Controling your gift

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Controling your gift

Post by n »

I'm new to this whole world and need help. I'm an empath. As a kid it was treated with therapy which worked like a bandaid and as an adult it has gotten out of hand. I have only pieces of a personality left after years of being drowned out by other peoples emotions and I've been left unable to function normally. Every year my ability seems to get stronger and any attempt at control just gets crushed. I tried meditating, but that does nothing. I've tried several spells but still nothing. I need help. It's hard to maintain any sort of interpersonal relationships and living in a cave forever doesn't sound all that appealing to me.
How do you guys manage your gifts? Do other people have this problem?
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Re: Controling your gift

Post by Seraphin »

I manage my gifts through practice and patience. Because I believe impatience never makes things happen faster or better, and instead only causes agitation, frustration and disappointment. It serves up failure, because most often the psychic skills and spiritual work I pursue to control really take time and effort. From simple meditation, to visualization, astral work, pathworking and others. It's also a short step from impatience to get upset and then totally give up.

I manage my gifts by practising virtue or, as I like to call it, living in "virtuous reality."

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Sakura Blossom
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Re: Controling your gift

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I was in the same position as you! They had labeled me with a mood disorder, because I'd randomly change moods but I have since had that label removed because they realized it wasn't true for me.

Have you ever tried shielding? It's the only thing that has ever worked for me, to be honest. And it helps if I charm a necklace or something I can wear, for protection to keep the feelings out, and I tap it to 'activate' it. If I imagine the shield, and ask the powers I work with to protect me, it's helped A LOT. There is also a guided meditation I was taught, that works sooooooo much better than any other meditation I've tried.

Sometimes it takes experimenting to find out what helps you the most. (: Not one thing is going to work for everyone!

If you'd like to know the meditation I do, let me know and I can share it for you! Don't worry, you will find what helps you soon enough I am sure!
"We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Ode by Arthur O'Shaughnessy

If you need any help with anything, don't hesitate to ask!

Re: Controling your gift

Post by n »

Sakura Blossom wrote:I was in the same position as you! They had labeled me with a mood disorder, because I'd randomly change moods but I have since had that label removed because they realized it wasn't true for me.

Have you ever tried shielding? It's the only thing that has ever worked for me, to be honest. And it helps if I charm a necklace or something I can wear, for protection to keep the feelings out, and I tap it to 'activate' it. If I imagine the shield, and ask the powers I work with to protect me, it's helped A LOT. There is also a guided meditation I was taught, that works sooooooo much better than any other meditation I've tried.

Sometimes it takes experimenting to find out what helps you the most. (: Not one thing is going to work for everyone!

If you'd like to know the meditation I do, let me know and I can share it for you! Don't worry, you will find what helps you soon enough I am sure!
I've tried this and it works to an extent. But sometimes my gift leeks. And I often don't notice until it's too late. I have this giant crystal necklace I use. Its easier for me to hold onto in public when I need to sort through something without looking like an idiot. Instead I just look like a nervous hipster which I can handle.
I would love to know about the meditation you do! Mine is definately not working.
Do you ever have others feelings become your own? Do you ever lose your personality if you are around someone with a strong one for long enough? If so how do you cope with that? I can sheild against day to day emotions but its those subtile things that creep under my radar and I usually don't realize how deep I am until it's too late.

Re: Controling your gift

Post by n »

Seraphin wrote:I manage my gifts through practice and patience. Because I believe impatience never makes things happen faster or better, and instead only causes agitation, frustration and disappointment. It serves up failure, because most often the psychic skills and spiritual work I pursue to control really take time and effort. From simple meditation, to visualization, astral work, pathworking and others. It's also a short step from impatience to get upset and then totally give up.

I manage my gifts by practising virtue or, as I like to call it, living in "virtuous reality."
Trust me, practice and patience are something I've had a lot of. I was diagnosed with this at age 5 and at age 7 I started working with a therapist who actually understood what was going on. The problem is my gift keeps getting stronger and not in managable steps. Certain people trigger what I like to call "flares" and then all the progress I've made is set back.
Honestly, at this time, I don't want to deepen my ability. I just want to control it so I can function and have some semblence of normalicy. I've got enough on my plate between dreams, empathy and the occasional burst of creepy empathic mind reading.
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Re: Controling your gift

Post by Shub Niggurath »

The simplest way I can think of (and it helped me too!) is Zen meditation. It requires a lot of regular practice but if you're really determined to do something about the overwhelming empathy problem you should at least try ;)
Read a bit about Zen meditation and Theravada's Jhanas (states of mind). Once you practice enough to be able to enter Kensho state whenever you want... everything will become easier. I promise :D
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