'Stuck' with Scrying

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'Stuck' with Scrying

Post by Yex »

Hey guys,

So for a long time I seem to be 'stuck' with my scrying work. I use a regular mirror for scrying. I've tried other mediums: black mirrors, crystal ball, flames, water, et al, but regular mirrors seem to work the best for me. With this method I can definitely get some results, just not sufficient results. When I gaze into the mirror, after staring really intently, I start to feel my eyes unfocus and my mind go blank. Then, the whole of the mirror, and the whole of my vision, becomes sort of a bright flash of light. It's kind of the visual sensation I get when I'm in a hot bathtub and I stand up too fast, or when I've had high fevers. Sometimes it's accompanied by 'visuals' (that is, abstract psychedelic patterns), but not always. But that's all I get. Just as it feels as if I'm entering some trance-state, my vision snaps back to my reflection. I can do this over and over again, but I've never gotten farther than this point. Have any of you encountered this before, and do you have any suggestions?
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Re: 'Stuck' with Scrying

Post by Firebird »

I think it is natural for the snapping back kind of feeling, I believe it has to do with the rational mind interfering.
Sounds like you got the first part of it down, as in the soft focus of the eyes. To me the flashing seems like the crossing across the worlds, but it could be the eyes attempting to refocus and bring you back.
The problem for me in staying with the scry is it bugs my eyes so much and I have to back out. I attempt it in very small bits at a time. My favorite thing to gaze at is green grass, when it goes from looking like various lengths of fat and thin blades of grass with different depths and heights to a pattern of light and dark greens, I'm there. But I can't stay long.
I think continued practice should help. as in all arts, practice practice!
good luck :D
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Re: 'Stuck' with Scrying

Post by MsMollimizz »

I use to want to accomplish all aspects of divination...
I got over that and decided to put all my energies into
card reading. I think I've improved a bit ! I still think
I'd like to learn auras tho :fairy:
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Re: 'Stuck' with Scrying

Post by YanaKhan »

This kinda reminds me of my attempts with OBEs. I used to leave my body and then snap back with a jolt. What helped me was once I reach the state of leaving, I started counting from 100 to 1, trying to focus only on the numbers, picturing them coming towards me. This got me to a farther point, where I could not feel my body any longer. Once I learned how to do that, I didn't really need to count any more, but went straight to not feeling the pull of my body and was able to go farther. I don't know if this is helpful, but maybe you could give it a try. I hope it's useful.
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