Your future can be changed?

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Your future can be changed?

Post by Binglian »

Hi, I always thought that future cannot be changed. Even if you are able to see your futur in your dream, you are still unable to change them because they are your future. Seeing your future doesnt mean you can change. I guess alot of horror movie these days uses this concept, like the call (I think).

But few years ago, I actually have a dream about the future. In the dream, the weather is gloomy, and there are really strong winds. I was walking on the side walk, going to school. And there is a wide road I have to cross. When I was in the middle of this road, a white truck appeared on my left and crushed me. I remembered really clearly what the truck looks like, it doesnt have sounds, and its really dirty too. It's a midde sized truck, and before it crushed me, I remember the headlight, thinking it was so strong. And the next morning, when I went to school, I recognized that it is really gloomy and windy. And when I was about to cross the same road as in my dream, on my left, I saw the same truck. Its dirty and white, it doesn't have any sound when it travel passed me. It's exactly the same as in my dream, the only thing is that I didnt cross the road. I didn't stop on purpose, is just my habit to stop before I cross the road. Just when I was standing on the edge of the road, the truck appeared. And it was the only car on the road at that time.

If I actually dreamed about the future, shouldn't I be crushed? I don't even consider this as a warning dream, because even if I didn't know, I still wouldn't cross the road. So what do this dream represent? Or did I actually changed my future?
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Re: Your future can be changed?

Post by Myrth »

Some people do believe that life is predetermined. I do not. I believe there are possible outcomes depending upon the choices we make. You could have walked in front of that truck if you did not stop and look. You could have been crushed. Instead, you chose to stop and look.
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Re: Your future can be changed?

Post by Heartsong »

Firstly, glad to hear that you're alright, Binglian!

I'm also not one to believe in a predetermined fate. The future isn't set in stone, which is why it can't be divined or predicted with absolute certainty. I think that even precognitive dreams are only glimpses of possible futures. And I do think that dream may have been a warning of sorts, or at least a reminder to keep up what is a very good habit.
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Re: Your future can be changed?

Post by Binglian »

Hi Myrth and Heartsong, thank you for your guys' replies. It does makes sense to think that your future aren't predetermined like a story in the book. It kind of got me wondered for a while.
Arianna Kigyosy

Re: Your future can be changed?

Post by Arianna Kigyosy »

I think we have the chance to change our future, but it isn’t simple. First we must recognize the signs and then interpret them. Finally, when the time has come we must act to change the consequence. Luckily, you remembered your dream, and considered the meaning of it, so you changed your future. :D

Unfortunately I couldn’t understand a rune reading, and I only after the trouble understood, I had the chance to change the outcome of the event. (Of course it wasn’t so serious, then your story)
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Re: Your future can be changed?

Post by Binglian »

Same here, I couldn't do a rune or tarot reading myself. And only when certain things happen do I know what's actually going on.

I didn't even bother to do tarot or rune reading anymore since the results I get often can be interepret differently. Such as the same results can have competely different meaning, it's just dependes on how you look at them. I'm not saying they are not great or doesn't work. It's just for me personally, I can never do them. :(
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Re: Your future can be changed?

Post by Seraphin »

Well this is what I personally believe, a result is predetermined, but the path to get the result there is not. We're the one who will decide how to get it. I like to think of it as a circle, with one point specifically positioned as the "finish line." You can enter the circle anywhere at anytime -- but whichever way you prefer to go, you'll always end up at the finish line.

For example, it may be predetermined that I'll be a multi-millionaire. However, what's not predetermined is how I'll get it. For example, I could choose to work 24/7, sacrificing my health and time with my family :lol: . Or I could spend all my time here on EUTM, and buy a winning lottery ticket.

But if I prefer to go out and be a multi-millionaire by involving in an illegal business, I can't say, "It's not my fault! It was predetermined!" This is because I'm still responsible for all my actions, and is subject to the karmic system or the Law of Compensation for every choice I make.

If I didn't able to be a multi-millionaire in this lifetime, perhaps in another lifetime?

I also believe that the Deities know every possible path. This is the reason why ancient people consult them with their oracle. They know which path we will choose. But despite that, we still have free will.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Your future can be changed?

Post by Badgerstate »

While I do believe in things like fate and destiny, I do also believe that our future can be changed by the choices that we make. At the end of the day, people have free will and our lives are what we make them. Time is not a straight line and there is no 1 possible path that our lives can take. I do believe that fate/destiny tries to lead us in the certain direction but in the end, its our choice what path we take.
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