned Wiccan Author" by David Harrington
"Witchcraft on a Shoestring: Practicing the Craft Without Breaking Your Budget" by Deborah Blake
"Coven Craft: Witchcraft for Three or More" by Amber K

A couple weeks ago a found a picture online of my bookmark that I've been using in my magickal books. I'm sharing. :mrgreen:
my bookmark.JPG
my bookmark.JPG (21.06 KiB) Viewed 3407 times
Since I'm such a Hello kitty fan, I made a picture in response to an article I found on Tumblr.[/color]
hello kitty priestess.JPG
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Here's some random stuff. Please take with a dose of cookies.

I forgot to list the two PDF books I have by Scott Cunningham. I have "The Complete Book of Incense. Oils, and Brews," and "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen." At the time I wrote my last post, I didn't have Adobe Reader installed, so I wasn't able to double check what PDFs I have.

Dear Intuition,
You were right. I'm glad I listened. Even though it didn't matter.:|
A neighbor came to use the phone last week. I know that there are people out there that if you lend them something, they're going to start asking for everything. Think Homer Simpson and Ned Flanders. I very politely told her that my Mom had our phone and that she was out. Well, she came back today and asked to use the phone again. I thought saying "No" the first time would've squashed her urge to ask again. :(

I thought that I didn't have room left under my altar for anything else. Dust Bunny proved me wrong. She crawled in and sat down. She also sat on the altar and played with the Mardi Gras beads that hang from my mini altar. At one point I picked her up and asked her if she wanted to be dedicated to Mother Bast. halfsm
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 42

This week I not only made my new avatar for Litha, I made an extra avatar. I think I've reached the point of being carried away. :P
My focus has still been on my new blog. That's just how things are with me. I get into something new, I get stuck on it for a while, then it slowly fades into the background. I'll give you a good example: World of Warcraft. I played it for months. Invested extra money into it for cute mounts and pets. I quit playing for about 2 months. I bought a month of game time so I could get another new mount, and then only played maybe 2 or 3 times. I've totally lost interest in it. My present to myself for not smoking was originally going to be used to buy the next expansion of Warcraft. When I realized that playing it was no longer fun for me, I decided that I would be better off using the money for other stuff.
Ever since Thursday when the idea of virtual altars came up, Brain has been a busy bee. Seriously, I've lost sleep. Help! :lol: I'll lay down to go to sleep and I'll hear "Guess what? Grab the phone and type this for me." I asked the Lord and Lady for Their help. They didn't give me any ideas, I had plenty on my own, but They stood back and listened as all of Brain's ramblings set into some kind of order. The muse on my shoulder seems to speak in riddles. The Lord and Lady are my post in the storm.
This week I started reading "An Introduction to Wiccan Spells: Simple Tips to Improve Relationships, Health and So Much More" by Raven Mason. I had seen a post on Tumblr advertising that it was a free download for a while, so that's why I picked it. Free is the word that invokes the gods of Cheap. ;) So far, I don't really like it. I don't know why, I can't seem to put my finger on it. :|
My goal for the week is the read more of the aforementioned book. My new books won't start to arrive until the time between May 23 and June 10, so I might as well take advantage of what I already have. I also plan to interact with my virtual altar more.
PS. If I go missing for a while, fear not. It's just computer trouble. :roll:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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It was a little surreal to feel myself so firmly planted here physically, while I felt my mind start to drift off into the past. It was interesting to learn that the gateway to the past is up and to the left.
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 43

I struggled with my goal this week. I guess that since I haven't liked "An Introduction to Wiccan Spells: Simple Tips to Improve Relationships, Health and So Much More" so far, Brain refuses to show much enthusiasm for it. As I type, Brain is telling me "You now have 4 of your new books, why must you continue to torture me?" Simple, Brain. I have 3.5 books that I'm in the middle of reading. I need to finish one of them some time! Why the decimal? There's a book I started reading and got so bored with that I don't know if I'll ever pick it up again. That's kind of sad because I'm interested in the subject, but damn. Get down to brass tacks already!
What to do for Litha has been on my mind lately. I thought it would be nice to spend some time in the backyard, admiring the forest. I went out Thursday and by the time I came home, I couldn't breathe through my nose and it felt like someone took a bat to my face. Allergies suck. :x This witch needs Benadryl. Maybe I'll celebrate by drawing pictures of plants and flowers.
So yeah, I've got half of my books. I'm thrilled to pieces, I really am. I've been lucky so far that my books are in such good condition. Remember everyone: used = good. The only book on Witchcraft I've paid full price for was "Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation" by Silver RavenWolf. Don't come break your besom over my head! I use it strictly for reference. It's actually the only book I own that's had a highlighter taken to it. The other Witchcraft books I've read have been borrowed, given to me as gifts, are in PDF format on my computer, or I've bought second hand.
I still need to figure out what to do with my Book of Shadows. There's a collage sitting in the back pocket of its 3 ring binder that I've been meaning to add, but it's not related to Witchcraft. It's just there to be pretty. I've been thinking of taking out the stuff that doesn't pertain to Witchcraft and putting it in another book, but then I'd have just a scrapbook and nothing pretty or funny in my BOS. I don't know why I feel like everything has to be in one binder when everything as a whole is in all different places. This makes me think about how I feel about ketchup on eggs: I find the thought deplorable, but I eat my eggs with ketchup anyway. I know, a bit off topic and totally nuts. :roll:
Goal time! I want to finish reading "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers" by Deborah Ford. I started this book first because it came first. I ordered it Friday, May 16, and it arrived on Wednesday, May 21. That's epic delivery! :D I haven't really gotten into it yet because I had started reading a James Patterson novel just the day before. Now that I'm done with "2nd Chance," I can focus on my new books. Happy reading everyone! :)
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 44

I hit a button too many times, and this almost became week 444. :P
I got three more books this week. The last one, "Cunningham's Magical Sampler: Collected Writings and Spells from the Renowned Wiccan Author" by David Harrington, got damaged in transit and the postal service returned it to the seller. I haven't decided if I'm going to order another one or not. I'm happy with what I have, one book more or less won't make a difference.
So far, I've read "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers" by Deborah Ford, and "Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences: A Comprehensive & Cross-Referenced Resource for Pagans & Wiccans" by Sandra Kynes. The latter was easy, as there isn't much to read between all of the correspondence tables. I started writing a review for it, but I had trouble getting my thoughts onto paper. :( I'm currently reading "The Magical Household: Spells & Rituals for the Home" by Scott Cunningham and David Harrington.
This week, I performed my first official magickal working in the new house, other than my initial house blessing. :D Accompanying that were a couple other firsts: I did my work on the new marble slab that sits on my altar and I used the pretty lamp I have that was left behind by the previous tenants. The marble was nice to work with because I don't have to worry about things wobbling around, tipping over, or just being plain uncooperative because of my altar's uneven surface. Good job marble! :mrgreen: The lamp wasn't as helpful. I felt that working by the light of an electric lamp felt disingenuous. It spoils the mysterious atmosphere.
For the first time in a long time, I brought one of my wands out of my magick box. I haven't used either one since the time I had first started practicing Witchcraft. The wands sit on top of everything else in my magick box, so I do interact with them when I get into the box, but it's not with the sort of respect we should have toward our tools. The reason I haven't interacted with that particular wand is because I saw it as imperfect. I wrapped it in wire and beads, and because the wire is loose, the wire and beads jiggle around. I kept telling myself that I'd fix it, but it's been about a decade and my procrastination persists. :| There was something about the way I touched my wand the other night, that it opened up my perception and I could hear my wand. :o It said that all it wanted was my love and affection. That made me feel like a jerk. :oops: I spent some time holding it, sending it loving thoughts, and then I placed it on my altar so it could absorb good vibes from my ritual.
Goal = read. Read. READ! :woot:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Dear Shadows,
Is it Thursday already?
I have you beat, Shadows. For once, it's a Thursday and I am fully aware of how I've spent my weekly goddess time. No forgetfulness for this girl. So take that! :twisted:
:vampire: :vampire: :vampire:
Back into the shadows I go. Goddess help Sunday.
Love and dark fuzzies,

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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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I just had another incident of looking at something in a different point in time again. It's weird to see something in its own time, then look for it in the current time and it's not there yet. You've got to wait a bit before you can say "Oh there you are!" I'm a bit giddy about this because it's a little different than the precognition that I usually experience.
Something new happened last night. I can't see auras. I've wanted to for years, but it's never been my gift. Last night I looked at my arm hoping to see my aura, just for the heck of it. I didn't see it, but I "felt" that it was there. Not feel in the physical sense, but my intuition told me that it was there. I felt that it was a red-ish purple color. I'm planning to do some research, but I'm a little skeptical, since I haven't read too many aura color interpretation charts that include information beyond the basic colors. Red-ish purple may be hard to find. :|
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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Week 45

All I really did this week was read. Goal achieved! :mrgreen:
I've been sick all week. :( First came a cold, then came female issues. Thank Goddess I stayed away from stores. That would've been ugly. I hate shopping when I don't feel well.
I planted a few morning glory seeds Friday afternoon. I love plants, I just can't grow them for very long. My last plant, also a morning glory, died when I moved in 2011. I think it died because I accidentally kicked it when I was getting in the car. Mom's plants that I've been taking care of are doing well. The mysterious plant she plucked out of the yard last summer has grown tremendously since we moved in April. I've begun to wonder if her ivy plant is even real. I swear it hasn't grown at all since the time I moved in. The only change I've seen in it is that it withered once when it went without water for quite a while. I'm kind of waiting for her to tell me that she hasn't had the heart to tell me it's fake. :lol:
I did a bit of research last night. I had a symbol appear to me while I was reading early in the week. I made a picture of it on the computer and then dragged it into Google image search. Unfortunately, that method resulted in an answer of "a Mexican riding a bike."
What the heck, Google?!
I knew that I had seen similar symbols before. So I changed my search to look for "occult symbols." That netted me, oh, just about everything. The closest images I got to the actual symbol were:

first pentacle of Jupiter
At first, Ginnir looked to be the symbol most like one I saw. But then I found an image of what seems to be 9 different versions of Aegishjalmur. One of the images looks a bit more similar to my own image than Ginnir does.
Both Ginnir and Aegishjalmur are Viking symbols. I have no idea why I saw a Viking symbol. I don't think there's anything remotely Norse, Icelandic, or Viking in my cultural makeup. I don't currently work with, nor have I ever worked with any deity from the Norse pantheon. I'm open to the idea, if this is the direction the divine wishes to take me. It would be nice if I'm being lead to a specific aspect of the Lord to work with. I'll just have to wait and see. :)
symbol comparisons.JPG
My goal for this week is to read some more. I'm still a bit sick, so I'm not planning to do much. I do have a charm that I've been working on, but it's toward the bottom of my to do list.[/color]
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Dear Shadows:
What a good week it's been so far. :fairy: All the crappy stuff went away. So happy. :)
Love and tasty yummies,

PS. Yes, I am aware that it's Thursday, and I'm aware of my activities. Two weeks in a row! :mrgreen:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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Week 46

I did my reading this week, but I feel like I didn't get very far with it. It feels like it's taking me a year just to get through the sabbat section of "A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook." :lol: I like irony. :wink: It's not a difficult book or a bad one, I've enjoyed it so far, I'm just not reading much at a time. I'd recommend it even though I've read so little of it. The tone is nice. To me, it feels like the Farrars are saying "Here's how we do things, and here's why. You don't have to do things our way, and that's perfectly fine." This book sort of speaks to me in much the same way that "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" and "Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" did.
I feel better finally, except for my nose still being stuffy, but that dumb thing can be out of whack for long periods of time with any remorse or regards for my opinions. :roll: Another reason I didn't plan to do much this week was that I was going to be away from home for an indeterminate amount of time. Mom had to go into the hospital Tuesday morning to get a camera put into her heart to check out a suspected blockage. If one was found, the cardiologist planned to operate immediately, and she would have had to spend the night at the hospital. So as next of kin, caretaker and worrier extraordinaire, I got to go along. The very nice cardiologist explained to me that even though Mom did have a blockage, there was no need to mess with it because of where the blockage was located in relation to where her bypasses were. Hopefully after Mom recovers, her doctors will eventually schedule her for the surgery to fix her hernia.
I've decided what I'm going to do for Litha. Just in time too, Litha is this weekend. I'm glad it's Saturday, that'll be easiest for me. :) I just figured it out last night. I've had my altar decorations planned for a week or two. I'm still a bit unsure of whether or not I'll go outside. I'm no longer worried how my sinuses will react, I'm now worried about mosquitoes. Wow, I sound like a wimp. :lol:
I have a goal. A very nice little goal sort of just landed in my lap. I'll be giving magickal assistance to my boyfriend. *Giggle snort* Oh that sounds perverted. :P
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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Hello Kitty Slipper
Hello Kitty Slipper
See, I really do have Hello Kitty slippers. :P

Last night I was talking to Mom while I was straightening her room. She had just finished reading "The Magical Household: Spells & Rituals for the Home." She asked me if I knew what witch balls were. I puffed up a bit, just like a peacock and said, "Yes I do!" So I told her and she says "We can make some by doing..." I just love how she said "we." I didn't tell her that I've already got one. ...somewhere. Shortly after that conversation I realized that I have no idea where my witch ball is. :?
I was also pleasantly surprised by that fact that not only does she want copies of some of the pages in the book, she also wants some of the books listed in the back.
Well I'll be a monkey's aunt. :flyingwitch:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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Tuesday night before I left to go to the store, I said a quick prayer and asked the Lord and Lady to help me find the best deals on the stuff I needed. That prayer is becoming a habit. ::coolglasses:: They laughed at me. :? I stopped what I was doing and asked, "What did I do?" They said to me, "We always go to the store with you." :flyingwitch:
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