Possible spirit encounter, or I'm just seeing things?

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Possible spirit encounter, or I'm just seeing things?

Post by maneki »

Yesterday around or just before midnight, I was lighting a red candle, and after the candle was lit I guess I kinda just got dazed and couldn't look away from the flame. It was pretty odd, my vision started to blur a bit and suddenly, the aura of the fire seemed to expand, and I saw what looked EXACTLY like the face and bust of my former cat (deceased), whiskers, ears, and all, every strand of fur very detailed. Her eyes were dark and seemed to have no irises, and stared at me almost angrily just as she did when she was alive. It was very odd. The vision was almost 3-dimensional and life sized to be the size of the cat when she died, she was very small. A wave of fear hit me hard and I blew it out as fast as I could. It was very creepy and a bit sad, but can this happen? I'm a bit worried that maybe I was just hallucinating, but what I saw was excruciatingly detailed seeing as I haven't seen her since almost 9 years. Has anyone experienced something similar?
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Re: Possible spirit encounter, or I'm just seeing things?

Post by The_Reclining_Reader »

What happened is actually called cable scrying. It's a former of divination. If you want to know more, Raymond Buckland has a book out about it, or check this website: http://thescryingbowl.blogspot.com/2012 ... rying.html
The Reclining Reader
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