What Comes Next?

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...
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What Comes Next?

Post by Thistle »

I lost my oldest sister a little over a year ago, and it has been a real struggle. I don't really feel like we're supposed to know exactly what happens after we pass. I've thought about it on occasion since my first experience with loss when I was 15, but the loss of my sister has really thrown me. I guess part of the problem is my entire family is Christian pretty much. None of them even know about my beliefs. (I don't live near them and, trust me, it's better this way) so it's all heaven/hell talk. My s/o knows my beliefs, he's accepting. He's agnostic and I can talk to him some but I don't know. I can't believe we just cease to exist. So I definitely feel that something happens...I just don't really feel that we know exactly what happens. It's never really bothered me too much before. I don't really know what I'm trying to say, or ask. I'm kind of just rambling. I've been thinking about my sister a lot. I guess just felt like rambling somewhere, where it's not automatically 'oh she's in heaven. She's with God'. Sometimes I wish I had a strong belief in what comes next, perhaps I could have comfort in it, but I don't.
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Re: What Comes Next?

Post by Firebird »

Hey Thistle, Welcome back :D
I'm real sorry to hear about your sister, losing immediate family is so hard...well what am I saying, losing anyone hurts. Sister are extra special though.
We were recently talking about the source and the cosmic grid so-to-speak. I think this is the place where all those past, present and likely future can tap into and be able to communicate with on some level.
I have probably spoke of this phenomenon before, about electricity ...and how it has been a proven fact that electricity cannot end, it just changes forms. Additionally it has been proven that the human brain has electrical components to it. It would stand to reason that when we pass the electrical component also changes form...and then can be accessed on the "grid".
Grief is such a weird emotion, and sneaks around to come up behind you again, be easy on yourself for as long as it takes.
Blessings to you,
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
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Re: What Comes Next?

Post by Thistle »

Thank you for the reply. That's a really interesting thing, about the electricity. Then the cosmic grid, and such. I don't think I've heard that before. At least that I remember. It gives me something different to think about.

Grief really is. You can think you're doing better, then bam...the tears come back. I don't cry as much, but I still do sometimes. I still think one of the best ways I've heard it described is, it's like there's this hole. You learn to maneuver around it, but sometimes you fall in. Sometimes you crawl in. But most days you manage to work around it. Something you learn to live with.
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