Where to begin

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Where to begin

Post by TawnyOwl »

I have wanted to be a Witch since I was very small but have lacked courage and conviction.

What I wanted to ask was, where to start. What school of magic do you think would suit me?

I am a Christian Witch

I have trouble with incantations and meditation because of mental illness

I am very interested in magic that revolves around Nature

Any suggestions and book ideas?
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Re: Where to begin

Post by SnowCat »

Start with connecting to nature. Since you're a Christian witch, you might be more comfortable with prayer rather than incantations. There's absolutely nothing wrong with starting very small and simple. Take what you're familiar and comfortable with, expand from there. It could be as simple as changing the wording of a prayer, to make it better reflect your intent.

Daughter of Sekhmet
1st Chosen

Re: Where to begin

Post by 1st Chosen »

I've always been thankful for Scott Cunningham's Solitary Practitioner. He was a gentle writer and I learned the basics from his books.

Re: Where to begin

Post by TawnyOwl »

How do I connect with nature?

I wish to connect more with my guardian angel and my animal spirit guide but I am confused on what schools of magic would suit me. Those that are no other religions.

Thank you for answering.
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Re: Where to begin

Post by SnowCat »

Find a spot in nature that you feel attracted to. Maybe a tree or some body of water. Just go spend time with your chosen nature spot. You don't necessarily have to meditate. Just sit there with your spot. Let the thoughts and images come to mind. Sometimes it's all about baby steps.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: Where to begin

Post by Katiara »

The problem is, there is no one right way. Each person kinda finds their own path and way. want to connect with nature? Take a walk outside and breathe in some air, go swimming in a lake ( I wouldn't advise this with the colder weather lol), take a short hike, spend time at a park.. find a place that draws you. Look at the trees, touch them, feel them.. touch the grass, walk barefoot (if it is safe to do so) feel the mud/earth. Dance in the rain, stand face first into the wind. Find things that speak to your heart. What I do and what you do will be different as we draw from different backgrounds and different personal experiences. You don't have to do incantations, or meditation. Keep a dream journal, when you wake up write about what you remember, see if any patterns emerge. Before going to bed pray to your guardian angel or ask your spirit animal to reveal itself to you. Often times they will come in that almost dream state. Do some research (Scott Cunningham's books are good 101 books), find the things that appeal to you. You won't know what you are looking for until you find it. So don't be afraid to read a lot of different writers, try many different things. I recommend journaling about your journey. Stop and ask yourself things like: What am I seeking? What do I want to accomplish? What basic things do I believe? What am I firmly against? What topics interest me? And go from there.
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