
For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Post by GreenGato »

Okay, it probably wasn't a gremlin but I did see it in the baggage bin on an airplane.

It's actually my first memory, I was about 4 and the plane had just landed in Dublin (my family was attending a wedding). I woke up with my head resting on the arm of the seat closest to the ile with my head facing the roof of the plane. A small and wrinkled disproportionate face was looking back at me. It made a funny face at me and then went back into the baggage bin.

The only basis for comparison I had at the time was the Bugs Bunny gremlins so when I told my parents I had seen a gremlin they assumed I had just made it up. I hadn't even thought of it for years but it just popped back into my head.

I've been fascinated with faery stories and especially experiences ever since and am particularly keen to hear if other people have had similar experiences to me.
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Re: Gremlins

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I've never seen anything, but I've had some odd experiences ever since I started working with the Fey. Haha. Some of which include finding objects placed in my shoes that I did NOT put there... (i.e. amethysts, a button, and a twig). I'm really hoping some day I'll be able to see them and I think I'm starting to, as I saw some strange glowing lights out of my peripheral vision today and yesterday.

That's a very interesting and cool story, though! I'm happy you were able to see that! How cool!
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Re: Gremlins

Post by Seraphin »

About three block away from our family house in our province, there used to be an abandoned lot overgrown with vines, wild bushes, and tall grasses where there was a small concave heap of shrubs that I could fit just right into. As a little kid, it was my secret sanctuary where I spend the early afternoons before my Mom comes out to call me home for my afternoon nap.

I believed my little sanctuary was a portal between the magickal fae kingdom and our world. I never saw gremlins there but I saw sprites -- little mischievous creatures like gremlins, watching over me while I have my moments of sweet, solo, quiet, childhood happiness.

Isn't it amazing to see wonderful creatures like them? :D

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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