Subtle Magic Practice

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Subtle Magic Practice

Post by Moonfire »

So if any of you are in a situation like my own, you are in a position where you cannot openly practice magic. I have recently moved back in with my parents and while they know of my conversion to paganism/wicca they have expressly ordered that I am not to practice any magic. I can understand their reservations as it is, for the most part, very misunderstood. However, it is not something I am willing to give up as it is freeing for me, a relief of stress and even a way that I handle and cope with my days even if I have not yet delved into a lot of spell work.

However I have an alternative that some of you could practice that will not draw attention. For simplicity sake I'm going to nickname it "Glamor magic" (If there is a real name for this I do not know it! If anyone knows of the name then feel free to tell me!). This is a practice I've taken to where I utilize color magic in my daily appearance. Make-up is my usual for this but you can make use of this with fragrances, hair, nail polish and art and even fashion. Wearing make up, nail polish, perfumes and colognes and dressing in clothing is a very normal thing and with it, you can imbue your magic.

Make up

For starters, you'll definitely want to set up a circle when you start this. To start things off, you always go with foundation. Think about what you want to go for in the day, what kind of energies you want to utilize and other qualities you feel you will need. For this step I usually use concealer since it has a wand that makes it easier to write with but I write single words with what I want to use that day. One of my more common words is I write "Insight", "Wit" or "Wisdom" on my forehead. Then I blend in the make up and ta da! Invisible ink. If you have something specific in mind, like speaking wisdom, I would write it above or below your mouth. You can do all kinds of things for this. Just focus on your intent while you write the word, blend it in and you should be good to go!

This next part is one of my favorite steps. Eyeshadow. Here is where you can really bring in the color magic and imbue yourself with whatever energies you need. And it's not just limited to energies. I often use my eyeshadow to invoke Ra or Thoth by using their colors to go through the day. Sometimes I even blend both of their colors. You could also put this into practice with even spell work as well. "Ritual make up" so to speak. When I recently performed a banishment ritual, Ra told me to apply my make up in his colors and share in his strength. It really helped give me the boost I needed.

You could use this to honor other deities you have yet to start following or you could use different colors and blends to customize what you need for that day. Here's a little list of color associations:

Red - passion, lust, sexuality, warmth, fiery, strong foundation, danger
Orange - energy, excitement, creativity
Yellow - happiness, ideas, creativity, sour
Green - growth, healing, earth, money, luck
Blue - calmness, subconscious, emotions, communication, water
Purple - psychic energy, power, meditation
Pink - love, romance, flirtation, harmony
Grey - stormy skies, shadows, wind
Brown - neutral, grounding, stability, dirt
Black - power, absorbing, hidden
White - power, reflecting

If there is a specific color that you associate with something, by all means use it for that! This is not concrete here!

To break it down even further, depending on how you want to be viewed or noticed by others, you could apply it differently. Want to be notices for a strong personality or trait? Go bold. Want to just get through the day on your own while not really being noticed? Go subtle. If you want to express or show your creative side, you can get creative or different with the application.

This can also be applied to lipstick. This can deal more with your communication and how you want people to handle your words. Or it can be just one more piece into the overall myriad of colors you want.

Nailpolish is another fun one. All of these colors are applicable and you can go one step further. In your first coat you could draw sigils or runes. On your top coats you can utilize nail art, like maybe your spirit animal or your deity rules over. Draw flowers to feel more at one with the earth, clouds or sky for a sense of freedom and flight, symbols of a your ancestors to connect with them. This is also an option with lots of potential!


This one I have not practiced overly much since I don't have that many good clothes (And I tend to just wear jeans and a graphic tee shirt xD ). However, cuts, fabrics and color all can come into play. I associate loose, flowing clothing with a breezy disposition and something you would wear to just flow through the day. I also feel it is emotive and conducive to expressing emotions that you wish to share. More fitted and sharp cuts and lines, to me are more a symbol of rigidity, not in a negative sense, but in the way that if you need to be seen as a strong foundation or have your view heard it would be what you wear. Shapely clothes, those that are tailored to fit your figure and accentuate it, I associate with sensuality, fire and strength.

Ultimately though, you go with what "feeling" you get from them and this also applies to fabric types.


This a branch that is much more...interpretive from my experience. You could look up the ingredients of a fragrance and then find their magical associations and go from there. However I have found it seems to be best to go with what it makes you feel and what you associate it with. Take some time to smell each cologne/perfume you have, close your eyes and note what kind of response it elicits from you. Does it make you feel luxurious? Confident? Calm? However you respond, you can apply these fragrances accordingly depending on what you are in need of that day.

Hair/ Knot Magic

Knot magic is an official practice and I have found it is a good way to "lock in" whatever you are going for. A simple braid usually does the trick. However, you can still use hair styles as other ways to tap into energies. I have not practiced very much with this as my hair is at a weird stage that I can't do that much with other than a ponytail or half pony tail. And I'm not as skilled as working with hair as I am with make up. But a good example is if I want to be composed and strong I usually go with a ponytail.

Again associations are a pretty big key here. So go with your interpretation.

And on that note, you can also step it up and even use hair dyes to bring in color and certain energies that you want. If you are a type of person with the complexion that can pull of a multitude of different colors (and know I am extremely jealous if you are) then this is another option that you can apply. Colors and combinations are a big possible here for you to use and use energies.

I have even used jewelry a few times to harness certain magical energies though not enough that I could really break it down and explain it in depth here yet. But any one of these are a great way to practice your craft but not arouse suspicion from your peers. Afterall, you are just doing your daily routine for the day. :wink:

It's a good way to stay connected, practice what you love and the confidence boost that usually comes afterwards isn't too bad either. :D So go forth and do your magic!

Many Blessings!
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Re: Subtle Magic Practice

Post by Moonfire »

Here's some Make up I've used to Thoth. Silver and a deeper blue are both colors of his with some simple eyeliner since he is a more subtle deity, it ties it together as needed. I used a maroonish lip color here to give a bit of a bold look so it would bring people to focus and listen to what I had to say.

For my earrings I used dangling wings as they represent freedom and a more clear view of things before me. To top it off, Thoth is a bird deity so the wings seemed to suit. I threw in the cuff because whenever I wear it, it makes me feel more daring, edgy and powerful so it's a nice way for me to hold everything together. :3
Earrings for thoth.jpg
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Re: Subtle Magic Practice

Post by Lillady »

Very good point Moonfire for those that cannot be open when it comes to practicing. Nice to be able to color correspond things with clothes and jewelry. Also remember everyone that tools are not always needed. The magick is within you and all things are still possible even if you don't have books, stones, a wand etc. I have been in that situation myself and there is always a way around not being able to be open when it comes to practicing magick :)
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Re: Subtle Magic Practice

Post by Moonfire »

Lillady wrote:Very good point Moonfire for those that cannot be open when it comes to practicing. Nice to be able to color correspond things with clothes and jewelry. Also remember everyone that tools are not always needed. The magick is within you and all things are still possible even if you don't have books, stones, a wand etc. I have been in that situation myself and there is always a way around not being able to be open when it comes to practicing magick :)
Agreed. While I can do things without the tools, I have found that most of my strength comes from "doing" things physically. I'm a hands on person when it comes to learning new things and practicing so while I can do my magic without the make up or anything, I find I'm not as effective. But it is very true that there is always magic within you to use, even if you cannot practice openly. I sincerely hope that this "glamor magic" is helpful to those who wish to practice by "doing" but cannot do so openly. :3 It's empowering, in a way, like I a reminder to myself that even though they think they have, they still can't stop me!
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Re: Subtle Magic Practice

Post by MsMollimizz »

This is cool, thanks !
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