Moonstone vs Rainbow Moonstone

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Moonstone vs Rainbow Moonstone

Post by Neila »

I'm thinking of getting a moonstone pendant (or a tumbled stone to make a pendant with) since I'm very much drawn to the sea, the lakes, rivers etc, the moon energy as well as the goddess Artemis (or Diana). I've also read it can help with menstrual issues, which I have, and maybe it wouldn't hurt... along with the medication, of course. And it's supposed to be good for practicing lucid dreaming, getting in touch with emotions, traveling, swimming etc etc, in fact its correspondences are just perfect for me. :P
Anyway. I saw that there are mainly two types of moonstone, regular (white, peach, black, etc) and rainbow, which is chemically white labradorite. Do these two have the same metaphysical properties, or rainbow moonstones have those of labradorite, instead? I like both, maybe a bit more the rainbow one, to be honest. Feel free to share your experiences. :)
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