question regarding measurement in spell recipe

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question regarding measurement in spell recipe

Post by alexienichole »

Hopefully this is the right place to post this question. Just a very quick question and the answer may be obvious, but it's just not coming to me

In a recipe I have for an oil, it states to use one part basil powder, one part spearmint oil, one quarter part cinnamon essence and six parts base oil. What exactly is a "part"? It's for a prosperity oil recipe. There were a few other similar oil recipes in this book that states to use so many "parts" instead of teaspoon and I'm not quite sure what it's asking for.

thanks, Suzanne

Post by KennyS32 »

Hi , I think it means like a unit of measurement.. say for instance.. a part is a cup then 2 parts is 2 cups and one fourth part is one fourth of a it all depends in how much you are putting together.. obviously a cup is way to much .. just an example of amounts.. does this help? now I'm lost.. :wink:

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