The Angelwood Grimoire

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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Magick Fairy Dust

I got the idea for this after reading some instructions for making fairy dust. There was nothing written with the instructions as to how to use the dust, so I thought it would be a cute idea to make a "dust" that attracts fairies. This magic dust recipe is based on recipes for magic reindeer dust. This is great for all ages. If you want to make this recipe with small children, please supervise them, as some of the ingredients are a choking hazard.


1 cup rolled oats
2-6 Tbsp "glitter" (this can be colored sugar, edible glitter, or colored sprinkles)
Chopped nuts*
Seeds (you can use either edible seeds, non-edible seeds, or both. See below for details.)*
*Optional ingredients

Mix the ingredients together and place in a plastic bag. If you want to, choose which color "glitter" to add and which seeds to add, based on what you think will attract fairies. If you wish to include non-edible seeds, choose seeds of plants that you think will attract when they bloom. Seeing plants bloom where the fairy dust was sprinkled adds to the magic of the dust. If you don't want to grow any plants, or if the dust will be sprinkled somewhere other than in the dirt, you can choose to just include edible seeds.
If you want to make this for several people, add more ingredients, then pour them into multiple bags.
You can make the bags fancy and fairy friendly by tying ribbon around the bags, or using paper bags that have been drawn on, or you can make labels on a computer and print them. Your only limit is your imagination.

Go outside and sprinkle the dust where you want fairies to appear. It would be a good idea to do this near the time when the moon is full, so you can see the "glitter" real well. As you sprinkle the dust, you can say a little poem to attract the fairies. You can try the following poem:
  • "Sprinkle this fairy dust outside tonight.
    The moonlight will make it sparkle bright.
    As the fae fly and roam.
    This will guide them to your/my home.
    The smell of goodies and a glitter path will guide them on their way,
    And you'll/I'll wake up to fairy blessings on the next merry day."
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Psychic Chant
Just a little something to help connect to your intuition.
Sparkle on, little blossom.
Sparkle on, little blossom.
psychic chant.JPG (36.51 KiB) Viewed 7582 times
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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Elemental Correspondences




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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

*My twist on a sweetening spell.

Baking spices (such as allspice, anise, cardamon, cinnamon, clove, ginger, mace, nutmeg, poppy, sesame, vanilla bean)
Writing utensil
Container (this can be something small)

Take a piece of paper and turn it sideways and write your name. Rotate the paper and write the other person's name so that it looks like the two names are across from one another.
ssen 1.JPG
Draw arrows pointing from one person to another. The arrows should be pointing away from the person who needs to be sweeter. You're directing the sweetness toward the other person. If both people need to be sweet to one another, draw arrows going toward both names.
ssen 2.JPG
Fold up the paper and place it in the container.
Add some of the spices to the container and chant the following or something similar:
"Sugar and spice,
help both of us be nice."
Keep the container closed tightly to keep the sugar and spices inside.
When you feel particularly rotten toward the other person, or you feel that they have been rotten to you, open the container and smell it's sweet aroma. Spend a little time trying to think happy thoughts about the other person.[/color]
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Spell to Strengthen Love
*This spell is to strengthen the bond of a couple. With a couple changes, this can be done for polyamorous partners.

Two candles (each in a color that corresponds to the sun signs of the couple)
Two pieces of paper
Two pens/pencils

Place the candles on your altar or a table. Each person lights the candle that represents them.
Each person takes a sheet of paper and writes down a couple things that they love about the other person, and a wish for their relationship. You can discuss what you wrote, but you don't have to.
When both of you are done, you each burn your paper with the flame of the other person's candle. If you wish you can both say a short chant as the papers burn, such as:

  • "Light from above,
    Strengthen our love."

You can finish this spell in one of two ways:
You both can take the ashes and dispose of them in a body of running water. The element of water is associated with emotions.
Place the ashes in a nice looking container and keep them where the two of you will see the container often, to remind you both of the spell.

Astrological Color Correspondences:
Aries (March 21 - April 19) - White, red, light red, pink, orange

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - Red, dark green, green, light green, burnt orange, blue, yellow

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - Red, purple, lavender, blue, silver, yellow

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Green, white, silver, blue

Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Red, yellow, gold

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – Gold, purple, lavender, blue, silver, yellow

Libra (September 23 – October 22) – Black, dark green, green, light green, burnt orange, yellow

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) – Red, light red, pink, orange, blue

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – Gold, dark blue, blue, light blue, purple

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – Red, black, midnight blue, indigo

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – Blue, black, midnight blue, gray

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) – White, dark blue, blue, light blue, purple
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Psychic Chant 2
More sparkles. :)
More sparkles. :)
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Happy Samhain! :mrgreen:
Pickle sends his love ;)
Pickle sends his love ;)
It just isn't Samhain without The Nightmare Before Christmas. "Jack's Lament" is my favorite. :mrgreen: [/color]
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I loved the first part of my response to this post so much that I needed it here. :)
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

My birthday is awesome because I leave you gifts. :mrgreen:

A Birthday Blessing

May your spirit
soar gracefully
on the whispering breeze.

May your joy
run strong
as the deepest seas.

May your soul
reach out
to embrace the sky.

May your heart
guide you truly
as the years go by.
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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Happy Yule!
I hope your days are metal and bright. :mrgreen:
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Spell to Bring Energy smiley_dance

*This was inspired by "a simple spell to attract the positive" written by plant witch. Thank you for the inspiration.
Also inspired by this picture:

(source) ... o1_500.png

Coffee cup (maybe in a color associated with energy if you have one, the bigger the better lol)
Dry ingredients of your drink of choice (coffee grounds or tea. Caffeinated please!)
Objects associated with energy, or the sun (suggestions to follow)
Something to stir with (spoon, stir stick, athame, wand, finger)

Any associated with the Sun
Need help with planetary hours? Go here:

1) Place your items outside in the sun or in a sunny window for a little while to absorb the sun's rays. If you need the energy at night, you can place your items under a bright light during a sun hour.
2) Put the drink ingredients into the cup first. Carefully place everything else in on top.
3) Gently stir the air over the cup in a deosil (clockwise) direction. If you want to, you can use your own chant here, or not, or you can try mine:
  • "Three times round,
  • Three times bound,
  • I summon energy,
  • to lift my sluggish body from the ground!"

  • You can place your cup on your altar, or leave it in a sunny window to keep drawing energy.
  • If you need energy on the go, use a travel mug and keep it in your vehicle's cup holder. Don't forget the lid. ;)
  • If you're a student, you can keep a travel mug in your backpack.
  • Don't want to take the whole darn thing? Why not empower a stone or crystal along with everything else? When you're done, you can leave the cup on your altar and take only the crystal with you.

Some suggested correspondences:
Rune: Ur
Direction: South
Colors: Gold, orange, red, yellow
Tarot: Emperor, Strength, Sun
Plants: Allspice, basil, carnation, catnip, clove, daisies, dill, frankincense, garlic, ginger, marigold, nutmeg, peppermint, rose, sage, St. John's Wort, sunflower, thyme
Stones: Amber, aventurine, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, fluorite, garnet, hematite, jade (red), jasper (red), jet, labradorite, lodestone, moss agate, onyx, opal (fire), pyrite, ruby, smoky quartz, sodalite, sunstone, tiger's eye, topaz, turquoise
Day: Sunday
Element: Fire
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Phone Enchantments

Telephone (can be a cellular phone or a land-line)
Phone case (if you have a cell phone)
Phone base (if you have a land-line)
Writing utensil (color can depend on zodiac signs)
Paper (color can depend on zodiac signs and/or intent)

To encourage specific people to call you or to not call you

1. Determine who you'd like to have call or not call you. You'll want to have person's name and phone number. If you don't know their number, that's fine. Just their name will suffice. This can be done for multiple people if you like. If you want to, you can match the color of the writing utensil to the zodiac sign of whomever you've chosen.
2. Do want this person/people to call you? Or to not call you? This will determine what color paper to use, if you even want to use colored paper. It's optional. If you're working with the name of just one person, you can choose to use a piece of paper that matches their zodiac sign. You can also base your choice of paper color on your intention. If you want someone to call you, choose a color that symbolizes communication, such as yellow. If you want someone to not call you, choose a color associated with stopping or blocking things, such as black.
3. Now that you've got your colors chosen, go ahead and write the name and phone number of the person/people down on the piece of paper. This will work well on scrap paper, but if you're using a full sized sheet of paper, after you have written down the name(s) and phone number(s), you can cut the paper down so that there is not excess space on the paper. You'll want the piece of paper relatively small.

Cell phone method:
If you have a phone case, slip the piece of paper between the back of the phone and the case. You can fold the paper if it's too big.

Land-line method:
If your land-line has a base that sits on a table or other flat surface, lift up the base and place the piece of paper underneath of it. If your land-line's base hangs on the wall, get yourself a piece of tape and put it on the back of the piece of paper. Remove the land-line's base from the wall and either tape the paper to the back of the base or to the wall. Place the base back up on the wall, taking care to make sure the the piece of paper is hidden.

  • If you don't have a cell phone case you can try something else. Add the person's name and phone number to your contact list, if you haven't done so already. Most phones have additional input fields to enter more information, such as a contact's email address, home address and other phone numbers. Choose a symbol or character such as # $ % etc. Empower the symbol for either contact or no contact. Enter the symbol in one of the blank fields.
  • Another idea is to create a custom wallpaper for your phone. If you know how to use Photoshop, GIMP, or any similar image manipulation program, you can "hide" the names and phones numbers on your wallpaper. Select an image you want to use and create a hidden or invisible layer. On that layer, type in the name and phone number. Flatten the image, or merge the layers so that the layer with the name and phone number is invisible. No one knows that the layer is there except you. :)
  • Here's another wallpaper idea: create a sigil from the person's name. If you have their phone number, create a sigil from their number as well. You can do this by adding the digits of their phone number together, then reducing the total to a single digit. For example:
    (012)-345-6789 = 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9= 45 = 4+5= 9
    You can draw the sigil or sigils on a piece of paper (using the same colors as mentioned above if you wish), then take a photo of the paper and use it as your wallpaper. Or you can draw the sigil(s) on the computer and download it to your phone. Or if you don't want people to see strange symbols on your phone, you can draw your own image with the sigil(s) cleverly hidden in the design.

Astrological Color Correspondences:
Aries (March 21 - April 19) - White, red, light red, pink, orange
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - Red, dark green, green, light green, burnt orange, blue, yellow
Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - Red, purple, lavender, blue, silver, yellow
Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Green, white, silver, blue
Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Red, yellow, gold
Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – Gold, purple, lavender, blue, silver, yellow
Libra (September 23 – October 22) – Black, dark green, green, light green, burnt orange, yellow
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) – Red, light red, pink, orange, blue
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – Gold, dark blue, blue, light blue, purple
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – Red, black, midnight blue, indigo
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – Blue, black, midnight blue, gray
Pisces (February 19 – March 20) – White, dark blue, blue, light blue, purple

Note: If you are receiving harassing phone calls, please take mundane actions. Contact your local police department if you are being threatened. If you're being called by bothersome solicitors or scammers, hang up and report the phone number and company name to the Federal Trade Commission. You can also sign up for the National Do Not Call Registry. Do not let these people threaten you or your loved ones.
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Dear reader,
Thanks for sticking with me this long. ::hug::
Now I'd like to redirect you back to page one. ... ml#p177446 I replaced the video on how to make black salt. In my opinion, this video is a better one. May you find it helpful.

That's all for now. smileydance

Love and Bright Blessings,
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Black Wards

Piece of paper (preferably small, and white, or a color you associate with protection, or the color of that which you wish to protect)
Black salt (see below for links to instructions)
Black Marker
Black candle

1.) As you work, visualize the wards discouraging people or other entities from trespassing.
2.) Draw a pentacle or other protective symbol in the center of the piece of paper. Carefully sprinkle a fine, narrow line of black salt on top of the outline of the pentacle or symbol.
3.) Light the candle and let it burn long enough to melt some of the wax.
4.) Carefully, drip the wax over the line of black salt, adhering the mixture to the paper. As you do this step, you can use any kind of chant, prayer or invocation that you want to.
5.) When the wax has dried, carefully fold the paper into quarters.
6.) Place the paper near what you're protecting. The ward can be used anywhere. Your only limit is your imagination.

Links for making black salt:
The Angelwood Grimoire ... 27-15.html
Black Salt ... 25748.html
Black Salt uses and how to make your own ... 22557.html
Video Link ... r_embedded
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