How to find a legitimate psychic?

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How to find a legitimate psychic?

Post by onyx208 »

I want to meet with a psychic but I am afraid of imposters. What are things to look for in one? Any red flags to show they might not be quality or legitimate?
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Re: How to find a legitimate psychic?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Ah, one of my favorite topics!

Unfortunately, you won't know until you meet them personally sometimes and you may end up having to pay for shoddy service.

However, there are some things to look for if you're wanting to find someone who is 'legit'.

I found mine because he immediately told me some things that were incredibly specific to me, and because he didn't ask many questions.

A really easy way to tell is if the person starts leading you into giving them information as well as giving broad/general statements.

"Oh, I see an important moment in your future. Something big, something very special, I see you wearing a gown."

"Oh! I'll be graduating from high school soon."

"Yes! And I see you doing this..."

And so on.

If they try to get you to give them a lot of personal information, then more than likely you're telling them what to tell you which is called "cold reading".

If they have signs up, advertising their services then chances are they aren't the real deal either.

The best way is to visit a spiritual shop as they usually have psychics come in or they'd have information of how to reach those who might be. I'd put trust in them to find the right people, who are far more legitimate and won't go advertising their services elsewhere than there.

Paying up front is usually a bad sign too, but not always.

I feel like I'm forgetting some things, but hopefully this helps!
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Re: How to find a legitimate psychic?

Post by Xiao Rong »

I've never paid for a reading before, but generally speaking if someone does a reading for you, and tells you that you have some ghost/curse/spirit wreaking havoc in your life and for the low, low, price of $299.99 they'll exorcise it for you, start asking about a refund policy.
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Re: How to find a legitimate psychic?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Yeah, this is where it gets tricky too, because the one I see does charge but it's due to the fact that it takes time out of his usual work schedule to do it so he only charges a small fee for his services. Like Xiao said, if it's the low, low price of 299 then I'd run. Run fast. Haha.
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Re: How to find a legitimate psychic?

Post by YanaKhan »

I was told once that a real psychic never offers their services - they're usually recommended from person to person without having to offer and advertise.
Also, I don't know about other countries, but in Eastern Europe, real psychics don't talk about money - they don't have a price list and take whatever you are willing to give - be it 1 p ot 1000 dollars.
A real psychic usually wouldn't tell you something very bad - a serious illness for example, they would suggest you check with a doctor. While a phony one would do exactly that as Xiao mentioned - for ONLY 99.99 they will "remove" the family curse you are under ;)
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How to find a legitimate psychic?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

I live in the Bible Belt. We have one publicly practicing psychic in town. I've been to her three times and she is legit and has charges me $25 a visit. She asks very little questions but give lots of detail in her responses. I know she is legitimate because she made a wild prediction that came true. She told me I would start a business with my name on it. Then she admitted she wasn't sure if it was a business or something else. She mentioned it might not be profitable, but that I would be passionate about it. Sometime later, I started an open mic at the bar I was working at to bring in more business. I asked my friend to MC and make some flyers because he is a graphic artist. Well, without my permission or me telling him to he named the open mic "Rosie's living room" and hung he flyers all over town. The open mic continued to run for over four years. So she was right! How could she have known he would do that if she wasn't legit, and I never told my friend about the reading until well after the fact. So I went back to her 2 more times.

Now, once while visiting family in Alexandria, VA I visited a psychic. I was just driving by and saw it and became intrigued. She gave me a reading only using half the cards in her deck and asked for more money to use the whole deck. She asked lots of questions. She told me the man I had just met really loved me and would be with me for the long haul. That we would have 3 children, all boys. She also told me I had some dark energy hanging around and wanted $150 to clear or away.. I didn't drop the money for it though, just didn't have it. So I saw in her lobby area nervous about this energy following me around and my cousin went in and had a palm reading done.. He came out and said " she says I'll meet the woman I'm suppose to marry soon and we'll have 3 boys!" I was like "let's get out of here..."
Okay, maybe my cousin and I will both end up with 3 boys each, but it just seemed like she rattles off the same things to everyone.

So I would say try them out and look for those that ask little questions, prices are low or reasonable, and have one make a solid prediction before you return.
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