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Post by TawnyOwl »

I have no friends and never have had, I am house bound, have never been in a romantic relationship and have never experienced affection. I lost my Mother and Father in the last six months and have found that I have no one to communicate with and nothing to cling to.

I am also having a crisis of faith.

I was just wondering if anyone else feels lonely to the point that it burns? How do you cope, what do you do when you suffer and no one cares about it.
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Re: Lonliness

Post by AdastraJunction »

Everyone has felt lonely in their lives, it's being able to feel comfortable with ones self that is very important. You don't have to be alone, being alone is a choice and it isn't always bad. I love my time alone, it gives me a chance to work on projects and goals I've set for myself. You need to get to know YOU to understand what it is you want out of life.

Finding a support group (especially a grief counselor) would be something to look into. As I said previously, being alone is a choice. Get out and do things you normally wouldn't do, meet new people and give yourself a new direction in life. Nothing is ever all doom and gloom! Find projects to do, learn a new skill, join a club of some sort that has to do with your interests. Being unattached has many benefits but everyone needs someone to lean on. Welcome to the family here, I don't know you but I care about you because you are my sister/brother as is every one of the human race. Every soul is important and every soul has a purpose, all you need to do is find yours. :)

Re: Lonliness

Post by TawnyOwl »

The trouble is...I can not go out and I have a plethora of mental issues that make meeting and talking to people basically impossible. My loneliness increased when I lost my Mother but it is a life long thing. It is difficult to explain because though it sounds dramatic my loneliness is not something experienced a lot because it is almost absolute and has been all my life. Unlike the majority of people it is not a temporary thing but a life long constant that is driving me mad.

I am trapped very much by my illnesses. I have tried to make friends, I have tried forums, social media, pen pal sites, art community's, writing community's but I always tend to get ignored and when I do find someone to speak with, they tend not to speak with me for long before vanishing with no reason.

Also I find it difficult to click with people, few seem to share my interests, even fewer seem to understand my nervous nature and so we either end up running out of things to speak of or I find myself rebuked by the harshness of there personality.

What do I want out of life? The same thing I have always wanted since I was small, love, comfort and company, to live without daily fear, have back the connection to God and the world beyond the mundane I lost to the fear and write peacefully.

I don't choose to be lonely I never did but either people tend not to want to know me, ignore me, we fail to click or my mental illness gets in the way.

Thank you for answering, I m sorry I must sound like I am whining. Oh and I am a sister.
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Re: Lonliness

Post by SnowCat »

When you say you are a sister, do you mean that you have taken vows in a religious life. I would just like to have a better understanding of what makes you tick.

Daughter of Sekhmet

Re: Lonliness

Post by TawnyOwl »

Oh no, sorry I thought AdastraJunction was wondering whether I was male or female I was just answering that I am female ^^
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Re: Lonliness

Post by AdastraJunction »

As I do not know what mental illness causes your daily troubles I do hope you find a way to be happy. Sometimes the act of wanting to take charge of your own mind (taking it back so to speak) is enough to give the push needed to walk out the door and say "screw it, its my life and I'm doing what I please with it". Again I don't know your situation and if that would even be possible. I hope you find comfort, hope and happiness though! It's not as tall an order as one may think :)

Re: Lonliness

Post by TawnyOwl »

I have severe OCD, BDD, GAD, Social Phobia and Agoraphobia.

And Thank you
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Re: Lonliness

Post by SnowCat »

TawnyOwl wrote:Oh no, sorry I thought AdastraJunction was wondering whether I was male or female I was just answering that I am female ^^
I somehow missed the first part of this whole thing. Please pardon my confusion. And welcome to the forum.

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Re: Lonliness

Post by Kassandra »


Ya' got us! :P

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