Wicca and depression

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Wicca and depression

Post by PaganCeltophile »

Hiya guys :)

I just have a general question. I have a personality that could probably be described as manic-depressive. I'll have phases of being relatively happy and okay, but then again, sometimes the times of depression kick in. Probably, that's also why any attempts of long-term relationships and any balance have failed, so far. Wicca does help me alot, really, but it's still not enough to keep the entire darkness at bay. It gets worst at nighttime - which is such a shame because I love (or used to love) the moon and the stars. I was just wondering whether anyone here has gone through a similiar phase and/or is going through one, right now. And also I would love to hear people's spiritual tricks (not just the "go-to-the-doctor's" advice) to fight this emotional darkness :)

THanks guys :)
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by Firebird »

Hi there, I think many folks who come to Wicca or witchcraft were originally looking for help because of similar difficulties, and in the process found a rich a beautiful path, yet still struggle. I sympathize with you, and you are not alone.
Recently a good article on The Wild Hunt was posted, maybe it will help some.
http://wildhunt.org/2015/01/treating-de ... ntext.html
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by AdastraJunction »

I read a scientific study recently about depression and it's links. They have discovered a lot of things contribute, mainly stress but also poor diet, allergens, trans fats and high sugar diets. Maybe try a bit of a diet change, eat more naturally and cut out unnatural sugars like fizzy drinks and fatty fried foods. Working out does a world of good as well. When people are healthy and active they tend to be happier and taking the time to do the things they enjoy rather than worry of the everyday tasks or future tasks.
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by Vesca »

I'm going to repeat the "bring it up with your gp," even though I'm sure you've heard it, just because I would feel irresponsible if I didn't.

But beyond that, I agree with Adrasta. Look into your life habits and see if you could make any positive changes anywhere, change any patterns or behaviors that seem to bring you down rather than bringing you up.
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by Seraphin »

Sometimes when I felt sad about something like an event, a death or a misfortune of someone, I just allow myself to lovingly accept the bad stuffs that I experienced. This is one of my keys to preventing depression and dealing with pain. I just lovingly accept myself and my emotions, then the bad stuffs don't stay very long. I just surround my problems, anxieties, fears and other negative thoughts with this light of love. As I comfort the part of myself that's feeling lonely, it doesn't stay long.

And also, how about doing Yoga? I know a lot of depressed people do this to increase their positive emotional and spiritual energy.

Actually, whenever I'm in a state of sadness, my antidote is just positive thoughts for all others. I always have affirmations, blessings and prayers for everyone all the time. Then there's no space for what I'm feeling. Sometimes too, I talk sweetly to myself when I'm alone, creating a nurturing parent.

I believe your Gods, Goddesses or Highest Ideals are now holding your hand, and you're a strong man. Hell, you are strong enough to write this. :)

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by smogie_michele »

I'm manic depressive and the only thing that helps long term is my medication. It only gets me 70% of the way there and the rest is up to me, but it helps.

Along with medication, I agree with Seraphin, Yoga helps me quite a lot in the moment as well as running. So does meditation.. I meditate with my citrine stones when things get rough, they are very rich in healing and energetic properties. You could also look into safely burning or ingesting certain herbs/foods that may help with facilitating healing and health such as cinnamon, eucalyptus, juniper, rosemary, lemon and lime, spearmint... those are just some of my favorites
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by Aderyn »

Once I became more spiritual a lot of my anxieties went away. Studying Paganism gave me something specific to focus and work on along with meditation to calm my nerves and release negativity. Spirituality is a great way to work on letting go and releasing negative energy, but it may not be the perfect solution to everything.

A part of it was I learned to find positivity in darkness. I think darkness gets a bad rap and can get stereotyped but there can be comfort in darkness, it's just learning how to use it as a tool rather than a crutch or hindrance. I love the moon and stars also and started to meditate out in my backyard under the moon (during the warmer months, if it's snowing or freezing outside I make sure to have the blinds open), using her light to cleanse any worries, fears, or anxieties I had. I also took this time to radiate and reground myself. I hope this is helpful, it just takes practice. :)

Re: Wicca and depression

Post by RhosynThorton »

I suffer from clinical depression and am on medication as well as go to therapy. I don't plan on being on medication forever, in fact I have already discussed with my gp about going off of it. Sometimes our bodies will need a kickstart to get those feel good hormones running again. Whether or not you decide to take any medication I would suggest talking to a health care provider just so it is documented that you are having some depression issues.
In the mean time, I have found lots of positive and relaxing meditation helps as well as making sure I spend time getting fresh air and sun and physical activity is a great way to get those fell good hormones running. Even a 30 minute walk 3 days a week will make a huge difference.
I have found that my practice has helped to really connect with myself and helped me know what I need to get past the "nothingness" that will creep in.
Journaling, mediation and spiritual connection are key for me and my therapist I find to be a sounding board when things get too heavy to deal with on my own.
Sometimes its also great to connect with others going through the same thing. email buddies and message boards are great for that. :)
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I just have to say that I am very glad you're planning on talking to your GP and have about going off medication, Rhosyn.

I have seen many bad instances where people go off it and don't do well because they are used to feeling great from the mess and think they no longer need them. If the doctor who prescribed them is on board, then that's wonderful and I'm glad you're at a point when you can do that.

I just started taking my anxiety medication again because I know I need to. I've been in denial about it for a long time but it's the right choice.

To the OP:

You need to go to the doctor. I'm sorry you asked us to share other things than this but as everyone else has already shared, you need to get medical attention for this sort of thing first. I have seen too many negative situations where people have been undiagnosed and chose to self medicate. I'm not saying that substance abuse will be an issue for you but I want to stress the importance of seeing a professional.

I'm going to school to work in this field and that is why I've seen so much. ): Not to mention my friends have dealt with this and I've seen a few situations where they needed to see someone but refused. I have a family member who is terminally ill now due to alcoholism from self medicating depression of an abusive relationship.

I don't mean to frighten you and I hope you understand I'm stressing this because things can go downhill quickly sometimes. I suffer from Bipolar too and it's not fun when you hit the low periods.

I'll step off my soap box now, though. I just had to share as well.

As for things you can do!

- Meditation
- Braid a bracelet that has happiness weaved into it
- Carry an amethyst to help absorb some of the negative feelings
- Just be outside. (:

Those are some of the things I do.

I hope you feel better soon!
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by SnowCat »

I have to agree on getting the issue addressed medically. If you don't have the correct bio-chemical balance in the brain, all the metaphysical stuff in the world isn't going to solve the problem. Mental illness is physically based. The physical has to be addressed before the mental will work properly.

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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by DPhoenix »

Awesome replies! In life there will always be hills and valleys, no avoiding it. In this day and age more and more people are depressed. It's no surprise really, lack of personal relationships (social media doesn't count :P ), fast paced living, pressure from family & work, depressing events in the news... but the good news is that our brains are like little computers that we can reprogram. We can make changes and create the life we want. A good tool is a gratitude journal. Every day when you wake up write down at least 10 things you're thankful for. ****For really bad days gather the following: Your gratitude journal, black candle (or white if you don't have one), loose paper, a fireproof receptacle. *****Write down everything that's bothering you, be very detailed and don't stop writing until you get EVERYTHING on paper. What happened, how did it make you feel, what you hate about it... then fold it up and burn it over the candle. Be careful not to burn yourself and toss it into the fireproof receptacle. As you watch it burn visualize all those feelings burning away. Visualize the fire burning away the depression and turning it to ash leaving behind. When it's finished burning take it outside and scatter the ashes to the wind, banishing the emotions. After this take a relaxing bath by candle light. You can add some epson salt, plop in some stones like rose quartz (loving healing) and citrine (invigorating energy). When you're done write down at least 10 things you're grateful for in your gratitude journal. It usually works for me, try it and see if it helps. Good luck & Goddess Bless! <3
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by PaganCeltophile »

Thanks alot, everyone :) Your answers were amazing!!!! :)

I just wanted to give a quick update on how things have been going.
I've somehow managed to emerge from a darkness that more or less lasted for two years now :)
I've been disconnected from Wicca for awhile now, due to studying traditional Witchcraft, especially Sabbatic Craft. Somehow, the learning of new things and the studying has become more important than experiencing it and feeling the connection. Taking notes on stuff I've learned has become more important than practicing the things I learned.
And I disconnected from the Goddess and the God.

However, lately I started with Wicca again and I accepted that I don't have to be perfect or gather all knowledge on occult stuff. It's more important to me now to meditate and pray to the Goddess and the God and connecting with the elements, and it has really changed me in such a short time. All I can do is quote the Wiccan Rede: "Let Love and Light be our Guides again" which has really become my mantra now.

Thanks sooo so much again for all the support :) xo
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by onyx208 »

I have bipolar disorder and have the same nighttime struggles. When the sun starts to go down, so does my mood. Sometimes it drops severely to the point that I'm scared.

I refer to my negative feelings as The Darkness. But something recently changed my perspective. My partner told me, "The Darkness is not something to fear. It isn't a punishment." Could that be so? What if the darkness is the doing of a goddess? Like blown glass, she puts me in the fire in order to mold me into something beautiful. This has a purpose, and though it feels very rough, it is not to be afraid of. The Goddess will not keep me in the fire a moment longer than is necessary. So instead of exhausting myself trying to fight the Darkness, I oddly embrace it as "What is the Goddess teaching me tonight?" and I simply ride the emotions.

Someting else that has helped is preparing a reward or ritual for the nighttime only. It is important that you only do this activity at night. For example, reading a cliffhanger book with some favorite dessert. If you leave something enjoyable to only do at night, you might start looking forwars to it because you get to read that enticing next chapter only at night, for example. Meditation, rituals, TV shows, bubble baths, and games are other examples.

Not sure if all if that made sense, but I hope it helps!


Re: Wicca and depression

Post by PaganCeltophile »

Dear Onyx,

I do get it and it does perfectly make sense. It's just that I tried embracing it, and I tried not being afraid, but it somehow didn't work. I know that the darkness is part of the Goddess, as well - no doubt. But I can never manage embracing the darkness of depression, even if eventually it will make me stronger.

I love that idea with the activity done only at nighttime! I definitely have to try it! :) Thanks
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Re: Wicca and depression

Post by DPhoenix »

onyx208 wrote: Someting else that has helped is preparing a reward or ritual for the nighttime only. It is important that you only do this activity at night. For example, reading a cliffhanger book with some favorite dessert. If you leave something enjoyable to only do at night, you might start looking forwars to it because you get to read that enticing next chapter only at night, for example. Meditation, rituals, TV shows, bubble baths, and games are other examples.
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