what is this plant?

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Re: what is these plant?

Post by Firebird »

Deku, the leaves of the chinaberry very are toxic, I recomend you do not eat anymore. the pic you provided is of a full grown chinaberry tree, no relation to ash or parsley. Generally speaking, being very bitter to the taste is mother natures way of saying, danger.
We are trying to identify the OP's plant, and while it does have a vague resemblance to a baby chinaberry, this plant looks more tender and slightly tomentose in its leaf. A chinaberry is much more sturdy and glaborus in the look of the leaf. The leaf arrangemrnt also suggests it is if the Apiaceae family or also known as the Umbeliferae fam,... which is the parsley family.
Still looking ladybloodie
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Re: what is these plant?

Post by random417 »

I figured we'd have figured this out by now. We've got this stuff growing as weeds at my mom's place. I'll ask her when I see her tomorrow, if I can remember
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Re: what is these plant?

Post by Firebird »

Cool random, can you get a pic of it?
Thanks, ff
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Re: what is these plant?

Post by Deku »

I put some in my mouth when I was small. It can be used as pesticide. But eat a leaf cannot poison you :)
yeah. Post it. Here is my chinaberry tred
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Re: what is these plant?

Post by Deku »


Re: what is these plant?

Post by Mashiigwe »

Not an Ash tree, doubt it is any kind of tree. Second the wisdom of firebirdflys. Looks like a member of the parsley family. Umm, don't give it the taste test.

Re: what is these plant?

Post by ladybloodie »

Ha, finally found post again! I well work on getting some better pics up. As far as taste been to unsure of wat it is to taste, texture wise I can't recall at these moment. But defiantly put that with the new pics. I thinking parsley myself but I heard parsley grows in a bunch and can look like a small, short bush. These are growing few inches apart.

Re: what is these plant?

Post by Mashiigwe »

It would definitely help if the pic had flowers. When we said parsley, it meant in the parsley family, not necessarily the kind of parsley you would find at the store. Water Hemlock and the various types of Poison Hemlock are also in the parsley family, so tasting is not really the best way to ID mystery plants, plus so many plants that won't hurt you are bitter. Bitter is very common. Some things that would help an "outsider" ID your mystery plant would be knowing what general area of the World it resides. I live in northern Michigan and if you are in England my help is probably useless. But, if the critters are eating the flower heads on your specimen, try to find one in flower. That is extremely important and any ID without flowers would be suspect as many plants have similar leaves, and even wild plants of the same species can vary in looks (height, leaf size, leaf color, etc) depending on growing conditions. I realize that this may not seem like help, but it's the first step in understanding the identification of plants: understanding the challenges. The next step is understanding how to use a field guide, along with having a good grasp of taxonomy... Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species... Pardon me, but I don't want to give you a fish, I want to teach you how "to fish"
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Re: what is these plant?

Post by Firebird »

:fairy: ::coolglasses:: ::coolglasses:: ::coolglasses:: ::coolglasses:: ::coolglasses:: ::coolglasses:: ::coolglasses:: ::coolglasses:: ::coolglasses:: ::coolglasses:: ::coolglasses::
Holy moly
COOL !! another plant person
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Re: what is these plant?

Post by Mashiigwe »

Hi firebirdflys.. I miss prickly pear cactus and pomegranates growing along the edges of roads like you may have. Plants are way cool!
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Re: what is these plant?

Post by Firebird »

Ha ha! Cactus yes, pomegranates...not so much.
They grew along the road to the college I went to, but unfortunately lots of people knew about them and the would get picked before they were even ripe! I finally have one in my backyard... haha ..a volunteer no less!
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