Can I get some info on wolfsbane and mugwort?

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Can I get some info on wolfsbane and mugwort?

Post by Wolf* »

A friend of mine gave me a "sample pack" from herbs that he's bought, and these two were in it. The thing is, I don't know what these two can be used for, and can't find any good info on them. The only thing he really said about these is not to take the mugwort internally. :?

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Post by hedge* »

Mugwort ( Artemisia vulgaris ) has stimulant and slightly tonic properties, and is of value as a nervine and emmenagogue, having also diuretic and diaphoretic action.

Its chief employment is as an emmenagogue, often in combination with Pennyroyal and Southernwood. It is also useful as a diaphoretic in the commencement of cold.

It is given in infusion, which should be prepared in a covered vessel, 1 OZ. of the herb to 1 pint of boiling water, and given in 1/2 teaspoonful doses, while warm. The infusion may be taken cold as a tonic, in similar doses, three times daily: it has a bitterish and aromatic taste.

Do not take during pregnancy

Magically it can be used to induce lucid dreaming and astral travel.

You need to know the botanical name of Wolfsbane as there is another species known as Wolfsbane and also Wolfsbane is known by other names.
Do you have the botanical name?

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Post by Wolf* »

Ah, thank you.

And no, he just said it was wolfsbane. What if I take a picture and show you?

EDIT: Here's a pic

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Post by hedge* »

Hi wolf
It's really hard to see from that picture. Is there a company name and address on the packet? If so I would write them or e.mail them and ask, they of all people should know.
Are there some Seeds in with the Flower heads? If so, I would plant some and see what grows :D

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Post by Wolf* »

accually, it was just a zip-lock bag full,and he got it from ^^;

But yeah, planting them is a great idea, why didn't I think of that? :shock:

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."
wait until dark


Post by wait until dark »

in Cunningham's Encyclopediaof Magical Herbs it says that Wolf's Bane is posion and it is also for protection and invisibitlity.

Post by Arren »

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Post by [scifichick] »

I found a good website (well, I think it's good). I bought few things from them.
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Post by Wolf* »

Thanks for the info, folks :)

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

Where to find mugwort?

Post by Yavanna »

Mugwort is readily available in YOUR BACKYARD!
Don't buy it, for heaven's sake. It's EVERWHERE.
If you need piccies, go to and search under mugwort in the images section. Oh, heck, here's a piccie of how it looks in the field:
Mugwort grows everywhere. It's found in disturbed dirt fields and ditches - it's the tall one with lots of small buds that smells like - well, field. You know the one that used to bother your nostrils as a kid when you played in a field? The slightly stinky foot tall weed? That's mugwort. Once you learn it, you'll never forget it. It grows right alongside the goldenrod.
Now is the time to harvest it, too! Get it before it freezes. There are lots of buds right now and it should be really fragrant. Just strip the stems, and take home the good stuff. About a day of two drying and they should be ready for a dream pillow.
:) That goes for everybody accross the USA - don't buy Mugwort, you don't have to! It's SOOOO Available, right in your own backyard.
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