Witch World by Christopher Pike

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Witch World by Christopher Pike

Post by Lillady »

Jessie Ralle is a typical teenager with friends, an awesome boyfriend but she has always known she is different. However, she cannot put her finger on what makes her this way. Over time she meets Russell on a trip with her best friend, Alex in Las Vegas. He teaches her how to play blackjack and she winds up with $100k in winnings, he on the other hand is quite the winner and seems to know just win to say "hit" and when to say "hold." After this night she finds herself in a totally different world, she later discovers it is called "Witch World." I will stop here, wouldn't want to give the whole story away now would I ?!?.....

This is a fiction novel, nothing like Twilight or Harry Potter. It is a young adult novel, however I have read many of Christopher Pike's works and have always enjoyed him as an author. His writing is that it draws you in and you feel you are watching the story as your read each page of action, drama etc. I could not put this book down, so ready for the 2nd one coming out Dec 4th called Black Knight. No there are not any references to Paganism, Wicca etc, just the A typical concept of witches. Like I said it is a fiction novel. I highly recommend you read it, or if you are not into fiction, maybe your kids are. I know I am going to have my 13 year old read it, she will love it too. Enjoy :)
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