A question about wands

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A question about wands

Post by NocturnalCreativity »

My friend and I have begun making our first wands. We found some perfect branches under a tree that seemed to call to us and we decided it was time to make them.
Unlike my friend, who is putting the standard clear quartz on the end of her wand, a carved amethyst I got a while back just seems to call to me more than the quartz. I was wondering, would using the amethyst as my amplifier on the wand affect what type of energy is put into my spells?

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Re: A question about wands

Post by Siona »

Not just the gem you use, but the type of wood and other materials can all have an effect on the energy of your wand. Quartz is popular because it seen as sort of a general amplifier, where amethyst is often considered to have more specific properties. Which is not to say you couldn't use such a wand in more general matters, it's still a wand and can always be used when a wand is needed, you just might find that it has a different feel than a wand made of another wood/gem/etc might have.

Re: A question about wands

Post by NocturnalCreativity »

Thanks, Siona! I just wanted to make sure that putting the amethyst on my wand wasn't going to make it specific to one type of magick.
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Re: A question about wands

Post by Siona »

Some people do create wands to do specific types of workings (healing, for example), but yeah, generally speaking as long as you like the wand, and it feels right to you, decorate however you like. :)
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Re: A question about wands

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I think an amethyst would be a good addition to a wand. Amethysts can aid intuition, which is associated with air, and the wand itself is also associated with air. A good match in my opinion. :)
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Re: A question about wands

Post by LiebeUndLicht »

I think it's great that you're making your wands, it's better in my opinion than buying them online, although they really can look beautiful.
Yeah, I agree with Siona. I think it's good that you're thinking for yourself rather than just doing what your friend is doing, and if you feel it would be better then I would say go for it! Wicca is all about doing what feels right for you... I hope this answer helped.

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Re: A question about wands

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I think amethysts will be perfect, as they help amplify mood as well as filter mood. More or less, they work WITH emotion. Haha. It helps keep focus, which I think is good for ritual work. Though, when it really comes down to it, use what feels best. Chances are, you're feeling a pull to something for a reason. (: Ignoring your intuition would be the wrong way to go, but all that's just my opinion.

If you don't mind sharing, I'd love to see a photo of it when it's finished!
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Re: A question about wands

Post by MsMollimizz »

On all the wands I made I put raw crystals on,
I have many sliver points, one wand has 5 points,
one wand has 13 points, On the rose wood two
I put obsidian pebbles on top. I figured with the
love the rose wood will put out obsidian seemed
natural !
Use crotchet thread to wrap a handle, it's
comfortable on the hand.
I used silver glitter nail polish on some shafts,
gold glitter, colorful glitter, and just clear.
My hands are easing up so I should be able to .
make some more wands soon. I just have to
find someone who can take good pics !
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Re: A question about wands

Post by Seraphin »

Not to mention that it is an evolved form of quartz which has been subject to geological processes in the rock cycle which makes its energy more highly concentrated.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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