How to find a coven?

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How to find a coven?

Post by BlackenedRose* »

I think that I am ready to find a coven to expand my knowledge, but how on earth do you find one? It's not like you look them up in the telephone directory.....or is it?
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Post by Moon_Stone »

The best place I can suggest is either or try any of your Wiccan shops- after a little discussion they can usually get you pointed in the direction of a coven or at least some teachers, if that's what you're looking for.

~Blessed Be & Happy Hunting! (no pun intended) :28:

Post by nate »

Not to discourage you, but many covens don't actively search for members. If they do, many have a long process before you are actually part of the coven. It's a commitment, and not taken lightly by most covens.

Some covens do look for members and get them where they can find them -- but don't go jumping into something just because it's there. Just because someone claims to be 3rd degree and all that, it doesn't mean that the group is right for you or a good place to be. Go with your gut feelings, and ask a lot of questions. You don't want to be hooking up with a bunk group that'll slow your growth.

I suggest finding an open style learning circle, rather than a coven. That gives you the opportunity to learn from different people with different viewpoints, without having to commit to anything or be under a hierarchy.

If there is no learning circle in your area, consider starting one. I find that learning circles help a lot of people to grow and develop their beliefs.

Where as a coven usually has set rules, beliefs, and regulations -- it's not something to be taken lightly. Honest covens will tell you this.

If you do find a coven, and you feel that it's right for you, then go for it.

Good luck,

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Post by Comus »

Most covens seem to start when like minded people, usually friends, get together...they then decide to form a coven. Do you have any friends who might want to start one with you? Its often better to start with people you regard as equals, that way you can learn and grow in knowledge together, and provide sipport for eachother. Covens of peole you don't know imply a power heirarchy which can be unpleasant...
Idz qaala
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

Thanks a lot guys... I can't really start one of my own because all of my friends are Christian...but thanks for the advice anyway.

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