Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

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Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

Post by moonbaby »

My boyfriend recently passed away. I have seen him in dreams (but I cannot lucid dream so it has not been conscious contact). I also felt his presence at the funeral but could not see or hear him. Anyway, this leads me to believe that he is currently resting in the summerland and that there may be a way for me to contact him. I was wondering if anyone knows of a spell/ritual/meditation that could allow me to contact him?

Also I'm a solitary wiccan so something that doesn't require multiple people would be preferred.
Thank you so much!

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Re: Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

Post by Kassandra »


Just talk to him.

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Re: Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

Post by Xiao Rong »

Hey Moonbaby, I'm very sorry for your loss. Have you heard of The Pagan Book of Living and Dying, written by Starhawk? That was the very first thing I thought of. It's chock full of beautiful rituals, meditations, blessings, and prayers. In particular, I can think of at least 2 meditations about contacting the deceased in the Summerlands/Isle of Apples, which might be of interest to you.
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Re: Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Here are a couple spells from the main EUTM site:
Dream of One Who Has Passed Through the Veil ... ed-one.htm
Sending a Message to a Departed Love Spell to Contact the Dead ... e-dead.htm
Spell to Summon a Spirit ... spirit.htm
Kassandra has the easiest method of all:
Kassandra wrote:Just talk to him.
All you really need is your heart. :)
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Re: Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

Post by Kassandra »

Echo_of_shadows wrote:All you really need is your heart. :)
It penetrates any veil, in any dimension, of any timeline, anywhere.

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Re: Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

Post by Lillady »

Just as Kassandra stated, just talk to him. I have lost a few close loved ones (my parents included) in my life so far and have always just done this. Using your heart chakra will open up the lines of communication. You may not always get a response from him but he always hears you. Spirits work in mysterious ways and all of them are different. Some will show up and speak to you, others will give you signs they are there like writing notes, leaving gifts etc. I hope this helps you out. I am quite sorry for your loss. Blessed Be.
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Re: Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

Post by Kassandra »

Lillady wrote:Using your heart chakra will open up the lines of communication. You may not always get a response from him but he always hears you. Spirits work in mysterious ways and all of them are different. Some will show up and speak to you, others will give you signs they are there like writing notes, leaving gifts etc.
Yep...listen (and watch) for their messages.

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Re: Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

Post by Seraphin »

Just don't forget to shield yourself first before doing any sort of spirit communication.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

Re: Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

Post by moonbaby »

I've been writing him notes/letters to help with my grieving process. Do you think he receives those messages?
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Re: Contacting Deceased Loved Ones

Post by Kassandra »


Grieving is for the Living, Not the Dead

Moreso in importance, in my opinion, is that the letters and notes you write help your grieving process, and whether he got them, or didn't get them, isn't that important. You're writing them to process your own sense of loss, not to make him feel better. But, I would say that he is aware of them, and knew you were writing them before you wrote down one word. I am of the belief that spirit beings communicate telepathically. It is we in this 3D hologram that communicate more slowly. When we "write" something, or "say" something, we then feel we have "communicated."

But, I would contend that when we merely THINK something, we have in fact communicated, in fact, perhaps we have communicated even more effectively and truthfully. So, I would say he hears your thoughts well before you ever express them outwardly. I would say he could see and hear your dreams when you're sleeping at night. However, I strongly encourage you to continue your letter and note-writing, for your own sake, not his. It will be therapeutic for you. Also, it may help to look at how you have dealt with major loss in your life in other areas, and how those coping strategies may be affecting you now, whether for better, or for worse --only you could decide that.

The Dead Need Time

Soon after my mom died, I was told by her mother's spirit that I should give my mom time to adjust to her new form of consciousness. I got the impression my mom was reuniting with her deceased family members (she had a big family, lots of siblings), and that they had a lot of catching up to do emotionally. I saw a lot of tears, etc. So, for months, I gave them their space. I really wanted to "hear from" my mom. But grandmother said I needed to give my mom space. So, I respected that. My grandmother and I are very close, though I never met her in this dimension.

Many cultures have protocols for doing this in that they allow the newly deceased a certain amount of time before they start contacting them. They take the time to do rituals that help the soul cross over peacefully and smoothly. For instance, many cultures have artwork and ceremonies that deal with a boat-going-on-a-journey-theme. This analogy helps members of those societies understand how their deceased loved ones are still around, still learning, growing and progressing.

Unfortunately, we don't have that here, well this culture doesn't --but there are those within Western culture who still manage to honor the old ways of our collective ancestors worldwide. "Modern" Western culture is not very sophisticated in this area (which, I think, is due to warped Christian brainwashing, if only indirectly), and is rather ignorant about issues like death. So, it is helpful to look to what's considered "primitive'" cultures for wisdom, knowledge and understanding in this area, the area of how to deal with death. They are, in my opinion, much more well-developed as far as this is concerned.

Receive, Rather than Seek, the Answers

Anyway, it's been my experience that when the deceased are ready, once they have adjusted to their new lives, they will respond to your thoughts and communications in their own ways. I have a lot of stories about this. Some are kind of funny, lol...I'll just say some souls have prepared themselves for death much better than others. But anyway, I know you want to "get to" your boyfriend and the approach might be probing, looking, searching, impatient, a kind of "outward" energy. I would present an alternative to consider which might embrace a more receiving, meditative, "inward" kind of energy in your approach. I know this is difficult to do when you're grieving. But, it is perhaps a more effective way to get your mind and spirit in the right state in order to receive messages from him. Allow for an adjustment period for him, then allow the messages to come. Just a thought.

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