How do I find out who my God and Goddess are??

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How do I find out who my God and Goddess are??

Post by AlasseShadowDragon86 »

I am new to this forum but I do know some about Paganism and Wicca. I am going to college and recently we read about Greece and it peaked my curiosity about the Gods and Goddesses. I have been trying to figure out how I can find out who my God and Goddess are, I feel like we all have one that are there for us etc. So my question is what do I do to find out who my God and Goddess are? Just wondering really need to know!!
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Re: How do I find out who my God and Goddess are??

Post by Lillady »

The best way is to meditate, ask them to come to you. Be sure to also give thanks and offerings to them. My deity is Isis, she came to me in a time of need and I never even called upon her, she just came to me and helped me in my custody situation with my daughters. Every deity works differently. They may come to you awake or asleep. Always look for signs that relate to them as well. So if you have yet to be sure to research in case you are not sure of who they are if they do not tell you at first. I hope this helps you. Blessed Be.

Re: How do I find out who my God and Goddess are??

Post by AlasseShadowDragon86 »

Well ever since I have been living where I am at now I have smelled roses when there is no one around, one day I was laying in bed and I was awake just had my eyes closed and I seen a silhouette of a hand against a off white, creamy, browinish orangish background, I have even seen a figure out o the corner of my eye that wears a long flowing white tunic so to speak.
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Re: How do I find out who my God and Goddess are??

Post by Lover of War »

So u like the Greek gods? Then do research about them. Maybe ull get a sign from one to worship them. I am particularly devoted to Aphrodite and Ares.
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Re: How do I find out who my God and Goddess are??

Post by Floyd Pinkerton »

I experienced it this way: over time, I started to feel a calling to a certain group of deities. Norse and Greek deities never appealed to me, but, given my (albeit slight) Irish heritage, I've always felt drawn to Celtic things. When I got into Wicca, I researched all the different pantheons, and the Celtic one called out to me quite strongly. I guess what I'm trying to get at is when you feel that one pantheon is calling out to you more than the others, you've found your god(s)/goddess(es).
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Re: How do I find out who my God and Goddess are??

Post by SnowCat »

I've usually had them introduce themselves when I was in a time of need. Bast, Isis, Sekhmet, Loki, Freya. Not a Celtic one in the bunch, despite my British Isles gene pool. But the Vulcans always embraced the concept of IDIC. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination.

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Re: How do I find out who my God and Goddess are??

Post by Nightwatcher »

If you are drawn to the Greek pantheon and you are smelling roses all the time, it may be Aphrodite calling you.
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Re: How do I find out who my God and Goddess are??

Post by azriel »

Hello! You may start seeing a repetition of animals, symbols or even a specific God/Goddess appear to you. It could be outside or in literature and it may be your deities trying to get in touch with you. It could even be sent to you in a way that you are more comfortable; a dream, meditation, or if you like to doodle check to see if you have been interested in a certain item. They will let you know when they believe it is the right time!

Unfold your wings and take off into the sky
Before you're burned, become the sun
Blow, oh wind... It guides you into the sky
Before your whole self is taken away

summer rain

Re: How do I find out who my God and Goddess are??

Post by summer rain »

When I was little before I became Wiccan I read a book about the goddess Nyx, I lost the book over the years, but I've always remembered the Goddess of night. She has been my goddess since before I was Wiccan. She watched over me and protected me when I was in need.
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