Help With Protection

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Help With Protection

Post by queenmidnyte »

Greetings All, I'm Kali (yes thats really my name :wink: ) I have a potentially dangerous situation looming before me. An extremely close friend ran afoul of the daughter of a High Priestess. I am not sure what if anything will be done but i am concerned because threats were made. I will need him, my best friend and his best friend protected. As well as homes and cars and trucks. These ppl live a couple of states away but can get to where we are fairly easy. Can anyone give me suggestions on what I need to be doing to minimize the threat. I do study the craft. I have for a couple of years but I felt I needed more study time before I began to practice in earnest so I'm really ill prepared to take on anything of this magnitude. Guess there is no time like the But I will take all the help I can get. Thanks so much

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Post by hedge* »

Kali - I really wouldn't worry about it but I can understand your concern. You and your friends will want to sheild yourselves on a daily basis ( maybe even twice a day ). Extend your protective shield to include your car and home. Turquoise is a good stone to carry around with you.

Posts: 56
Joined: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:31 pm

Post by katie2005 »

Witch Bottle or Witch Bag:
these were given to me by patti

The idea behind this is to not only protect yourself but also send back the negative to who or whatever is being sent at you. To make a witch bottle, get a small glass jar with a lid. Fill it halfway with sharp rusty objects like nails or razor blades, pins, needles. When it is halfway full, there are two things you can do, depending on whether or not you are easily repulsed or not. One is to fill the remainder of your bottle with your own urine. Some folks are grossed out by that, and if you're one of them, fill it with salt instead of urine. Sea salt works best, but in a pinch regular old table salt is fine. Cap the jar, and seal with melted wax. I like red wax best but you could probably use black, because it's good for banishing negativity (just remembered you're having probs finding the black candles). Dig a hole in the ground, at least six inches deep, more if you have time, and bury the jar. The further away from your home the better ~~ maybe even drive out in the country to bury it somewhere isolated.

The witch bag is similar, only you wear it on your person (so don't pee in it). Use a small cloth pouch, and instead of sharp objects, put small items such as stones (lodestone is good for drawing positive energy to you) or agates, which bring good luck to a home, or turquoise. Fossils are great too if you can find a small one. Also include some dried herbs such as rosemary, basil, or dill which have protective properties. Tie the bag shut (preferably with red yarn) and either carry it in your pocket or wear around your neck.

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