Anti negativity house cleanse - need suggestions

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Anti negativity house cleanse - need suggestions

Post by welshwitch1 »

Hi please can anyone give me some suggestions/help I moved into my house 10yrs ago and since have had one tradgedy or mishap one after the other,Can anyone help with this like maybe a house clean
Many many thanks
Blessed be

quote]Be who you are say what you feel because those who care dont matter and those who matter dont care....
Posts: 56
Joined: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:31 pm

Post by katie2005 »

i will see if i find one for u .
Posts: 56
Joined: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:31 pm

Post by katie2005 »

things you will need

Sage (charcoal and container to use in smudging)
Blessed water (of your own design or choice)

Starting in the North then going counter clock wise in each room, All closets, doors, windows, corners, I throw salt saying with conviction to any energy,....

Break away, do not stay!!

Starting in the North then going counter clock wise in each room, Then above and then below, all closets, doors, windows, corners, I take the Sage for smudging and say ...

Release and go, be on your way.

Starting in the North then going clock wise in each room, all closets, doors, windows, corners, I take the blessed water and sprinkle it saying ....

Wash away and Cleanse, I welcome the love and trust sent my way.

Starting in the North then going clock wise in each room, I take sand and scatter (not heavy) in a circle about the room.

Ground and Hold all that is welcomed to my home every day.

I hope this helps.

A tree will share shade with anyone.

this spell was given to me by birch. it has been proven to work and she does it everymonth to her house.

Thank you

Post by welshwitch1 »

Hi Katie,Thank you very much for answering and for given me the information, I will do this and come back to let you know how it went, I think i can buy most of the things on ebay, being new to this i am still finding my feet so to speak, Thank you again
Best of
Anna welshwitch

Post by KennyS32 »

A Most Excellent solution Katie and Birch! I've only saged.. this is wonderful...
You might just find a local occult shop that sells sage wands and such as this is readily available rather then Ebay..
After all is said and done.. turn your house into a temple with some protection spells.. there are many.. while burning Frankinsense and Myrrh
Just adding to the cauldron here :D

house cleansing

Post by welshwitch1 »

Thank you very much for your help,you may think me a bit naive here but it really will be my first time doing anything like this. so all help is very much appreciated,

Be who you are say what you feel ,because those that mind dont matter and those that matter dont mind.

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