Strengthening Water Element?

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Strengthening Water Element?

Post by springsgrace »

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone had any tips for getting in touch with the water element? I am an emotional person, and I find it easy to be in touch with my feelings. However, I lack faith. In particular, faith in the Craft and paganism in general, since I was previously athiest. I simply need exercises I can do to strengthen my faith, have better calmness and anything that could help connect with my water element. Even recipes, crafts or activities related to the water element will help!
Thank you, and blessed be! :fairy:
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Re: Strengthening Water Element?

Post by AdastraJunction »

Using stones, instruments, and herbs associated with the element of Water would be a help to begin with. Try going on a stroll to a lake, pond, river or ocean and meditating there, find shells if you can. You may also want to link up with doing some volunteer work with water/fish/animal conservation in your area associated with wildlife preservation of aquatics. Just getting in touch with the nature and life of that element may give you the push you need to connect with it.
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Re: Strengthening Water Element?


Im naturally in tuned with water, and there's a peice of cake idea.
Your bath.
Hop on in, light some candles, put some natural oils and herbs in if it pleases you, soap it up with bubbles too! Get in at that "oh so right" temp, and relax.
As soon as you feel calm and settled, move your limbs around slowly, wiggle your toes and fingers, while paying attention to the water glide in between them. If you want to duck your head down,to submersion, move to make room, and gently glide down. To where your rues and everything is underwater. Listen to the sounds the water distorts when you move or lightly splash around. I try to keep a trickle of water flowing through the faucet, to hear a waterfall like sound underwater, be responsible about not wasting water, but, also, relax and enjoy our precious element.
I have found myself falling asleep I. The tub more times than I can count, with people always griping at me about how dangerous it can be. If your tuned in with yourself, eventually, you will know that your asleep, and your body naturally adapts to keeping nose and mouth above water. (make sure tub isn't full) my husband stopped griping cause he knows more than anyone, how natural I am in it. The Element can be a dangerous one. Remember, any element can downright kill you in excess. Earthquakes, floods, fires, tornadoes.. Be careful and respect it. But enjoy it, love it and you will find yourself wanting to get in water, splash, and , very important, save , conserve, and take care of our supply.
But don't be afraid if you find yourself, at night, playing on the sprinklers, if you have them, and enjoying the beauty of beads of water, sliding off your skin.

I hope this one simple idea helps.
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Re: Strengthening Water Element?

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

How about decorating your altar with things from the sea or anything nautical? Or perhaps decorate it in tones of blue and green? If you've got a nice roomy tub, how about a Bathroom Altar ? You could get an aquarium and some fish, and keep them in a spot in your home where you will see them often.
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