Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

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Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Okay, everything I have been noticing and keeping track of in my journal is that, I am on the right track. I am supposed to be exploring these ideas and practices. I receive messages all the time that I once was very connected to the spiritual realm, when I was a small child. Everything is telling me to seek the child side of me, that these psychic abilities or this connection is still there, just hard to find. I've had many dreams and tarot card spreads that if I will do way I know I need to do (give up my bad habit and replace it with meditation) I will be able to see and hear the spirit world as well as I could as a child. The only reason I don't is because I am afraid.. It wasn't something I could sense on my own. I want to explore and learn about these spiritual things but I won't give up my bad habit to get them. In my dream last night, compared with other dreams and instances, it seams I'm actually afraid of what I might "see" and "hear". And, I almost think I am afraid that I won't be able to control it and it could become overwhelming.. Can anyone else relate to that? How did you overcome this fear, and became comfortable with what you can see and hear in the spiritual realm now?

Thanks for reading!
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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by Myrth »

Bad habits, addictions, and other negative energies in people's lives take on a mind of their own in a sense. These things convince a person that the bad thing is better than any alternative, and people are afraid to give them up. Professional help in breaking away from these negative things is available. Most of my clients who have sought such help have benefited.
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Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Myrth wrote:Bad habits, addictions, and other negative energies in people's lives take on a mind of their own in a sense. These things convince a person that the bad thing is better than any alternative, and people are afraid to give them up. Professional help in breaking away from these negative things is available. Most of my clients who have sought such help have benefited.
So you think it's the addiction/bad habit then, making me feel afraid to quit, and not actually the things I might see if my abilities were stronger or clearer?
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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

The thing I do isn't negative. But it is in the amount that I do it.
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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by Myrth »

Without more info I cannot answer your question. But I offer that thought for your consideration.
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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by SnowCat »

Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself." Let yourself open up gradually. A skill that you had as a child, still exists. It just needs to be rediscovered.

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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by Kassandra »

Rosie wrote:What did you do to overcome this fear, and become comfortable with what you can see and hear in the spiritual realm now?
I never have been, probably will never be. I just live with the fear, work through it. I figure it comes with the territory of being "awake." It's that, or enjoy the comfortable bliss of ignorance, which brings spiritual growth to a halt. So I choose the former, not the latter, despite the costs...and there are costs.

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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Kassandra wrote:
Rosie wrote:What did you do to overcome this fear, and become comfortable with what you can see and hear in the spiritual realm now?
I never have been, probably will never be. I just live with the fear, work through it. I figure it comes with the territory of being "awake." It's that, or enjoy the comfortable bliss of ignorance, which brings spiritual growth to a halt. So, I choose the former, not the latter, despite the costs...and there are costs.

I'm still not sure for myself. For now the veil stays down.
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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by SnowCat »

Have you considered trying to move toward a slightly less opaque veil? I have window film on the windows next to my front door. I have a major fear of ET's looking in the window at me. But I can still see the porch light come on, or see shadows on the front porch. I want more privacy in my bedroom, so I have blackout curtains. Can't see anything through those. So to me, those would be analogous to different thicknesses of veils. Maybe just thin your veil a little at a time. Let some hints through occasionally.

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Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

SnowCat wrote:Have you considered trying to move toward a slightly less opaque veil? I have window film on the windows next to my front door. I have a major fear of ET's looking in the window at me. But I can still see the porch light come on, or see shadows on the front porch. I want more privacy in my bedroom, so I have blackout curtains. Can't see anything through those. So to me, those would be analogous to different thicknesses of veils. Maybe just thin your veil a little at a time. Let some hints through occasionally.

I have considered this. I wondered if such an option were available. I'll be honest. I am actually afraid of ghosts. I believe there is a ghost around me now that I actually summoned on accident, mentioned in another post. Anyways, I have seen him in meditation and that's like seeing him in my mind. But, if I saw people, plain as day, the way I did that one time I mentioned in my Introduction post, I would be scared out of my mind! So seeing things in meditation is better. I've also been looking into clairsudiance. I often hear a larger thought over my own. Sometimes it's hard to tell if it comes from me or from somewhere else, but sometimes in spiritual matters, it's easy to tell what comes from me and what comes from elsewhere. I typically get one of these response when I ask a question. Also, I am constantly thinking in words. It's because I have a non verbal learning disability, so I process verbally. To be able to think when I have to be silent I have learned to hear my own voice in my head and talk to myself to process information. So often when in doing this I will use "I" when referring to myself. Example "I need to go to the store later." But, often when thinking about things of more importance than a grocery store run, life, career, marriage, etc. sometimes I will hear "you" when referring to myself. Sometimes I think this is coming from a guide who is helping me think through these major things. If I could improve my clairaudiance I would be happy with that. Hearing isn't as scary to me as seeing.
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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by Seraphin »

You said you have a Christian background Rosie, yes? And it seems you have no issue merging it with your Craft. And you still believe in the Christian God, right? So why don't you explore and pursue these spiritual things through the power of the Holy Spirit.

According to Christian perspective, when the Holy Spirit has entered your body and guides you to live your life, you're being born again -- in other words, being a child again. However, if you're going to pursue this approach, as Myrth said, you have to give up your bad habits and negative thoughts, emotions and actions as the Holy Spirit will be tweaking your consciousness every time you desire to think or do these things. But once the Holy Spirit resides in your heart, you will act and feel like a new born child, someone who "suddenly" begins to perceive and explore the world in a different angle and perspective.

Now you may ask, is the Holy Spirit has something to do with my spiritual abilities?

The gifts of the Holy Spirit that the Paul enumerated in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 are all considered spiritual abilities or psychic powers.

In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul said:
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.
If we analyze each of these gifts of the Holy Ghost, we can easily see that they refer to certain spiritual abilities and psychic powers that are neither ordinary nor supernatural.

Wisdom refers to intution or claircognizance. The insights beyond reason.

Knowledge here may refer to precognition and retrocogntion. The knowledge not only of the present, but also of either the past or the future.

Faith refers to mental abilities such as levitation, teleportation and materialization. As in order for you to perform these stuffs you have to have a great conviction, not governed by reason alone but goes above and beyond reason.

Healing refers to the ability to make one whole, harmonious and balanced.

Working of miracles are telekenesis, pyrokinesis, atmokinesis and such.

Prophecy, need I say more...

Discernment of spirits certainly requires "The Clairs" (clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairolfaction). Otherwise, how can one know what type of spirit is manifesting itself if he can't perceive it?

Speaking in tongues is actually the psychic power called glossalia.

All the above gifts of the Holy Spirit are considered as psychic or spiritual gifts. You can have them through the Holy Spirit and I haven't heard any claims or accounts that people felt any negativities (fear, doubt, etc.) after the contact of the Spirit.

Hope this helps!

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Thank you Seraphin! This was so very helpful. I'm out of town so I will construct a longer response when I return and have some time. Thank you again for all your help. :)
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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

So I am less afraid of opening up then I was a few weeks ago when I posted this. I have been becoming increasingly more comfortable with the idea. I still need to work on my bad habit, and Mryth is right, I may need professional help. But, I know deep down this is the right thing for me to do. It's the addiction itself that makes it difficult to let go. Wanting to quit isn't enough. I know I have a long way to go on my journey. But, once I tackle this issue, I know my path will be presented to me.

And, just to answer your question Seraphin, I do believe in the God of my youth. I'm not sure that is yaweh. I really believe there is one female god and on male god. These gods project themselves in different ways to represent their different qualities and personalities and gods, like yaweh, are these projections. So I believe I worship the main male god, though he has never presented himself to me in any from. I typically call him God the Father, or Lord, due to my Christian background. I've been working towards connecting with the Mother Goddess, or Lady since I've become a member of this site. I think the Holy Spirit is one of her projections and may make an easy connection for me. Thank you for the information!

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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by Seraphin »

He could be the other Yahweh (not the Hebrew one -- the older version) who was the head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon, son of the Chief Deity El and consort of Asherah. To know more about Him. I've found you a source that's fairly straight-forward:

http://thehistoryofgod.blogspot.com.au/ ... ahweh.html

Or it could be the Christian God (who is also called Yahweh, Jehovah or simply God). But He could also be another Deity, but overall He shown you more about who you are within the context of a greater (spiritual) reality. Can't really shed any light on it, though; I believe our conception of Divine is different from person to person -- where one believes, what function the Divine serves - and so what it means for me might be very different from what it means for you.

Really looking forward to hearing more of your experience with your God and Goddess -- thanks for starting!

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Fear of opening up to the spiritual realm..

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Thank you again Seraphin! Yes, I believe for me, in this moment, I only feel the need for one God and one Goddess. I truly believe that from one God and one Goddess came creation.

I know that once 3-4 years ago, I was very lost spiritually and I actually called out to the God of creation. I basically just said "I don't know what religion is right, or what god to believe in, but I know there is a God who created me and everything around me and that is the God I believe in. Please help me and show me the way to follow you." Something along those lines. So I am perfectly okay with just God and Goddess vs Diana and Apollo. I believe these gods are real, but that they are just different personalities of the male and female god/goddess. I guess I could be wrong, but if I am I feel that will be revealed to me at a time when I can understand the complexity of polytheism better.

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