Evidence for reincarnation?

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
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Evidence for reincarnation?

Post by Nyd »

I am as much of a scientist as I am spiritual because I think they are not so much different. I like to find out how things work. I personally believe in reincarnation, but would love to find out if anyone has made a good attempt at proving some theories.

This could be studies, even if they are not cold hard science, stories in the news, or even your personal accounts.

What are your reasons for believing reincarnation is real?

I have been dreaming of what seems like different past lives. But only one is constantly recurring and downright haunting me in dreams mostly. I have written this down and even created a story for a comic book. My exact experiences are described here: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... ml#p212090

Now I am trying to figure out what I am dealing with since my dreams are becoming true for my current life. Or maybe the nature of events is repeating itself? It is really hard to say. I don't dismiss any other possibilities but so many of the things I know I could not know simply from intuition or visions of the future if that makes sense.
So I am very interested to find out more about the possibility of reincarnation. :)
Nyd byþ nearu on breostan; weorþeþ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum
to helpe and to hæle gehwæþre, gif hi his hlystaþ æror.
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Re: Evidence for reincarnation?

Post by Firebird »

Greetings Nyd, interesting food for thought.
This is one that has been on the debate table for some time now.
What I am about to say is backed up by scientific proof.
We now know the human body has an electric component to it. Electricity by nature can never end, it can only change forms. So then, when we die our electronic component will change into whatever is next.
What's next?
There is a good possibility we connect to a greater energy...Issac Bonewits described it as a kind of cosmic switchboard...for those of you who know how the PBX phone worked.
Meditation to the point of conscious astral projection is a way to connect to the cosmic switchboard. In this place the answers of today, tomorrow and yesterday should be avaliable to those who are adept.
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Re: Evidence for reincarnation?

Post by SnowCat »

Going just a bit further with what Firebird said, our bodies are, in a sense, biological batteries. An EKG tests the electrical functioning of the heart. An EEG tests the electrical functioning of the brain. As far as I know, biological life is non-existent in the absence of electricity. Of course too much of a good thing can have disastrous consequences.

On that note, too much eagerness to share one's point of view can also have disastrous consequences. Intelligent discussion and debate are always welcome here. Questions are most definitely encouraged. The only stupid question is the one that you don't ask. I've been practicing for more than forty years. I still learn new things from very new practitioners here. We do, however, ask that each member respect the point of view of every other member.

Daughter of Sekhmet
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